Open spots in succession games

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Utilitarian Despot
Nov 9, 2001
Hockeytown, USA
Do you want to join a succession game?

I have not seen a thread specifically designed for this purpose, so here it is. If you have a succession game and it needs a player or two, post here, along with a link. It might be easier for someone looking for a succession game to be able to see all the openings at one spot.

Please only post if you have any open succesion game. This thread should only be used to attract new people to your game When your game is complete, please come back and delete your post, that way, we will only have open games on this thread.
I pm Lefty and Cunobelin asking if they could make this an sticky thread.

Also, Hobbes I think you should establish a rule in your first post (maybe the mods could do it) like this:
The only thing you can post in this thread are succession games needing players. This thread can't be used to sign ups or discussions.
That way the thread won't get filled with useless posts and will serve its purpose.

Mods, please delete this post if you use my rule suggestion.
American Chieftain Game - Currently full.
If any positions become available, I'll let it be known.
Thanks, Hippo!;)

UPDATE: Game complete: Conquest Victory![\b]

That's fine. Just edit your original post and say THIS GAME FULL. We've got better things to do to your posts then delete them :D (you know, edit them and yell at you, stuff like that ;))

Difficulty: Monarch
Turns per Player : 20 (maybe 15)
Map Size: Standard
Civ: To be Decided
Barbs: Raging

Other things will be set at random, or if ppl have preferences then they might be changed.

Rules are that you need to verify that you have gotten the saved game within 24hrs by posting an "i got it" message, afterwhich you will have another 24 hour period to play.

All posts and saved games will be conducted on this forum, unless some difficult intervenes.

Reply to this :

thread saying you want to play, and include an email addie.

Lettuce prepare to have some group fun.

A succession game is a game where you are 2-5+(infinity) players who play about 20 Turns each. One player starts, then goes the next and so on...
IT's already full?! Now that's too bad.

Btw, I will join ALMOST any SG that isn't using any kind of patch, sicne I won't install patch UNTIL I PLAY AT LEAST ONEGAME WITHOUT IT!
Small?! Now that's too bad.
Hey folks, I'm looking for a game to jump in. Been a Civ player for a very long time. Read one game and I now can't wait. Thanks...

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