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2022 US Election


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Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM

Election Day Is Nov. 8, But Legal Challenges Already Begin​

More than 100 lawsuits have been filed this year around the Nov. 8 elections.
Colleen Long[IMG alt="AP logo"]https://www.huffpost.com/static-ass...sh-d8055c2c606ec90308ec818c93b27948.png[/IMG]
Oct 27, 2022, 08:21 AM EDT|Updated 26 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Election Day is 12 days away. But in courtrooms across the country, efforts to sow doubt over the outcome have already begun.
More than 100 lawsuits have been filed this year around the Nov. 8 elections. The legal challenges, largely by Republicans, target rules for mail-in voting, early voting, voter access, voting machines, voting registration, the counting of mismarked absentee ballots and access for partisan poll watchers.
The cases likely preview a potentially contentious post-election period and the strategy stems partly from the failure of Donald Trump and his allies to prevail in overturning the free and fair results of the 2020 presidential election that he lost to Joe Biden.
That was an ad hoc response fronted by a collection of increasingly ill-prepared lawyers that included Rudy Giuliani. The current effort, however, is more formalized, well-funded and well-organized and is run by the Republican National Committee and other legal allies with strong credentials. Party officials say they are preparing for recounts, contested elections and more litigation. Thousands of volunteers are ready to challenge ballots and search for evidence of malfeasance. “We’re now at the point where charges of fraud and suppression are baked into the turnout models for each party,” said Benjamin Ginsberg, co-chair of the Election Official Legal Defense Network and former counsel to the George W. Bush campaign and other Republican candidates. “Republicans charge fraud. Democrats charge suppression. Each side amplifies its position with massive and costly amounts of litigation and messaging.”

The RNC said it has a multimillion-dollar “election integrity” team. It has hired 37 lawyers in key states, held more than 5,000 training sessions to teach volunteers to look for voter fraud — which is rare and isolated — and filed 73 suits in 20 states. Other Trump-allied legal teams, including America First Legal, run by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, are involved.

“We built an unprecedented election integrity ground game to ensure that November’s midterm elections are free, fair and transparent,” the RNC chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, said last month. The Democrats’ legal effort focuses on making voting easier and helping those denied a chance to vote. A team led by lawyer Marc Elias and his firm is litigating roughly 40 cases in 19 states, though many are interventions in Republican-led suits. Elias said he is bracing for a deluge of challenges to election results. Some Republican candidates have already said they will not accept a loss or have planted doubt on the election process despite no evidence of fraud. “The problem with the Republican Party right now is that conceding you lost an election is the only thing that will hurt you,” Elias said. “Contesting an election that is clearly lost is now where all the incentive structure is, and that is incredibly corrosive for democracy.”

Almost every election begets legal challenges. But the much of that generally comes after Election Day.

In 2020, pro-Trump lawyers filed roughly 60 suits and asked judges to set aside votes. Those suits were roundly rejected. Trump’s own leadership found the election was fair, and state election official saw no widespread evidence of fraud. Biden earned 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, the same margin as Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, when he called it a “landslide.” At that time, the Republican establishment had not adopted Trump’s lies about the election. Since then, the falsehoods have taken root within the GOP.
Ginsberg said unsubstantiated charges that elections were fraudulent or rigged or unreliable have became the mantra for a Republican to win a contested 2022 primary in most states. “That can only harm public faith in elections, something for which Republicans will eventually pay a price,” he said.
For three decades, the RNC was under a consent decree that prohibited it from challenging voters’ qualifications and targeting alleged fraud. That legal agreement, which ended in 2019, arose from a Democratic National Committee suit that argued Republicans sought to dissuade Black Americans from voting by posting armed, off-duty law enforcement officers at certain polling sites and sending targeted mailings warning about penalties for violating election laws.

In 2020, Republican poll watchers, who have no direct role in the elections and cannot interfere in the electoral process apart from watching and reporting issues, were the basis of many of the suits filed by Trump allies. But when pressed by judges for evidence backing partisan claims of suspicious behavior by election workers, the litigation faltered. Election workers have increasingly been subjected to abuse and threats of violence. Voter intimidation cases are on the rise, and there is growing concern among election officials and law enforcement about overly aggressive poll watchers or people pretending to be poll watchers intimidating voters.

Last week the RNC won a legal challenge against Michigan’s secretary of state, Democrat Jocelyn Benson, over rules about how poll challengers can operate.
“Jocelyn Benson not only disregarded Michigan election law in issuing this guidance, she also violated the rights of political parties and poll challengers to fully ensure transparency and promote confidence that Michigan elections are run fairly and lawfully,” McDaniel said in a statement. The RNC has won legal challenges in Nevada and Arizona over the appointment of poll workers and in Wisconsin on “ballot curing” — a process whereby voters can fix problems with their ballots so they can be counted — and drop boxes. Litigation in Pennsylvania involved absentee ballots dating and whether outside parties should be allowed examine voting machines.

Democrats-led groups have initiated about 35 suits that focus largely on making voting easier. Just this week, litigation was filed on behalf of Voto Latino and the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans to stop intimidation over using drop boxes in Arizona. The ACLU of Pennsylvania sent a letter to Allegheny County officials on mail-in ballot concerns.
Heading into 2020, the U.S. focused on the possibility of foreign threats, from Russia or possibly China, to the integrity of the election, such as by manipulating vote tabulations. Election officials and Trump’s own agencies said it was the most secure election ever. It was Trump and his supporters who nurtured conspiracy theories about voter fraud. U.S. officials are again sounding the alarm that Russia is working to amplify doubts over the integrity of the elections. This week, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “No outside cyber activity has ever prevented a registered voter from casting a ballot; compromised the integrity of any ballot cast; or affected the accuracy of voter registration information.” She said the government would “monitor any threats to our elections if they arise and work as a cohesive, coherent interagency to get relevant information to the election officials and workers on the ground.”
Well, early voting has already started in a few states, so seems perfectly expected that lawsuits would too. *sigh*
Yes, I think it is going to be messy. My wife and I have already voted.
3TV/CBS 5, 23 Oct 2022 - "Tensions high after armed individuals reportedly watch ballot box in Mesa"
NBC News, 24 Oct 2022 - "Top Arizona election official refers more cases of potential voter intimidation to law enforcement"
NPR, 26 Oct 2022 - "Monitors at Arizona ballot drop boxes draw complaints of voter intimidation"
Bloomberg, 27 Oct 2022 - "Masked Poll Watchers Are Showing Up at Voting Sites With Handguns and Kevlar Vests"
CNN, 27 Oct 2022 - "Lawsuit filed to stop vigilante surveillance of drop boxes in Arizona"

CNN said:
The Arizona chapter of the League of Women Voters filed a lawsuit in federal court late Tuesday targeting groups and individuals that they say are conspiring to intimidate voters in Arizona through a coordinated effort known as “Operation Drop Box.”

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the League in the US District Court for the District of Arizona by a group known as Protect Democracy. It is the second recent lawsuit filed in federal court targeting the conduct of individuals – some of whom are armed – who have been staking out and filming voters at ballot drop boxes in Arizona.
CNN said:
The voting rights organization alleges that the Lions of Liberty LLC and the Yavapai County Preparedness Team – two groups that the League claims are related to the Oath Keepers of Yavapai County – along with a group known as Clean Elections USA, have been “actively planning, coordinating, and recruiting for widespread campaigns to surveil and intimidate Arizona voters at ballot drop boxes and baselessly accuse them—either directly or indirectly—of committing voter fraud, and spread false information about legally valid forms of voting.”
CNN said:
The lawsuit notes that the conduct of the vigilantes – some of whom have been wearing masks and tactical gear – appears to be inspired by the debunked film known as “2000 mules,” which advanced the right-wing conspiracy theory that so-called “ballot mules” illegally dropped off multiple ballots at drop boxes during the last election. The suit notes that the film “has been roundly discredited by experts” and includes “images of innocent voters lawfully casting their ballots” in order to “peddle a dangerous conspiracy theory.”

People who are staking out the ballot drop boxes, the League argued, are also propagating the lie that Arizonians are violating the law whenever they deposit a ballot for another person – when in fact state law allows household members, caregivers as well as election officials to assist voters by dropping off their ballots for them.

I mean, what is there to say, really? Hopefully some folks will be going to jail without anyone getting shot. On a radio program this morning, a sheriff in one of the Arizona counties where this is happening noted that these pinhead cosplayers with delusions of grandeur (I may be paraphrasing) are sitting outside the legally-mandated 75-foot zone, but he said he was going to post his deputies to watch the watchers. What a bunch of maroons, as Bugs Bunny would say. Honestly, if these boneheads wanted to secede, I might be willing to let them. Don't let the door hit you on the [butt].
I feel like, if I'm carrying around a concealed handgun, some dude in a mask and tactical gear filming me while I drop my ballot off at the drop box is enough of a threat that I should be allowed to pull my gun out and shoot that person and have it ruled justifiable homicide
AZ has a truly screwed up GOP. Cutting off all Colorado River water for their use would be a good thing.
Threatening political violence I see. How disappointing. :shake:
Not at all. There is not enough water in the system and a new allocation is necessary. Somebody will lose out; it may be farmers, it may be recreation, it may be population growth, etc. depending upon where the cuts happen. I'm just suggesting that AZ be cut off to provide more water for CA, NM, NV and Mexico. Yes the reason to cut AZ out is political, especially if the Republican wins the governorship. She is both hateful and anti democratic.
Not at all. There is not enough water in the system and a new allocation is necessary. Somebody will lose out; it may be farmers, it may be recreation, it may be population growth, etc. depending upon where the cuts happen. I'm just suggesting that AZ be cut off to provide more water for CA, NM, NV and Mexico. Yes the reason to cut AZ out is political, especially if the Republican wins the governorship. She is both hateful and anti democratic.

Well it's not very nice for the Democrats who live in AZ or the Republicans who vote for someone else.

Pretty social darwinistic and almost Nazi like if you ask me. :shake:
The Arizona and Texas GOP seem to be in a competition to see who can be the dumbest and most extreme at the same time!

You do worry about the future of the US when you see things like this:
"Last month, a CBS poll found that a plurality of Democrats and Republicans see the other side of the aisle not as political opposition but as "enemies"."
Two hockey teams are adversaries with the intention of bringing as much pleasure to the fan base as possible. They aren't enemies. And yet, politics wins by insisting the other side is an enemy
Takes a real dipsht to make it true.
Well it's not very nice for the Democrats who live in AZ or the Republicans who vote for someone else.

Pretty social darwinistic and almost Nazi like if you ask me. :shake:
Kari Lake is all about being a Nazi and disenfranchising democrats and non white citizens. Keeping her and her cronies out of government will do the state a huge favor. Water is a very scarce resource in the west and it should not be wasted on folks who want to undo democracy and spread racial hate. I do not see any connection to social Darwinism in my post.
The GOP thinks Democrats are their enemies due to the Dems' support of:
* Abortion and same sex marriage rights
* Full civil rights for everyone, including LGBTQ+ citizens
* Modernize the economy by pushing for paid family leave and universal healthcare
* Ensuring profitable corporations pay some type of tax instead of often getting refunds.
* Fighting climate change through meaningful legislation
* Reasonable gun laws

The Democrats think the Trump Party is a threat to the US because:
* January 6
* Attempting to extort a fake investigation of his political opponent by threatening to withhold military aid from Ukraine.
* Stacking with the Supreme Court with unqualified right-wing judges
* Substantial tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations
* Limiting civil rights, including voting rights, for millions if Americans
Two hockey teams are adversaries with the intention of bringing as much pleasure to the fan base as possible. They aren't enemies. And yet, politics wins by insisting the other side is an enemy

It's almost like sports and politics are completely different incomparable things
Of course it's comparable. It's not the same, but it's comparable.

No, it's not the sports that are comparable, it's the point of the sport that's comparable. An adversarial process that turns people into enemies is going to fail the people the process is supposed to serve
Kari Lake is all about being a Nazi and disenfranchising democrats and non white citizens. Keeping her and her cronies out of government will do the state a huge favor. Water is a very scarce resource in the west and it should not be wasted on folks who want to undo democracy and spread racial hate. I do not see any connection to social Darwinism in my post.
Don't worry, the Democrat hasn't funded soil and water conservation districts in an age here, either. But mostly depends on who lives in the district. So don't feel like you're being radical or anything. ;)

Trump Is Having A Big Florida Rally And Ron DeSantis Isn't Invited​

Trump declined to send an invite to a rally two days before Election Day.

Former President Donald Trump is set to help a fellow Republican in Florida campaigning for reelection in next month’s election.
That Republican, however, may not be Gov. Ron DeSantis. Trump declined to send him an invite to a rally set for two days before Election Day in Miami.

Trump on Wednesday announced a rally Nov. 6 to support Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who he frequently insulted in the Republican campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016.
A Trump adviser told Politico that DeSantis — who is also running for reelection in the November midterm — is not attending the rally. The adviser added that there’s no bad blood between the two, both leading potential 2024 presidential candidates.

Sources told CNN, however, that Trump has complained about DeSantis and “indicated he was ungrateful to Trump, who believes he is responsible for DeSantis’ success in 2018.”

More at link.
The Arizona and Texas GOP seem to be in a competition to see who can be the dumbest and most extreme at the same time!

You do worry about the future of the US when you see things like this:
"Last month, a CBS poll found that a plurality of Democrats and Republicans see the other side of the aisle not as political opposition but as "enemies"."

Yup, this is part of what I mean when I say things are sad these days. The message in that dating article kind of mirrors the concept of "not being unevenly yoked" mentioned in the Bible. The difference though is that one preaches division and hate whilst the other teaches to find harmony in order to perform well.
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