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Official Pre-Game Discussion: Game Settings


Aug 23, 2007
Classical_Hero has asked each team to discuss its preferred game settings. You can read the official game settings thread here. Since they're so many options, I thought a poll would be too cumbersome, so let's just throw around a couple of game settings and see if anyone disagrees.

Huts: On/Off
Events: On/Off
Vassal States: On/Off
Barbarians: None, Normal, or Raging
Tech Trading: Normal, No Tech Trading, No Tech Brokering
Difficulty Level: Low (Noble/Prince), Medium (Monarch/Emperor), High (Immortal/Deity)
All looks good to me, I'll second all of those settings. The only one that there's a bit of a question mark over is the difficulty level, as I know a lot of them are played on Noble, but it might just get silly in terms of expansion rates with low maintenance costs. So Monarch sounds like a good compromise.
Huts, Events and Vassal States should all be off, period. They add nothing to a pitboss game, and deter quite a lot.

I definitely want TT on.

For barbarians I'm ambivalent, I wouldn't mind them off completely but would be fine with either setting, it's fine for everyone.

For difficulty level - this is not a solo game where we need to worry about cheating AI. I typically find that pitboss games are by far the most fun when played at Deity level, especially with TT on, since the tech trading speeds up research quite a lot more than in your average solo game. So my vote is Deity.
Huts, Events and Vassal States should all be off, period. They add nothing to a pitboss game, and deter quite a lot.

I definitely want TT on.

For barbarians I'm ambivalent, I wouldn't mind them off completely but would be fine with either setting, it's fine for everyone.

For difficulty level - this is not a solo game where we need to worry about cheating AI. I typically find that pitboss games are by far the most fun when played at Deity level, especially with TT on, since the tech trading speeds up research quite a lot more than in your average solo game. So my vote is Deity.

same opinion i have
For barbarians I'm ambivalent, I wouldn't mind them off completely but would be fine with either setting, it's fine for everyone.

I'm guessing you wouldn't mind not seeing any barb axemen roaming around, right? :p :lol:

sorry Niklas, couldn't resist...

Anyway, I support all of DMOC's settings.
From this, it looks like we only have to debate on the difficulty level. I would have selected deity, although I was concerned with how the early game would simply be us vs. barbarians for a while, especially if we're given as much land as we did last game.

Hey guys, most of you are Deity players, I hope you would know how to keep us safe:), and since I don't play Deity yet, I would like to see what tricks you can use to balance growth and happines and barbs in the beggining.

All other settings are fine, and I would only go for Tech Traiding ON, since that is the best part of these games, from what I've seen.
Tech Trading ON
Normal Barbs

I can't play well on deity in single player but should definately make for the best game in this kind of environment.

edit: huts/events/vassals: OFF
Tech trading OFF
Normal barbs
Huts/events/vassals OFF

Difficulty level depends a bit. I'd generally like imm/deity, but lower would be ok if tech trading really was off.

Re: deity barbs
I don't really have experience with MP, but I imagine there'd quite a delay in them entering borders due to slower expansion pace by players?
I'm generally liking the settings!

Think Monarch makes sense as it keeps the costs of things a bit more sensible?

Not entirely sure about tech trading, think that's the one which will have the biggest impact on the way the game plays out... personally I lean towards NTT, but TT could be fun as long as we are happy with the alliance/cartel stuff that comes with it?
Normal speed for me too, 5-0.

Actually, if we end up with a tie between hard and medium difficulty level, we should vote Deity. It's unlikely the other teams will vote Deity, more likely Monarch, so the end result of the public vote will be the compromise we're after. ;)
6-0 for normal speed. That is the one where the game is most balanced, right?

And Epic could just be too long and drag...
Other teams are reporting their official votes in the main forum. Here's ours so far:

7-0 normal speed,
7-0 Huts off
7-0 Events off
7-0 Vassal off
5-1 Tech trading ON
5-0 Barbs on (no one wants raging?)

Immortal difficulty seems to be the median vote. It's also my vote.

Anyone object to us reporting these as our official team vote?
Other teams are reporting their official votes in the main forum. Here's ours:

7-0 normal speed,
7-0 Huts off
7-0 Events off
7-0 Vassal off
5-1 Tech trading ON
5-0 Barbs on (no one wants raging?)

Immortal difficulty seems to be the median vote. It's also my vote.

Anyone object to us reporting these as our official team vote?
Other teams are reporting their official votes in the main forum... we have so far:

DMOC will post our vote as a team leader, and I thought we agreed on Deity so we can get Immortal to play.
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