newbie ques......

Generally, you'll want to attack with "Offensive" units (higher attack factor than defense factor) - Swordsmen, Cavalry, Armor, etc. "Defensive" units (higher defense factor than attack) will be used as city garrison or mixed in a stack of attackers to provide help against counterattacks - spearmen, pikemen, rifelmen, etc.
There's no real rule for what unit to attack any specific defender with, but obviously you'll want to use your strongest, most advanced units to attack the enemy's strongest defensive positions.
you should just attack with your strongest units first, to get promotions and possible leaders, then use your weaker and weaker units. the enemy will also use weaker and weaker units to defend because stronger defends first, then 2nd strongest and so on.
Units do not have a favourite enemy if that is what you mean. No unit is specialized in attacking or defending against a specific other unit.
In Civ2 pikemen held an advantage against mounted units - is that still true?
As far as I know (next to positive aka 99.9% sure), no. No bonuses like that at all in the game. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
There are no combat bonuses like in Civ2, but there are tile bonuses (attacking a fortified spear on a mountain is similar to taking on a musketman on grassland).
Although note that grassland gives you 10% defense bonus, so Brewster's use of "similar to" should be taken very strictly to not mean "the same as".

Remember that units with a move of 2 or 3 will sometimes retreat (50% chance) when they lose their second-to-last hitpoint, but only when fighting a unit with move 1. That works on offense or defense, so you can use that to lower your casualties against enemy infantrymen. It can make it hard to run down mounted units with swordsmen, though.
Originally posted by Riccett
As far as I know (next to positive aka 99.9% sure), no. No bonuses like that at all in the game. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
Although the Civilopedia says that pikeman is usefull against mounted unit, it has no bonuses at all.
There is another important thing: If a unit with 2 or 3 movements attacks a unit with 1 movement, depending on circustances, it can abort an attack after losing most of the hit points.

That can be usefull to make a strong defensive unit weaker, so that you can attack with the stronger offensive unit and have a less "bloody" victory.

Similar tactics can be used for defending.
I guess the best strategy in this case would be attack first with the speed units (Mov. higher than 1) to weak this defensive units... and then attack with the slow and weaker units, to slain the miserable defensive unit.

Originally posted by cmota
I guess the best strategy in this case would be attack first with the speed units (Mov. higher than 1) to weak this defensive units... and then attack with the slow and weaker units, to slain the miserable defensive unit.


Sounds like a good plan to me. Also, check up on getting Great Military Leaders from Elite unit wins, it also affects how you'll want to structure attacks.
Well, this may seem a little rudimentary, but I know one unit that does the job. Fast speed, powerful attack.

Don't forget to bring along some artillery if you want to wear a strong defender down first ;)
Originally posted by IglooDude

Sounds like a good plan to me. Also, check up on getting Great Military Leaders from Elite unit wins, it also affects how you'll want to structure attacks.
Also it's good to train your regular and veteran units also, so they can get elite status.

Fala cmota!
I think it´s a good idea to weak the enemy using the fast unitis (so they can flee) and slain with your elite-slow-units, like swordmen and warriors... so you won´t risk them, and they can create leaders.
I have a noobie ques(noobie post, I've been a regular player since Civ2 in...well...way back when) re: the AI patrol using the PTW lastest states in the post that there's an "ini" file to turn off AI patrol.
Perhaps it's a stupid question but, what is an "ini file", how do I get there, and how the f*** do I turn it off???!!!!

:) thanx
ini files are files with the extension .ini (hehehe)
they are files used to start Windows services, and configuration of the basic system of your Pc... their icon looks like the .txt icon with a medal (or something like that). You can edit your ini files, but DON´T DO THAT!!!!! And don´t download them, they can **** with your entire OPSystem.

PARA OS BRASILEIROS/PORTUGUESES DO FÓRUM: Eu mandei um "inicialization" ao invés de "starting".
Does that mean the AI patrol is switched off automatically if you download the patch? That would be so nice!!
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