Nobles' Club 290: Ramesses II of Egypt

Deity playthrough

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Didn't want to settle on the edge of the map so I naturally moved 1 south, saw potential for more river tiles too.

Found stone early enough to get 1640BC pyramids and keep up with expansion, although suli expanding like crazy in my face.

Have played on Demigod to a little past 1AD. Stuff happened.
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Noticed a Wang axe where I intended to place a city. It stopped moving, which is a sure sign of forward settler protection. Capital is brutally enslaved again, and it's down to size 2. Thankfully I had a 48/100 settler there from before.
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NC 290 T74 settler race.jpg

In the same turn, I trade the rest of Writing with him for Masonry. Thankfully he lacked that one, and it saved a few turns for us. I beat him to the desert hill by one turn btw, and the settler party turns around.

The economy is basically at a standstill, and in T83 I whip 3 libraries. A bunch of Rep scientists will do us good. The turn after, I spot a settler party coming towards our borders again. Maybe it's the same dude. Dangit! He must be going for the clam location. Once again a frantic whip somewhere. Can we do it? :please:
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The desert hill city was supposed to block that possibility, but borders won't expand for a good while.

NC 290 T84 new settler race.jpg

Shortly after, the first great person is born. It's from the Great Wall + Mids city, with 60/40 chance in favour of the Great Spy.
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YES! :banana:

NC 290 T86 GE born.jpg

He bulbs Metal Casting. Not great value strictly speaking, but we had zero to trade with, and wouldn't get anything for a rather long time. This put us into the trading game, which was great!

About that settling race:
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Workers road the cottage, so the settler can get into the forest. I don't know if AIs have magic vision, but usually that unit should be hidden behind the hill. I can't beat him to the ideal spot, and Wang can settle SE on the FP and beat me and there would be nothing I can do. But I hope he aims for the blue circle. I can then sort-of beat him by settling on the FP SW of my settler. Hurts to 'waste' that nice tile, but better than losing the spot entirely.

NC 290 T87 new settler race.jpg

We do in fact get that location. However! He then swings north and aims for our pigs :cry:

Turns out there was copper further north, so maybe that is what he was gunning for. I've no idea why he didn't steal a spot right in our midst, but for whatever reason he eventually decides to slink back home :confused: I'm therefore able to settle that fairly nice spot myself.
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NC 290 T96 Wang's settler party goes home.jpg

Meanwhile I'm getting fantastic value out of the MC bulb. Some of this I would have eventually been able to get from slowly getting to Aesthetics, but it would have taken longer, which may have prevented some of the trades MC got me. Let's see...
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Iron Working

More dubious as it's a fair bit later, but let's throw it in anyway as it's a consequence of these earlier trades
Code of Laws

==> 3,884:science:

Pretty good value out of a bulb worth 'only' 760:science:

For once I did Drama too before going for Music, as it felt pretty safe. Only Toku had Aesthetics, and I turned down Zara's Drama beg to be even more certain. We get it in 200BC. In 75BC another great person will get born, and it's a three-way flip between GS, GSpy and GE, with 46% GS chance. Once again we are on the fortunate side, and a GS is born. With Taoism still not founded, he bulbs Philo. Normally this would be a good time for a golden age, despite MoM going elsewhere before I had a chance to trade for Calendar. However, Charlie and Toku have been plotting for a good while, and there is a very high chance that Charlie is plotting one me, due to being pleased with both his nearest neighbours.

Aha! Look at that!
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:nono: We will need to make some units, methinks.

NC 290 T113 Charlie stack coming.jpg

We do have a little time, but I don't have barracks anywhere, nor any units stronger than 2:strength: Wang has Construction for trade, but no money. Next turn it's gone again, because I one-turned HBR which put us in the upper half of the scoreboard. Gah. Hate to self-tech Construction when almost everybody have it, but it's not available, so what choice do I have... We need elephants to deal with that lot he has coming.

Thankfully next turn (25AD) Construction becomes available again. This is after self-teching Civil Service, and I give him CS+Drama (or something) for Machinery+a tiny bit of construction. Then one-turn Archery so we can make Crossbows. Should handle his swords rather well.

His stack has arrived, and he will surely DOW next turn.
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I was going to get a barracks there, but there isn't time. Need to put some hammers into a Crossbow this turn, and 2-pop it next. Otherwise the city may actually fall. I've gotten three spears in there, but Swords will eat those up, even behind a wall. No elephants can get there in time, nor the mace that was whipped recently and is partly hidden underneath the scoreboard.

NC 290 T118 Charlie stack has arrived.jpg

Well, dangit!! I didn't expect Zara to get bribed instantly. Yes, I may have been able to beg from Charlie by going no religion, but then Suleiman could have started plotting, and he already plotted on us once. Plenty of his units in border cities. Instead I figured to take the war on the chin, and hopefully be able to bribe Suli on him when it is cheaper (after war declaration).

I've no idea where Zara is, but probably to the far south somewhere. Mao appears to be south of Suleiman, so with luck Mao and Zara are neighbours. It's possible to bribe Mao too, so I do that. Suleiman on Charlie, and Mao on Zara. Almost a world war now, but I hope it won't slow me down too much.

We talked about RNG earlier, and holy mother.
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FOUR withdraws? Are you kidding me?! They all had pitiful odds, 1.1% and the like. Which means that 30% withdraw chance or whatever is a small fraction of that.

NC 290 T120 Four withdraws wtf.jpg

To make it even more bonkers, there are THREE more withdraws next turn, from some of the same guys that are already half-dead. I'm almost shocked the archer didn't withdraw as well. Holy crap. The chance for that happening must be miniscule in the extreme. Goes to show what can happen when these streaks occur. Sometimes you get boned hard, sometimes you are overly lucky. At least we didn't lose any guys, though, which is nice, but his stack really ought to be dead by now. That is lottery winning luck :crazyeye:

Our capital is honestly diabolically bad, so I have decided to move it elsewhere. We do get a little hammer bonus out of Buro at least, but I'd much rather get it over to Elephantine instead:
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Food isn't great here either, but it has a bunch of decently developed cottages by now, and those greens can be farmed for a bit more food. Windmills on the hills, and it'll be allright. Sadly Suleiman GE-ed Parthenon nextdoor (10:culture:)so I've lost a tile and therefore need to get out a Theatre and cross my fingers. Maintenance will go up too due to this city being on the edge of the empire, but overall it should be a net positive. Also, IND makes this move easier than it otherwise would have been.

NC 290 T121 Soon new capital.jpg

The war is still on-going, but it feels like we have him under control now. He has some travel distance, and I see Suleiman is sending a stack through our territory already (like I said, he had a bunch of units on our border from the earlier plot), so unless the war ends before they get to Charlie, he'll probably have his hands full. We have better units than him, so even if he gets Construction and sends catas, it should be okay.

At last a map overview. As you can see I'm being a bit untraditional here, and am going for Nationalism directly instead of the normal bulbing route up through Education. May well mean that I lose Lib, depends if I get a GS for bulbing into Edu, but if I can get a free golden age, that will be great too (even without MoM).
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NC 290 T121 map.jpg

Feels like I've been kinda fiddling about without any real plans for a win. At one point I thought about culture actually, but then XX GE-ed Sistine, and Parthenon got GE-ed too, so that's probably out. Got us a big pile of gold though, so there is that. The capital hasn't been up to much all game, but there is still something to be said for a PH city, so it hasn't been all bad.

Spoilers got completely messed up, so I'll just leave it like this. Okay, think it is okay now. :crazyeye:
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In hindsight,
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it might have been a mistake not to switch our neighbours with different AIs :think:. Wang won't agree to stop trading unless at Friendly against Annoyed or lower, and Sillyman won't unless at friendly at cautious or lower. Being unable to work diplo easily really hurts SPI's potential, so maybe different neighbours would have been better. Than again neither plots at Pleased, Wang's favorite civic is actually relevant and Sillyman is a religious zealot, so ups and downs I suppose.

Glad to see this map continue to defy the odds, by the way :goodjob:. It's just not Civ IV unless there's some kind of ludicrously improbable series of fights swinging the game far more than RNG has any right to.

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If you don't mind I'll share my humble opinions on your game.

As tempting as it is, I really don't think on high difficulty levels it's worth trading for priesthood/meditation/fishing, sometimes poly/sailing/monotheism too. IMO it's better to spend an extra turn self teching that stuff than risk your late game trades for big techs in renaissence or industrial era.

You meet everyone pretty early on this type of map and want to be able to trade the entire game, but trading for those early techs put you one step closer to trade-jail later on; where they all fear you become too advanced. If you have a religious alliance and a bunch of friendly peeps you might not notice it, but skipping meditation or priesthood trade early on might save you the chance to trade education for printing press later on, whereas otherwise they could fear you're too advanced.

You settled similar spots to me but a different capital, I think you can forgoe the plains hill initial settle to have a nicer capital since you are industrious and want to utilize that + beaurocracy to pump wonders later, and moving away from you early food sources will catch up fast in terms of production, even in the early game - imagine working 1 wet corn vs 2 wet corn and a mined sheep. SIP or one south were my two ideal spots. I ended up going 1S

I also don't think your pi-rameses is really worth pushing out so far for, yes it claims land but its just a couple of grassland and plains tiles, no extra resources as opposed to just going below and above the lake. The deity maintenence is brutal and going to eat you alive. If you settle compact enough you can even skip courthouses completely (I ended up maxing out at 7 cities then going caste+pacifism+rep mode until cuirassier time with police state). If you settle closer you can get the road up earlier, get the trade routes earlier, get the tiles improved earlier and pay less. I see you move your capital later but thats a lot of hammers and investment which could just be converted into wealth/research early on, and developing cottages at T70 vs T120 is a big difference IMO.

As for the DoW, that's really unfortunate, but probably better to try and beg off charle by switching into his religion because you only have to be in it for 5 turns and the chance for suli to plot is very low in that time at cautious.
Turn 109 to 146

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So I built Pyramids & Great Library in Thebes and reached civil service 175BC skipping music. Wanted early Beauro to pump up my capital. I also great engineered parthernon in a border city to grab a contested food source that wang already had. I would've prefered mausollos but that was built super early, and parthenon proved pretty useful for all the GPP I am about to do:

After already bulbing Philo and being in caste pacifism, I starved Heliopos to get a scientist, then capital swiftly produced another one, and then starved Elephantine a bit to get a merchant out, then capital got another guy. First guy made an academy to help me tech faster, 2nd bulbed edu, third bulbed lib later on. (Skipped Machinery to do so)
Ended up getting a 2nd merchant out so I have about 3000 gold to play with for upgrades. Police state horse archers/elephants looking good.

A messy diagram of my tech path, order is numbered and green arrows representing what I plan to trade for.

My two cities that generated great people

After these two cities finished generating dudes, i found my capital the only on really trying to get specialists, so i switched out of caste back into slavery and 2 pop whipped forges everywhere into AP religion temples/monasteries nice and early before reaching lib and starting my unit spam.

Ended up with a 425AD lib, which could've easily been done at 350 or 375 but I stopped to self tech horse back riding and stuff so I could get started on the unit pumpage immediately and have more time to build up units.
lib rameses.JPG

I traded nationalism pretty early for guilds and engineering, and I went police state and spammed 2 pop knight whips overflowing into 1 turn elephants everywhere pretty much.
I managed to sell some techs for even more money and had about 4500 gold in the end. At 700AD i decided i built enough units and upgraded everyone to Cuirassiers. 33 Cuirs with a couple more coming out this turn. Not too shabby. Someone's going to get it and no one is near rifling yet, even on deity that's too early.

You can see Suli actually hates me in the last picture, before leaving his religion I begged 45 gold to guarantee me 10 turns grace then went to join my buddhist brothers (wang and charle), and didn't really care what suli thinks because i'd be ready to DoW him 15-20 turns after I begged and switched out of his religion.

Video for this part will be on my channel in 12 hours orso

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You're not wrong, ofc, though perhaps a bit harsh I felt. Trading for those cheap techs isn't wise, but I did it here just to get into the trading game and actually get something. Then worry about the future later. Expansion-wise I think it went okay, and we got into a good position around the time of the DOW. At the time we were on top of GNP. Then the usual thing happened, and Deity bonuses kicked into overgear, and a while later we've fallen down the pack again. The war didn't help ofc, I had to whip a bit, so cities aren't as big as they could have been. The lousy capital dragged us down too, but that's just how it ended up. It was a gamble, and it didn't pay off, but I wanted to keep playing instead of re-doing things with map knowledge.

Unfortunately I got zero auto-spreads anywhere, so the only religion we had was Judaism from Suleiman, plus self-founded Taoism. No option to change into Charlie's religion. But I could have gone no religion and maybe gifted him something to get him to pleased.

Have played to 475AD now, but feels like I've just been drifting around without any real focus. However, looks like Lib is pretty secure, and I got a GE that has built Taj. The free GAge starts next turn. Could have gotten peace with Zara and Charlie, but I opted for continuing the war to build up diplo. The AP also did something nice for once, and everybody declared on Charlie. Well, everybody with aJewish city.
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Have started following Suleiman's stacks towards Charlie, but I don't really have enough units to do anything. The most annoying thing is that Wang keeps out-SBing Sitting Bull. Three times has he poisoned the wells of my cities, two of those in the old and new capital. Sucks to lose half the foodbin and no growth for eons. So I'd like to kill him entirely here just because he's been such a prick.

NC 290 T134 almost world war.jpg

NC 290 T134 techs.jpg

NC 290 T134 map.jpg

Not sure if I want to play it out tbh, although I don't think the situation is terrible. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Hmm that's really odd charle never gave you his religion, did you not open borders the moment you could? they tend to do their missionary spam in waves, while they recover their economy from expansion, so if you hadn't opened borders and missed the initial wave then it could have been unfortunate. Once the missionaries are on the move they don't change their destination.

If you don't have much focus I suggest just building up on infrastructure and teching, you can do a belated cuirassier rush if they're slow getting toward rifling, or if it looks dangerous just go for steel first. I definitely think in these maps you want to take a bunch of people out at some point.

Yeah sorry if I sound nasty lol I am not good at sugarcoating words. The war is unfortunate for sure but if you got the world to declare on him you should be alright and just peace out when you can. Good job on Taj, I used my engineer on the parthenon to fight with culture for a contested food resource.

I've played until 1000AD and successfully taken Suleiman out with cuirsassiers but everyone already has replaceable parts T_T thinking of what to do next. These maps have insane tech paces.
Monarch from T136 to T203
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Settings as below, no huts:

Several turns later, Charlie asked me to convert to Buddism, I just said yes since Ramsy was SPI. Only 1 or 2 turns after Charlie became pleased, he started plotting :scared:. He DoW on Darius in 720AD

And Sully was plotting as well :hmm:

Zara was also plotting :hmm:. Almost everyone was plotting or at war :crazyeye:.

Decided to move the capital to Alexandria. After all, the palace only took 4 turns.

Attack with Cuirs. The unit cost really surprised me: what? more than 70 :gold: per turn?! :dubious:

Oh, the unit cost was high because I forgot to change civics and still used Caste/Pacifism during war-time :blush:

The units cost became "normal" after I adopted OR and slavery. Please do not ask me why I didn't adopt Theo, because I forgot to get Theology through trade :blush::

Eh, at least I didn't forget to get Theo through Sully's capitulation :hide: :

Oh là là! Once Sully capitulated, this angry face appeared in front of me :crazyeye::

So, Toku turned out to be that mysterious AI of whom I almost started to question the existence :crazyeye:. It seemed Toku declared on Darius and on Zara, then Zara bribed Sury to attack Toku :crazyeye:. That explained all the mystery, why I didn't meet the final AI even in 500AD, why Darius and Zara were under WHEOOHRN. They were not plotting; actually they were already at war with Toku. :crazyeye:

Tech situation on T203:

Charlie is at war with Mao (it's hard to understand these AIs who pass through the whole map to fight a heathen :crazyeye:) and he sent a large stack through my land to attack Mao. The :espionage: at the bottom right corner shows that Charlie's teching Chemistry. Maybe my next target would be Charlie, because I'd prefer to beat Charlie before he gets PRO Rifles :undecide:. But if I want to attack Charlie, I have to wait several turns, as Charlie's large stack is still in my territory.
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The two screenshots below explain why I didn't meet the mysterious AI even in 500AD, why I didn't see that AI's units in others' land, and why Darius and Zara were under WHEOOHRN :crazyeye::

It seems Toku just made peace with Zara :crazyeye::

The mysterious AI DoW on his two neighbours and he had no open borders except with Mao :crazyeye:. All mysteries solved :crazyeye:.

The good thing is, I don't regret about not meeting this AI earlier :lol:, because I can't get anything useful from trading with him except selling some small techs. AI Toku is a troublemaker rather than a trading partner :shake:.

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It seems once again you've got some bad luck :(. But in your case, AP certainly helps. You'll also get diplo bonus with other AIs for "our mutual military struggles". If WK is also forced into the holy war with Charlie, then Charlie's units won't be able to reach you :D.

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I really don't think on high difficulty levels it's worth trading for priesthood/meditation/fishing, sometimes poly/sailing/monotheism too. IMO it's better to spend an extra turn self teching that stuff than risk your late game trades for big techs in renaissence or industrial era.
You've mentioned some "habits" that people have developed before they move up to Deity. At EMP and lower levels, the player usually trades many small techs during the Classical or Medieval era, because after Renaissance era AIs have almost nothing useful to trade, unless the player has a very poor start while AIs have double golds or triple gems. For IMM and above, getting Printing Press or RP from AIs becomes frequent, so selft-teching small stuff + saving trade for bigger techs suits high levels.

Will watch your videos soon. Didn't watch it earlier to avoid spoiling AIs, as I didn't meet Toku until 1430AD. You know, Toku is Toku :lol:.
Turn 146 - Turn 250 (Deity)

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Took out Suli by 1050AD but everyone except toku/mao already had rifling or replaceable parts, so unfortunately had to go into late game to finish the rest.
Took his last city with cavalry
suli cap.JPG

Mao didn't stand a chance I still had 40 units left and begun tech mode while rolling over him with cuirs/cavs. He did have an impressive stack of 45 pre-rifling units which got annihilated by cuirs/cavs.

Stopped to build up cannons, build oxford, go into state property and then go after wang a bit later.

He folded pretty easily, despite having infantry I brute forced through his defences.
Charle was a bit tougher and he had tanks already and a TON of units but I got my own tanks and grinded him down

deity rameses t226.JPG

deity rameses t237.JPG

Rolled over the rest with my tanks/spy revolts pretty much finishing up on a flat 250 conquest/domination victory.
deity rameses t250.JPG

Strong early and mid game made the late game very easy after taking out first couple guys efficiently.
Yeah, I'm going to drop this one due to the extreme annoyance factor of having the water of city after city poisoned by an AI I'm not even at war with, with only mere turns apart. However,
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I'm going to win Lib->Mil Trad in 600AD, or a little before, so would have been able to do some stuff with those. 60% chance of a GM in two turns, so that could have been money for upgrades. Otherwise some bulbs I suppose, probably into PPress. Just signed peace with Charlie due to a stack of his coming my way, and being unsure if we can deal with it due to many catas.

Also, I sent the medic north to check where his stack was. "I'll just move it into that city.." maybe the stack is north or north-east of it now.
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Not only the AI that has lottery winning lucky withdraws :lol:

NC 290 T136 extremely lucky withdraw.jpg

Found the stack though, which is why I allowed Charlie to pay some gold for peace.

NC 290 T136 Charlie stack.jpg

However, the fifth well poisoning in probably 10 turns made me stop. I was already a bit fed up and playing unfocused, and I just can't be arsed with that kind of BS. or SB...

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I opened borders with him instantly, like I usually do, but I guess he was busy sending missionaries to his neighbours. At least none came my way. Suli did a good job of it, though, and fairly soon converted all cities. So most likely there were only some smaller ones without a religion, so maybe Charlie didn't fancy sending them to me due to that. It's a good distance.
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Opened the save to only take a look. Sigh.
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Libbed MilTrad in 580AD. A GM was sent towards China's Artemis city. I was still in a golden age, but decided it was more important to whip units. Therefore went Police State, Vassalage, Slavery, Theocracy 7 turns before the GA ended (I started it with the Music GA, then prolonged it with Taj). Not all cities were whipped brutally right away, but most. Wanted to get a GS out of a city with much GPP, but sadly it turned into a GE.

The GM would spend two turns extra getting to Beijing (Artemis), so I popped him further north instead, for 1100:gold:. That enabled instant upgrades when I was ready, then declare next turn, on Wang. Amusingly he had a GM that had just entered my borders. He was kindly strung up from a strong tree.

Only had 18 Cuirs upon DOW in 720AD, but we got 6 more the next turn. Took a city pretty quickly, then evacuated it thinking Wang's stack would go in there. He didn't, and instead invaded our lands, while two measly Hwachas took the city we had captured.
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NC 290 T148 Wang stack.jpg

Worked out well in the end to be fair, although it wasted some time.
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NC 290 T150 Wang stack wiped.jpg

I had extremely bad luck/streaks when attacking Seoul. First 6 fights were almost 50% win, and we lost 5 of them. Then another 61% and 86% loss. Very frustrating. But then I was probably a little lucky in that stack wipe earlier, despite superior odds throughout. When Seoul fell, he capped.

Instantly moved through his border to declare on Charlie. Two AIs were still at war with him, but don't think there had been any action. Took two cities on the first turn, and that's where I ended up.

Since the game is bound to go to Tanks, based on Henrik's update, I don't have time to play this out tbh. But at least I got started on the war, so that is something. We have 36 Cuirs or something like that now, in 880AD. Many need healing, but like I said we had enough fit guys to take those two close-by cities.

Funny how things sometimes play out. Toku is on the verge of being Friendly. He just declared on Darius. Zara is plotting again, but I suppose it can't be on me since we still have a peace treaty from the previous war.
Spoiler Diety T115 (1AD): :

Surplus food + stone + horse allows for aggressive expansion via failgold without financial/organized. 9 Cities, and 1st in GNP w/ +321 BPT at max. Average population/land-size. Civil Service was delayed a little at 75 BC, but excess gold stocked up. Friendly ally to the east means probably a free sweep to the west.

Screenshot (456).png

Monarch NHNE, from T204 to the end:

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Since Charlie was still at war with Mao, I sent a sentry chariot to keep track of Charlie's stack. It seemed Charlie's stack finally moved near Mao's border (the orange circle). On the next turn, his stack would enter into Mao's land :satan:.

Once Charlie's stack was in Mao's land, it was time to DoW on Charlie :satan:. Everyone was at war. Very good :devil:

Luckily Charlie had no RP but he got Grens. PRO Grens were annoying. He capitulated after losing his capital:

Moved my Cavs to attack Darius. He quickly capitulated after losing only 2 cities, maybe because he just made peace with Toku.

The long wars between Toku (he declared twice) and Darius slowed down them both. Toku also quickly capitulated:

When I was at war with Toku, Zara asked Liberalism from me and I gave him. The peace treaty remained valid after Toku's capitulation. So I had to attack Mao first. Mao was also weakened by his long wars with Zara.

Then it was Zara's turn:

Next turn, domination:

Who cares about PRO. Spam Cavs and zerg everything :ar15:

The AIs were largely slowed down by the religious conflicts and endless wars - special thanks to Toku and Mao for slowing down the far away competent techers. For unknown reasons, Darius and Zara went after the free GPeople from some techs or peaceful techs like Biology. Most AIs had Grens, but none of them got RP at the end of the game.

Though sometimes overshadowed by another Egyptian leader, Ramsy is not bad at all: strong early UUs, good starting techs, and decent traits. Personally, I think IND is quite an "advanced" trait: on higher difficulties IND works better than on low levels; IND is more powerful in advanced players' hands than in noobs' hands. Failgold is strong on higher difficulties where wonders are gone faster. On lower difficulties, AIs build the wonders quite late and sometimes people have to wait 100 turns or longer to get faildgold. Besides, the experienced players certainly know how to balance failgold, :gp: points and expansion; by contrast, for new players who are still learning the game, building wonders for failgold might make them forget about other important aspects of empire management, such as building enough workers or generating the first GS.

Thanks for the map :egypt:
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think you should start playing emperor or immortal, its just brutal running AI over with cavs vs longbows, seeing them still not have replaceable parts by 1700AD is :crazyeye::confused: in deity they all had RP by 1000AD :crazyeye::crazyeye:

but seriously you played that one pretty well try moving up and pushing yourself :love:
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Congrats on your win! Fun and well played :clap:.

Thanks for the kind words, though not sure if I'm ready to move up on difficulties, because Monarch games are still stressful or even scary for me.

I've watched the first three parts of your videos. Will watch the two last ones in the next few days. Mids with SPI leaders is really nice. OMG Deity is a completely different game: WK is close to AL in 1050AD :eek: . These AIs are troublesome, because most of them are willing to trade, have similar peaceweight and have high WFYABTA, which makes the whole tech pace faster, especially on higher levels.

You're right about Rifling and MScience. Rifles are more useful than Grens, no matter in AIs or in humans' hands. In my game all the AIs went to Chemistry and MScience but ignored RP. Grens are stronger than longbows but still vulnerable to Cavs. If one AI got RP-Rifling, I would have had some tough time.

Last but not least: thanks for you videos! They help me much in learning the game. Personally I really appreciate you've uploaded many Immortal games. Deity videos are certainly educational for all the players, but many decisions at Deity cannot be copied to lower levels, because Deity is just different from the rest. For the players at EMP and below, they would improve playing skills quite fast by imitating what you do in your Immortal games.
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You situation in 800AD looks really good IMO :goodjob:! Though I understand everyone has his/her own playstyle. For someone whose games often last 30 hours, Inland sea would be too long to finish.

You've managed to get Toku close to Friendly, that's remarkable :lol:. In my game he started at Annoyed then became Furious after I refused to join his war :crazyeye:.

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9 cities + Mids is nice. Conversion to Buddhism is worth considering. After all, SPI leaders can switch back to Judaism at any moment and beg if Suleiman starts plotting.

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no thank you for your kind words, I am glad those IMM games are useful for some people. I think you are very capable of moving up, some of your posts are easily enough for beating immortal but you also make some strange habits and questionable decisions. I am happy to help you more if you want to PM me in here because monarch to immortal is not too big a jump, as say imm to deity or noble to monarch.
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