[BTS] No Technology Brokering

there probably isn't anything you can do.

maybe there first 50 turns, but by 100 turns you better well have something to defend yourself with. As much as I and others may harp on teching Archery, you sometimes simply have to do it early on Deity. Lain does it all the time.

And while kmod is crazy on Deity, you can certainly encounter the very early dagger on Deity and there is really not much you can do at all. It's not common but it can happen. even an AI attacking with just an archer or two.
The good news is NTB/full techs/NTT is a way to tailor the game's difficulty to your liking, e.g. if you feel like Deity is too hard but Imm is too easy you could try Deity with NTB or Imm with NTT.
Did anyone recommend NTB for those who like to enter to Deity level?

I've been following Strategy & Tips since summer of 2019 and haven't seen such recommendation. Any deviation from No huts / No events is considered non-standard.

With NTB novice mistakes with trade are less severe, sill preserving Alphabet/Currency/tech trade as a thing ))
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