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Yeah, you are right about that. But we had the Access Hollywood tape and plenty of knowledge of Trump's character before the election. Stormy changed few opinions. She's a non-issue.

Stormy is a non-issue to Trump voters. But that is because crime, morals, ethics, integrity, treason, and Christianity, are non-issues to Trump voters.
Stormy is a non-issue to Trump voters. But that is because crime, morals, ethics, integrity, treason, and Christianity, are non-issues to Trump voters.
As I have said before, Trump is a Samson-like figure. God sometimes does great things through flawed men (and women).

Jimmy Carter might have been the best man we've had as president, in my lifetime. Did not get good results.
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As I have said before, Trump is a Samson-like figure. God sometimes does great things through flawed men (and women).

And Satan often uses Satanists. Trump is not "flawed". He is an antiChrist. Not The Anti-Christ, but an anti-Christ.

In all of American history, never has a candidate for president of the nation been further from being a Christian. And this is blatantly obviously true.

And yet, despite the fact that he is the furthest from being a Christian that any American has ever been able to vote for, Republicans who know that to be true vote for him.

Republicans vote for Trump because they are voting against Christ!

That's just how they roll.
And Satan often uses Satanists. Trump is not "flawed". He is an antiChrist. Not The Anti-Christ, but an anti-Christ.

In all of American history, never has a candidate for president of the nation been further from being a Christian. And this is blatantly obviously true.

And yet, despite the fact that he is the furthest from being a Christian that any American has ever been able to vote for, Republicans who know that to be true vote for him.

Republicans vote for Trump because they are voting against Christ!

That's just how they roll.
So, are you arguing for a Christian nation?
I am not a Republican since it because obvious that Trump would win the nomination in 2016. Wife and I switched to unaffiliated. The Republican party hardly exists anymore.
So, are you arguing for a Christian nation?

I'm arguing that Christian values and liberal values have a high overlap. And Christian values and conservative values have a low overlap. And, the kicker point, that conservatives are usually heretics and frauds when it comes to Cristian values.

It is for this reason that America is not a Christian nation. Because the Founding Fathers were wise enough to know that conservatives talk the talk without walking the walk. America was founded by, mostly, Christians, but was not founded as a Christian nation. Because it was founded as a nation of slave holders, and no Christian has ever been a slave holder. But, also, it was founded by a people who were, to a very large extent, the refugees of Europe's failures at Christianity. America's FFs did not want to import the wars of Christian Heresy into the New World. And for that reason, built a wall between civil government and sectarian authority.

And that is exactly because of the horsehocky that is going on now. Judas Alito is going to Hell. There is no ifs, there is no buts, there is no crossing Go and collecting $200. Judas Alito is a traitor against God. Now that makes him a hero to conservatives. Why? Because they are also traitors against God.

The American government was set up as it was set up to protect Christians against traitors against God like Judas Alito, Trump, and their supporters.

There will be fewer Christians in American in the future of because of Judas Alito.

There will be fewer Christians in American in the future of because of Trump.

The reason America was not founded as a Christian nation was because doing so would have put even more power into the hands of traitors against God like Trump and Judas Alito.
I'm arguing that Christian values and liberal values have a high overlap. And Christian values and conservative values have a low overlap. And, the kicker point, that conservatives are usually heretics and frauds when it comes to Cristian values.

It is for this reason that America is not a Christian nation. Because the Founding Fathers were wise enough to know that conservatives talk the talk without walking the walk. America was founded by, mostly, Christians, but was not founded as a Christian nation. Because it was founded as a nation of slave holders, and no Christian has ever been a slave holder. But, also, it was founded by a people who were, to a very large extent, the refugees of Europe's failures at Christianity. America's FFs did not want to import the wars of Christian Heresy into the New World. And for that reason, built a wall between civil government and sectarian authority.

And that is exactly because of the horsehocky that is going on now. Judas Alito is going to Hell. There is no ifs, there is no buts, there is no crossing Go and collecting $200. Judas Alito is a traitor against God. Now that makes him a hero to conservatives. Why? Because they are also traitors against God.

The American government was set up as it was set up to protect Christians against traitors against God like Judas Alito, Trump, and their supporters.

There will be fewer Christians in American in the future of because of Judas Alito.

There will be fewer Christians in American in the future of because of Trump.

The reason America was not founded as a Christian nation was because doing so would have put even more power into the hands of traitors against God like Trump and Judas Alito.
I am not familiar with political liberals who have Christian values. I am familiar with political liberals who adhere to liberal Christian philosophy. For example, these might acknowledge the resurrection, but not in a literal, physical sense. Instead, they interpret it metaphorically or symbolically. This is not Christianity as I recognize it.

But this isn't a thread about religion. You are free to judge Trump voters. That is between you and God.

I only mentioned Samson because Trump is the only president who did a truly Godly thing by appointing justices that revoked Roe and thereby saved the lives of innocents. Which is remarkable given how Trump shows next to no resemblance to a Christian. Ergo Samson-like.

I apologize to anyone who doesn't want God in the thread. I only responded to Cutlass who invoked religion with his slurs against Trump voters in post #101. The religious issue is settled afaiac.
I am not familiar with political liberals who have Christian values. I am familiar with political liberals who adhere to liberal Christian philosophy. For example, these might acknowledge the resurrection, but not in a literal, physical sense. Instead, they interpret it metaphorically or symbolically. This is not Christianity as I recognize it.

But this isn't a thread about religion. You are free to judge Trump voters. That is between you and God.

I only mentioned Samson because Trump is the only president who did a truly Godly thing by appointing justices that revoked Roe and thereby saved the lives of innocents. Which is remarkable given how Trump shows next to no resemblance to a Christian. Ergo Samson-like.

I apologize to anyone who doesn't want God in the thread. I only responded to Cutlass who invoked religion with his slurs against Trump voters in post #101. The religious issue is settled afaiac.

The anti abortion movement is not a Christian movement, does have Christian values, and does not have Christian goals. So no, Trump did nothing for Christianity.

In the survey of 1,038 women who have had abortions, 70 percent claim a Christian religious preference, and 43 percent report attending church monthly or more at the time of an abortion.

The pro-choice movement should be called a Christian movement, but they're not, because: "The only moral abortion, is my abortion".
The pro-choice movement should be called a Christian movement, but they're not, because: "The only moral abortion, is my abortion".
Honestly I feel it is disingenuous to draw any conclusions about Christians from such data points given that Christianity is a movement that is extremely diverse with most of its members only agreeing on two things. The first being the name and the second that all the other sects are wrong.
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