• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

News: Vanilla C-IV SGOTM 05 Sign-up Thread

Well, considering several invitations (thanks to all who invited me), I decided to go with team
Murky Waters
I've changed my team affiliation to Gypsy Kings, Alan.
It didn't sound at the time like Geezers would get enough members back, so I accepted a chance to join Gypsy Kings instead
@ Frederiksberg, I new there was integrity to be found here if someone was willing to search for it!!!
Trash (if enough people sign up).
Yeesh... I keep telling myself I don't have time for SGOTM, you folks keep coming up with variants that suck me in. I'll play as an active team member this time (not a lurker).

Emperor (except for variants when teaming with barbs, in which case, who knows?)



Geezers, unless they vote me off the island.
OK I would be interested in trying this. My responses to the questions are in red:

  1. Which level (noble, monarch, etc.) are you comfortable playing in a solo game? Prince
  2. Have you played any Civ4 GOTM games before? No
  3. Have you played any succession games or SGOTM before? Yes
  4. Do you have a group of players you want to play with? Fifth Element
I think it's official. I'm signing up with XTeam. So my signup in this thread (post #19) should be modified to that effect.
Which, of course, you can do ;)

Seems fitting that you are back teamed up with Frederiksberg ... a little bit of Memphis Blues lives on in X team now! :goodjob:

  • Monarch-Emperor
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Trash Team

Please note that 'RL' is really starting to get in the way of appeasing my Civ addiction. Please ensure that the Trash Team is appropriately sized, as I may need to skip some rounds.

Furthermore, I am aware that Cabert has indicated a willingness to participate, but he will be unable to access CivFanatics until mid-June. His responses to the sign-up questions would be identical to my own. I'm not sure if I can reserve a spot for him or not.
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