Non-Lethal Weapons


Guardian Of The Treasure
Sep 14, 2001
Montreal, Quebec
I am currently doing a project on non-lethal weapons. (partly informative, partly about the ethical/legal/political implications)However, I am currently puzzled as to where to begin my query for information. Riot control stuff, military stuff, anything. I just can't seem to find the right links. If anyone can provide me useful links on the topic I'll be very very grateful...


A rolled up newspaper is a very effective non-lethal weapon.
Low-voltage electric tasers, "cattle prods" -- South Korea commonly uses these for crowd control. I think that's a good idea, IMO...

When someone throws a chair into a shoe shop because he doesn't like the WTO opening to China, I say it's time they get a good shock.
Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
A rolled up newspaper is a very effective non-lethal weapon.
If you've ever seen a Jackie Chan movie, almost anything can be a non-lethal weopan incl tyres, buckets, wet piece of cloth etc. :crazyeye:
Originally posted by SuperR
I am currently doing a project on non-lethal weapons. (partly informative, partly about the ethical/legal/political implications)However, I am currently puzzled as to where to begin my query for information. Riot control stuff, military stuff, anything. I just can't seem to find the right links. If anyone can provide me useful links on the topic I'll be very very grateful...



Try the popular mechanics & popular science magazine site archives. I know they have done several articles on non-lethal weapons in the past.
Do you think the police should be using spud guns then?

And anime, do you remember the fight with the umbrella in Once Upon a Time in China? :goodjob:

Non-lethal weapons! :lol: Anything can be lethal. A gun is a non-lethal weapon if you try to shoot someone in the leg and succeed. But if you use a taser on someone who has heart trouble then you can kill them instantly. What is it if not a minor electric chair without the seat? I think rubber bullets are ridiculous and if forced to choose would favour the old-fashioned water cannon to control unruly crowds. But who decides at what point a demonstration becomes unruly? People shouting for someone's death are not actually making any kind of attempt to kill that person.
Originally posted by duke o' york
And anime, do you remember the fight with the umbrella in Once Upon a Time in China? :goodjob:
Do not underestimate the lethality of the traditional Chinese umbrella! In the hand of the master user, it can become the most lethal killing weopan imaginable! :eek: :p

Best of all, it can pass undetected thru weopan detectors.
I was shot with a rubber bullet once and it hurt like a b****! The pig shot me right in the thigh and believe you me, I dropped to the ground immediatly. They may be non-lethal, but holy s*** they're painfull.

Nowadays I hear they're using paintballs with pepper powder in side them. They shoot a few at you and you get that pepper powder all over you. That would suck too. Man, I wish we could just go back to the days when the pigs would just thump you on the skull with a baton. That sure would be better than that damn pepper powder.
Originally posted by BlueMonday
I was shot with a rubber bullet once and it hurt like a b****! The pig shot me right in the thigh and believe you me, I dropped to the ground immediatly. They may be non-lethal, but holy s*** they're painfull.

In other words, it worked as designed. You're still alive, but you stopped doing whatever it was you were doing (or what they THOUGHT you were doing :rolleyes: ).

Originally posted by BlueMonday
Nowadays I hear they're using paintballs with pepper powder in side them. They shoot a few at you and you get that pepper powder all over you. That would suck too. Man, I wish we could just go back to the days when the pigs would just thump you on the skull with a baton. That sure would be better than that damn pepper powder.

Let's face it. If non-lethal weapons were pleasant, they would be worthless as weapons. :D
Ever hear the story of the Insane Samurai?

Once upon a time in America, a guy had a katana.
But this was no ordinary man, he was insane.
So, one day, he gets up and thinks:
"I think I'll run around the streets with my sword!"
And he did.

Then, the Police were called! Because the guy was just insane, and wasn't hurting anyone, they decided to bring him down non-lethally. First, they tried shooting small bags with ball-bearings at him. He didn't flinch! Next, they tried rubber bullets, and they guy went down. But, within seconds, he was back on his feet! Water cannons had no effect, and every method was ineffective. For 17 hours! then, they used a combination, and rushed him, successfully subduing him.

17 hours! But its this that shows that police persistance with non-leathal methods can save the lives of both people innocent of crimes, and insane people who really wouldn't hurt anyone.
use dead cows.very painful.
dont ask why i know that.
(ps:dogs are also very painful but can be lethal espessialy if they bite you in your jewels)
My favourite would have to be the Hurling Stick. Aim for the knees then a swift swing across the skull. Very effective
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