over-powered civ/leader combinations

I was NC

Jun 6, 2013
Do we think players will figure out ways to combine civs and leaders to be overpowered in certain ways. (Maybe someone already has?) For example, _____ leading the _____ is better than any others in fighting wars during the Exploration age with a certain legacy.

No doubt Firaxis has tested all the permutations at least some, but did they do so enough? If there are such combos, maybe it doesn't really matter?
There are way too many combos to be tested, even on paper, and not even including things like attributes and wonders. There will of course be some ridiculously strong synergies between certain civs, combos, leaders, attributes, and wonders. I don‘t think it’s even worth to try to balance these, aside from some that might become meta.

I think it’s great fun to go through a table with all antiquity civs, choose one and the select a fitting leader. Then go on to exploration age, looking at your current hand of bonuses and traditions. Select one and then go further to the modern age.

But including attributes and wonders in this in theory to find the best? And potential bonuses from events? That‘s too tedious for me. I‘ll do that once I‘m actually playing.
With regards to balance, I'm sure Firaxis will tolerate some leader-civ combos that are overpowered. But they wil probably step in and tinker with a leader if that leader can easily string together three overpowered combos in a row.
Do we think players will figure out ways to combine civs and leaders to be overpowered in certain ways. (Maybe someone already has?) For example, _____ leading the _____ is better than any others in fighting wars during the Exploration age with a certain legacy.

No doubt Firaxis has tested all the permutations at least some, but did they do so enough? If there are such combos, maybe it doesn't really matter?
Biggest way is looking at synergies

Not a synergy: Leader gets + combat strength, Civ gets +combat strength
Synergy: Leader gets +combat str for Suzerains, Civ gets Suzerains more easily

ie Charlemagne has synergy with any civ with Sci/Military UBs, civs with better Cavalry UU and Civs with happiness bonuses (more celebrations)
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