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Obsoleting wonders? Or removing kiln?


Jul 12, 2008
Playing super slowly with wife and young kids who all love the game and stay up to the wee hours with one more turnitis. It's a great mod, and has refreshed my experience of Civ 4 drastically. It's also their first experience of Civilization, I skipped the unmodded version for them altogether!

Was wondering if the benefits of wonders eventually go obsolete? It looks like they don't since there are no notes that I can see indicating that wonders go obsolete with certain techs.

Some things seem particularly powerful if they don't go obsolete - I had to deliberately avoid getting the Great Wall because the game became too easy if barbarians had to focus on everyone else around me and even rebelling cities aren't going to be able to do much if I have the Great Wall - I'm guessing.

Some buildings seem to become a major detriment. The kiln is one unhealthiness for two gold - it's useful early on but if you can live without it an ocean tile or cottage is far preferable. But it looks like there is no way to delete or remove a building? I ended up deliberately avoiding it in every city.
Playing super slowly with wife and young kids who all love the game and stay up to the wee hours with one more turnitis. It's a great mod, and has refreshed my experience of Civ 4 drastically. It's also their first experience of Civilization, I skipped the unmodded version for them altogether!

I'm honoured that HR is your family's first experience of Civ! Great to hear you've all been enjoying it.

Was wondering if the benefits of wonders eventually go obsolete? It looks like they don't since there are no notes that I can see indicating that wonders go obsolete with certain techs.

Wonders don't go obsolete in HR. I just never liked how obsoletion makes certain techs undesirable. This does make a few wonders more powerful.

Some things seem particularly powerful if they don't go obsolete - I had to deliberately avoid getting the Great Wall because the game became too easy if barbarians had to focus on everyone else around me and even rebelling cities aren't going to be able to do much if I have the Great Wall - I'm guessing.

Barbarians become quite rare by the Renaissance Era so there's a natural obsoletion to the Great Wall anyway, apart from during a civil war. Barbarian units from a rebelling city won't be able to enter your (now reduced) borders if you have the Great Wall on the same continent. But this also means that neighbouring AI players are more likely to try capture your city before you can.

Some buildings seem to become a major detriment. The kiln is one unhealthiness for two gold - it's useful early on but if you can live without it an ocean tile or cottage is far preferable. But it looks like there is no way to delete or remove a building? I ended up deliberately avoiding it in every city.

It's not possible to remove buildings after construction, no. The Kiln provides 2 commerce, rather than gold/wealth which outweighs the unhealthiness over time in most situations. And the free merchant makes it even better once you can employ one. However, you're right that it's not necessary or sensible for all cities and that's intended. The Tannery is similar in design, but for production. They exist to boost cities that are otherwise lacking those yields in the early game, but you pay for it with unhealthiness.
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