News: BOTM 243 - Shaka and Hobbes, Emperor - Starts October 22, 2022


GOTM Staff
Mar 12, 2008

BOTM 243: Shaka and Hobbes


You are Shaka Zulu. When you were six years old, you were a mischievious child with an imaginary friend called Hobbes. No, Hobbes was not a stuffed tiger come to life, he was a political philosopher with a strange, foreign accent some might identify as "English". Your parents thought Hobbes was a strange playmate for a boy to have, but the conversations he had with you were a great comfort, helping to make sense of the dystopian state of nature in which you grew up. As he explained, "In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain, and consequently no culture of the earth, no navigation nor the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, no commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

Now that you have become leader of your people, these conversations have served you well, for you start the game with the knowledge of Fascism (in addition to your normal starting techs). You may, if you wish, immediately switch to the Police State civic. It may be urgent to do so, because the game starts with a war of all against all. (In other words, each civilization in the game is at war with each of the others.) You may make peace with your rivals, if you choose to do so, but with this particular set of rivals, you may find it difficult to keep the peace.

Find a path forward, lest your game be nasty, brutish, and short.

Game settings:
Playing as: Shaka of Zululand
Rivals: 4 AIs
Difficulty: Emperor
Starting Era:
Speed: Normal
Options: No barbarians, no goody huts, no random events
Victory Conditions:
All enabled. Espionage Cultural Victories count as Cultural Victories.

Map settings:
Map: Big and Small, Massive Continents, Islands Mixed In
World Wrap: Cylindrical
Mapsize: Small
Climate: Temperate
Sea level: Medium
Map latitudes: -90°S to 90°N

Shaka is Aggressive and Expansive, and you start with Fascism, Agriculture and Hunting.

The Aggressive trait gives free Combat I promotion for melee and gunpowder units and double production speed of Barracks and Drydock

The Expansive trait gives +2 health/city and +25% hammers for worker production and double production speed of Granary and Harbor

Unique unit: Impi (replaces Spearman)
The impi is a super-fast mover: It has 2 movement points, and starts with the mobility promotion, giving -1 terrain movement cost - which means it keeps the fast movement over most forest, jungle and hills (but not forested or jungled hills).

Unique Building: Ikhanda (replaces Barracks)
Not just a mere barracks, the ikhanda acts like a mini-courthouse, reducing city maintenance by 20%. However it costs more to build - 60 hammers against 50 for the plain barracks.

Starting screenshot

This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):

Adventurer Class bonuses:
You play on Prince level, but the AI still have Emperor level starting units. This is a tough game and there's no shame in taking this Adventurer save.

Challenger Class Equalizers:
You play on Deity level. The AI still only have Emperor level starting units. This is a tough game and I would advise against taking this Challenger save. Then again, I'm not a Deity-level player and you are, so what good is my advice?

To Enter the Competition:

This competition will open at 00:01 am on 22 Oct 2022, server local time (UTC-6:00). From that date and time, you'll be able to get your chosen starting save >>>here<<<.

Submit the save after your victory (or defeat) here, by 22 Nov 2022 01 Dec 2022.

Here is a link to a list of the differences between Vanilla, Warlords and BtS.

Software Versions

Windows: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the BUFFY mod version 3.19.005 installed. You can download the BUFFY mod here. Players using Windows Vista or Windows 7 are encouraged to read the notes on Vista fixes here.

Macintosh: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the Mac BUFFY mod version 3.19.003 installed. You can download the Mac BUFFY mod here.

While playing...

Remember - for your entry to be accepted, it MUST be your first attempt to play this game, and you MUST NOT replay any turns. If you make a mistake while playing, you have to live with it, learn from it, and carry on the game without replaying.

We will open 'spoiler' threads during the month for players to discuss what happens in their games. Do not discuss any details of your game outside those threads.
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When I gave everyone Democracy at the start of BOTM 238, High King J.J. made the suggestion that I start a series of games like this, adding a tech that unlocks a civilization's favored civic from the start. I liked the idea, so this is the second game in that series.

I was hoping to get this game posted in time to start it last weekend, but I'm a little late. My original plan was to try the unique idea of making this a global always war game, where none of the starting civs could ever make peace with each other. After some AI AutoPlay testing of that idea, I decided it made the game too nasty, brutish, and long. Particularly with the Clash of the Titans series allowing only Domination and Conquest, I though it better to run a game where the peaceful victory options were more than a remote, theoretical possibility.

Good luck!
Sounds fun! And well thought through. I like that it's on a small map with only 4 other civs. Puts a limit on the size of the slugfest :ar15:

The challenger save could very well be impossible to win. Until you have Alpha/Currency, it plays like Always War. Unless the geography gives some unexpected protection, you could easily be toast before then.
Thanks for not making this always war. It may delay my demise.
Well I got Covid, which gives me some time to play civ. Unfortunately, yesterday it took me all of six turns to totally botch BOTM 244. So my kind request is that you similarly upload the starting save for BT0M 243 if you are so kind and willing.

Edit: posted in wrong thread.
OK. Here is my request in this thread for BOTM243. Could you please upload at least the contender save to this thread so I can play this game, pretty please?
OK. Here is my request in this thread for BOTM243. Could you please upload at least the contender save to this thread so I can play this game, pretty please?
I've also been trying to download the last several days, but no luck with the website. Uploading the starting save here would be great if that's possible.

Could we maybe also get an extension on the deadline for submissions (perhaps to end of month) to give us a bit of time to play once the site is back up?
I have the contender starting save which I downloaded a while ago. Hopefully I am not breaking any rule uploading it here by request of my fellow gamers.
I’m willing to take the chance, especially considering the likelihood of me, completing this game are probably less than 1% anyway. Thank you, conquistador. I will enjoy it.
Sorry for my delay in responding. Here are all three of the saves for this game. (I don't have the Mac saves. If anyone needs those, they'll have to be posted by @AlanH.)

And, yes, once the server is back up and running, I'll see to it that the deadline is extended. When we had a brief outage earlier this month, I didn't think this game was as effected as 242 and 244, which both had 7 days added to their deadlines. Now it's time to add those 7 days plus however many more are needed to compensate for the current problem.


The deadline has been extended to December 1. Hopefully, this is enough time for everyone whose playing time was affected by the server problems. And for everyone who is just too busy in RL.
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