• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

One Winged Angel

Yep, further confirmation that FF7 roxzorz beyond almost anything else, that song rulez too.

The death is great in this, the sword chop is a little mechanical, but it's hard to avoid that at that speed, and the speed in reality (FF7 reality :confused: ) is probably not fast enough:eek: , this guy was practically omnipotent after all.

And speaking of (spoiler warning, even though most people know already anyways, but I'm over-considerate) Aeris getting killed, can anyone else think of a game where a major, playable character is killed and never comes back?
I read somewhere it is possible to revive her you just need a whole bunch of healing materia, would take months just to get that many (cos they have to be leveled up to max...its been a while, I forgot how the system works, but you know, you use the materia and it grows stronger and when its maxed out you get another one just at level 1.) and there was also someting else IIRC... I read that 5 or 6 years ago. maybe it was just a hoax, I dunno..
Orthanc said:
And speaking of (spoiler warning, even though most people know already anyways, but I'm over-considerate) Aeris getting killed, can anyone else think of a game where a major, playable character is killed and never comes back?

Well, to a certain extent, you can count Tellah of "Final Fantasy IV." He comes with your party at the beginning, goes off for a while, and then comes back and then gets killed off.

All of the "reviving Aeris" 'tricks' are all pure hoaxes. Actually, there's a lot in "Final Fantasy VII" that was never completed (you're supposed to do more with the underwater materia and the Gold Chocobo, but those quests were never completed). SquareEnix even admits this in an interview a few years ago. The rush to get it released was so intense that they had to cut out a lot of things. Also, you might notice that even if you get the "extra" character, you don't see them in the final FMV. There was supposed to be different endings depending on whether or not you got them. I suppose this is why they're making "Dirge of Cerberus" for Vincent. ;) Although it might have been one of the most ground-breaking games, it was also one of the most incomplete, which is why it's not my true favorite (FFIV being my definite favorite :) ).

There is a rumor, however, (and this is still purely a rumor), that SquareEnix is actually planning to make a complete version of FFVII for the PS3. Here's hoping that those rumors are true. :)
OMG... Do you understand that I will have to spend a butt-load of money, so I can just play that? I`m willing to let go new FFs and all other awesome games that will come with PS3 but a complete version of 7? Wow... I used to dream it would come out on PS2 when I bought it..
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