Oh no I got ... as my nieghbor

Honestly? I hate almost every Civ as a neighbour :lol:

My BFF is usually Trajan but definitely NOT as a neighbour. One of the worst ones to start next to for his land-chomping tendencies. Whereas if I meet him later, after I've expanded, he's lovely.

Worst of all, though? Pedro, Shaka and Monty are all "oh god no". If it's early enough and I meet one of those first, I usually call time on the map. With Pedro it's less because of him (though he is annoying) and mostly because I can't stand his music!

Glad someone else has the same reaction to Pedro's music. I usually disable the Indonesia/Khmer pack for the same reason :/
I also hate him for being insane power hungry genocidal maniac IRL, and for him being avatar of 'anticolonial resistance' probably because he was the single African leader most fitting stereotype of savage. I mean, we're talking about a man who after capturing mother of his political opponent fed her alive to hyenas.

The Zulu themselves are famous as an avatar of anticolonial resistance (largely on their defeat of the British at Isandlwana), but Shaka himself actually largely predates that.

But I agree in general, I think he's largely in the game as 'Zulu' was a very popular movie for some of Sid Meier's generation, so it probably made them the first subsaharan african nation he thought of frankly.
Shaka. Gotta finish him early before he takes off means to postpone building plans. And he's far more dangerous than e.g.Alex to me...
And I never never get on good terms with China. Qin always hates my guts and declares sooner or later. So the later I meet him the better... :rolleyes:
Both Indias. One will cover your land with religious units, another will hate you because you exist.

On a slightly different note, I like when Alex, Shaka and Montezuma end up next to each other. Keeps them entertained for the whole game and they don't mess with me :D
Montezuma - one and only. If he's very close and he sets his sight's on you, before he can be befriendied through your lack of luxuries, a few hits from his EW and you're dead. It is that simple. Unless he's distracted by other close AIs, massive barb onslaught or hurt by an early 1000 year flood, most likely it's gg.

Pretty much everyone else can be handled by rushing or befriending. Or could before the September update, too little experience yet with all those suddenly firing ranged enemies :) Actually I find those with unique ranged units even more annoying than those with melee. Let Korea have their Hwachas, and their walled cities will become unapproachable for centuries.

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, is the best close neighbour you can have. Instant friend, let him build cities and wonders for you, and shield you from others. And his donkey carts will chase all the barbs off of you. Then when he's built all those campi and covered his land in ziggurats, blitz him, pillage the ziggurats for massive gold boost and add their biological and technological distinctiveness to your own. He makes life really easy.

This. From the worst to the best.
I hate the way Gandhi looks like caricatural inhuman E.T. , him returning every game and goddamn nuke meme among fanbase, joke worth twenty minutes of smile stretched over twenty years and repeated two milion times.

I hate the fact that meme has completely overshadowed his persona and philosophy by this point. If I was dev I would remove him from series for a decade, put him back into game and explicitly said in an interview 'we decided to remove his nukes affinity out of respect'.

I hate his appearance in the game also for almost opposite reason - his personality has always Indian civ in this series into hardcore pacifist doormat pushover. Thank God for Chandragupta in civ6 to deconstruct this.
I recently learned about Ghandi's darker, less known, side. Apparently he was quite a racist amongst other things and not as peaceful (ideologically) as he's usually portrayed in history. Made me wonder if the nukes meme is intentional to reflect that?
I can usually befriend most civ's early on, including Chandragupta. Just gotta be johnny-on-the-spot with delegations, open borders, and have some vestige of strength.

Still, I do hate Chandragupta because the elephants are just ridiculous. There's no effective counter except to tech past them.

Russia is painful even in friendship due to the land grab, so that wins the top spot for me. And if you try to found your own religion, he will generally spam missionaries ad infinitum in a shameless attempt to extinguish your religion. Since it now requires diplomatic favor to ask for a promise not to convert more cities, which an early player may not have, I usually have to denounce and DOW just to save the religion I worked for.
The memetic nuke aggro very likely has nothing to do with his character flaws and comes from a classic programming error, namely an integer underflow bug.
Civ AIs have numerical values from 1 to 10 assigned to behaviours (aggression, wonder building etc.).
In Civ 1 Ghandi was the most peaceful leader with an aggression rating of 1. He would also always adopt Democracy once it was researched. Aggression was modified by the Government type, and Democracy reduced it by 2.
Since the values could only be positive and between 0 and 255, 1 - 2 loops back to 255 and Ghandi went from most peaceful to total psycho around the time nukes became available.
Later Civ games didn't have that problem but embraced Psycho Nuke Ghandi as a running gag.
Yea I'm aware of this theory you explained above, and it does seem likely. It's also funny and I always believed it to be the case. But then I heard about Ghandi's darker side, how he was actually quite orthodox in thinking, supported the caste system, was racist towards the blacks of south africa, and his differences with Dr. Ambedkar in Indain politics. It got me thinking, humor me:

CIv's team are history buffs, they must know all about Ghandi and all the other leaders in the game. They could've fixed this "bug" a long time ago but decided to leave it. Could be it's just a popular joke and why not since it's just a game after all. But maybe there's a deeper reason the left it in. Maybe it started as a bug, but then the developers decided to keep it as a serendipitous, historical easter egg. That way they get to reflect some of Ghandi's less known history without creating controversy. :eek:

I'm no historian, and I'm not even sure how accurate my info is. It's just an alternate theory regarding the nuke meme that I find amusing.
In Civ 1 Ghandi was the most peaceful leader with an aggression rating of 1. He would also always adopt Democracy once it was researched. Aggression was modified by the Government type, and Democracy reduced it by 2.
Since the values could only be positive and between 0 and 255, 1 - 2 loops back to 255 and Ghandi went from most peaceful to total psycho around the time nukes became available.
Later Civ games didn't have that problem but embraced Psycho Nuke Ghandi as a running gag.

Yea I'm aware of this theory you explained above, and it does seem likely. It's also funny and I always believed it to be the case. But then I heard about Ghandi's darker side, how he was actually quite orthodox in thinking, supported the caste system, was racist towards the blacks of south africa, and his differences with Dr. Ambedkar in Indain politics. It got me thinking, humor me:

CIv's team are history buffs, they must know all about Ghandi and all the other leaders in the game. They could've fixed this "bug" a long time ago but decided to leave it. Could be it's just a popular joke and why not since it's just a game after all. But maybe there's a deeper reason the left it in. Maybe it started as a bug, but then the developers decided to keep it as a serendipitous, historical easter egg. That way they get to reflect some of Ghandi's less known history without creating controversy. :eek:

I'm no historian, and I'm not even sure how accurate my info is. It's just an alternate theory regarding the nuke meme that I find amusing.

I believe you and many others may find intriguing this video about how did the nuclear Gandhi bug happened in Civilization. Or did it even really happen at all???

Also, guys, unless the leader being allegedly 'racist' IRL and all that gives some quantifiable and apparent bonuses or debufs in-game to make him a scary or likeable neighbour, please discuss such stuff in off-topic thread or similar...
That way they get to reflect some of Ghandi's less known history without creating controversy.

I doubt it, most of this was unknown to us average gamers in the west (specifically the U.S.) until very recently in liberal news articles. I'm not going to get into that, as mentioned above, it's best left for off topic. I'm just saying it wasn't widely known. I only found out about it from an article I read like 6 months ago.
Oddly enough I've never really encountered the "Psycho Nuke Gandhi" thing. In all the games I've played with him it either wasn't one of his attributes, or he ended up getting wiped out early on in the game (usually by me, as for whatever reason he tends to be one of the civs closest to me quite often).

Japan is a civ I really don't like having as a neighbor, because they seem to really go overboard with the missionaries/apostles/warrior monks.
The hypocrites: Teddy and John and Tommy ... Ironic enough given their agendas
Gotta say, Teddy is a great big flipping hypocrite. On my current game I start out next to him as Alexander. We got pretty chummy, then out of the blue, he surprise DoWs me. I have next to no army but plenty of resources and gold, so I rush an army out to hold off the American hordes, then manage to produce an army to wipe the floor with his. I get a few catapults and capture half of his cities to bring him to the bargaining table. We settle for peace with significant compensation for the troubles he caused me (it was while I was still establishing my first couple of cities, a crucial time for me).

Two turns later, I get a message off of him (paraphrasing, I can't remember the exact words) "Thank you for helping estabilish peace on our continent!" I wanted to curse!

Anyway, on topic, I hate starting next to Curtin, he always wants to DoW me when I'm wanting to focus on my cities and getting them productive. No one else seems to do that (except Teddy, once).

17th Sep: edited a few spelling mistakes.
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Gotta say, Teddy is a great big flipping hypocrite. On my current game I start out next to him as Alexander. We gotmpretty chummy, then out of the blue, he surprise DoWs me. I have next to know army but plenty of resources and gold, so I rush a an army out to hold of the American hordes, then manage to produce an army to wipe the floor with his. I get a few catapults and capture half of his cities to bring him to the bargaining table. We settle for peace with significant compensation for the troubles he caused me (it was while I was still establishing my first couple of cities, a crucial time for me).

Two turns later, I get a message off of him (paraphrasing, I can't remember the exact words) "Thank you for helping estabilish peace on our continent!" I wanted to curse!

Anyway, on topic, i hate starting next to Curtin, henalwaysnwants to DoW me when I'm wanting to focus on my cities and getting the productive. No one else seems to do that (except Teddy, once).

Perhaps you understand why once an AI declares on me without a cause (and even seemingly despite our various friendly modifier, my kindness and gifts, and the fact that he couldn't hope to hold my cities due to loyalty anyway... just to be nasty for the sake of it) I settle for nothing less than total annihilation of their accursed race...

And the other civs somehow think I'm the bad guy.
Obviously I dislike the overly aggressive neighbours, and the ones whose agendas are impossible to satisfy (looking at you, Gorgo and Alexander, for disliking my peaceful empire building). But what gets on my nerves the most are the Civs with obnoxious musical themes, and Maori top that list. Cultural sensitivity aside, I simply cannot stand all that aggressive shouting. It feels like playing while the nighbours are having a drunken party. The Georgian chanting annoys me too. I guess I just prefer non-vocal tunes as background music.
Please Guys stop ur Gandhi bashing,most of things are pure judgemental nd out of context of civfanatics .Whether u like Gandhiji or not ,nd how much u know about him to judge him nd India as a civilization?
Please make sure to limit discussion to civ 6.
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