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Apparently a furry (?)
Feb 25, 2017


This Modpack incorperated Community Patch Project + more mods! It's intended for those who want to use the CPP in multiplayer (online and hotseat), but you can also use it in Singleplayer to earn achievements in a modded game or as an alternative in case you are encountering any difficulties with the installation/ usage of mods.
It includes the following components:

Newest Version

Spoiler :

Download here (10-7-2 VP) (Beta)

Old but gold:

Download here(27th February 2018 VP)

Latest Version of Civilization V

How to Install:
Spoiler :

Download & unpack.
1. Copy the included folder 'Z_(version)_NMH' to
Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC
2. Delete cache folder at
Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5
Pictures to guide you: here

How to Uninstall:
Spoiler :

Remove the included folder 'nmh(version)' from
Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC


*Tell me if you encounter any bugs and solution if you have one, thank you.

How to Use:

Spoiler :

Once the Modpack is copied to the required destination, just start the game using DirectX9, setup a new game (SP, Online MP, Hotseat) and play. No further steps or usage of the Mods-Menu required.
When playing MP, please make sure that all players are using the same version of this modpack and deleted their cache before starting the game.

Latest series with modpack on
Upcoming NMH19
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I think it might be better to move discussion here:

Okay... although ashendashin stated, that most/all bugs were cleared, I still doubt that it is an easy or even possible task. That's why I can't/won't help you much with bugs I did not experienced myself with my modpack.

But I wonder if the mod
"Promotions - Ancient Ruins Choice"
works in your version?
I ask because it does not work with whowrads DLL, because it generates a custom UI to allow mods like "no maps" for goody hut reward (and any custom UI is not multiplayer compatible, that's why "events" are also not multiplayer compatible... if they are already, please tell me). And since DLL from Gazebo is similar I wonder if this bug is also present.
If this bug is not in gazebos DLL, are there mods like "no maps" for gazebos DLL? I mean this mod http://www.picknmixmods.com/mods/CivV/Goody Huts/No Auto-Mapping.html
I think it might be better to move discussion here:
But I wonder if the mod
"Promotions - Ancient Ruins Choice"
works in your version?
I ask because it does not work with whowrads DLL, because it generates a custom UI to allow mods like "no maps" for goody hut reward (and any custom UI is not multiplayer compatible, that's why "events" are also not multiplayer compatible... if they are already, please tell me). And since DLL from Gazebo is similar I wonder if this bug is also present.
The VP 2-25 Beta is incredibly smooth even with all this mods.
Try this! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkN_UhWWRGjBrVfgt5M9kN55i-9o (old)
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This is the Community Patch Project by Gazebo + more mods in one Modpack. It's intended for those who want to use the CPP in multiplayer (online and hotseat), but you can also use it in singleplayer to earn achievements in a modded game or as an alternative in case you are encountering any difficulties with the installation/ usage of mods.

Latest release! Download (old)
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hello there,

i want to play mp game with my friend,

is this mod stable? no oos and such? it seems a good mod.
Latest release! Download
Use this latest one^
I did a short let's play here, shows no problem:
I need to mention that Events doesn't work on multiplayer so don't enable event to avoid CTD. You should also consider the computer you are hosting on, it need to have good internet connection and specs. Thank you, and sorry for the delay!
of course , will do.

i dont need to dl something else right? the ui mod , or others right?

oh and one more - the 2 units per tile - cant that be changed to higher value? i know whpicknmix have some other sizes


  1. No, but you should delete UI_bc1 or This mod that I'm really talking about before you install this modpack as it already comes with the latter.
  2. Yes, Pick'N'Mix Mods are really configurable! Just change the Global5UnitsPerTile XML file, specifically,
    <Where Name="PLOT_UNIT_LIMIT"/>
    <Set Value="2"/> (2 or any number you want)
I am playing with all kinds of fun UI in Civ V right now. I'll pack all of them in a new modpack when the newest Vox Populi comes out. You can test it out yourself.
Mods here: https://shrib.com/uoPwKOR2QzUvBnj
Promotions choice actually works now? I was under the impression that popups desynced the game in multiplayer.

Anyway, I have a question: does this version of Vox Populi include the MP AI fix? Without that fix, or the other mod (AI Multiplayer Diplomacy?) the AI will only ever declare war on players if they are paid to do so by another player or AI, which is quite rare and really hampers cooperative play.
Promotions choice actually works now? I was under the impression that popups desynced the game in multiplayer.

Anyway, I have a question: does this version of Vox Populi include the MP AI fix? Without that fix, or the other mod (AI Multiplayer Diplomacy?) the AI will only ever declare war on players if they are paid to do so by another player or AI, which is quite rare and really hampers cooperative play.
Thank you for the questions,
Firstly, yes the promotion popup works like a charm. Secondly, the AI in MP declares war to take over a players undefended city just fine. Side note, AI loves to bribe anyone to start a war actually. So, not uncommon at all.
Okay, noted the mp AI fix. Thank you for this vital piece of information.
Sorry for my delay, hope you try out and maybe fall in love with this mp no? Haha, till next time
ah nice, hopefully im gonna try thismod at last on friday or next week max.

will you update this ai fix soon nik?
There's no major AI problem in mp and The current minor AI diplomacy fix is made up of a DLL file. So there's a huge problem there if I apply the fix as it will conflict with VP DLL file. Until I find a good solution, This MP will not be updated until the next VP update is launch. Finally, there's a possibility that VP already fix the problem. Thank you and Civ on!
hye nick,
how you doing?

started to play your mod :)

but i dont see the 2 unit per tile, so i downloaded it from picnmix , and it seems ok.

i also see in your installation pictures, theres a "quick turns" mod, where can i get it?

also - can i use most of picnmix? or theres limits?
hye nick,
how you doing?

started to play your mod :)

but i dont see the 2 unit per tile, so i downloaded it from picnmix , and it seems ok.

i also see in your installation pictures, theres a "quick turns" mod, where can i get it?

also - can i use most of picnmix? or theres limits?
It was my fault, the list above is not fully updated yet. I removed them for awhile because the AI uses them very efficiently in higher difficulty in multiplayer. It was incredibly scary for new players like me.

I use all these mods with zero problem! Go nuts with compatible mods, and have a nice day Keldath.
the extra mods i use: http://imgur.com/a/U0VDk how it shows up: http://imgur.com/a/DzMGG
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huh really? it works with r.e.d modpack? in multiplayer??

can you direct me to the mod quick turns?

and the ai does well with more than 1 unit per tile? sounds very exiting!

nik thank you for the lovely support.
I'm incredibly sorry for not answering your previous questions! I answered all your questions, if there are more questions be sure to ask me.
1. I'm fine thank you, how about you?
2. Red and some other unit and ui mods shown in picture are compatible with MP but I didn't include them in mpnm3.2, sorry. Maybe on the upcoming mpnm 3.3 -Next update.
3. Sure, here it is. Not compatible with multiplayer.
4. To be honest, I just played with 2 tile mod recently in prince difficulty and the AI put up a good fight.
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Excited about your version for VP's 4/20 patch.

P.S. Uhh, any plans for adding that civ 6 builder mod, Unique City States, or maybe CPED and CBPEDC? Maybe not the last two.., but yeah.

Also, would you be interested in releasing your patch for the New Promotions pack that makes it work with VP as a standalone?
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