Over the Reich - Creation Thread

I like the idea if you're up for implementing it. I will just add that we are both terrible at resisting "fun cool stuff."
I have the events. The firefighters idea will actually simplify the firestorm implementation, and getting the coastal fortress to be buildable in all cities was a 3 minute job.
Events are available.


Firefighters improvement can be built in all cities (not airfields). Needs new art. Maybe think again about costs.

Killing an allied refinery now costs the Allies money also. At the moment, the Germans only gain points for killing Allied Urban; do we want them to gain points for killing other stuff too, now that the points system has changed?

The germans can't be brought below moneySafeFromRefineryKill by the death of an experten.

After production, the player whose turn it is not has their fuel level brought up to moneySafeFromRefineryKill, and the player whose turn it is has any money given on the opponent's turn taken away (but is never put below 0).

Firestorm basics in place. Attacking urban kills the firefighters improvement if it is there, if not there is a chance of firestorm (currently at 100% for testing)
specialNumbers.firestormChance = 1 -- probability that a firestorm will start when an urban center is destroyed without the firefighter improvement in the city

I still have to check for nearby clouds, and display a message to both players.


  • 24-Jan-EventsRules.zip
    132 KB · Views: 137
Probably best to leave aircraft factories alone as they're often very far from the city
I'll write more later (got to run), but here are the events. I think they are complete except for any bug fixes. Some changes to rules/art are still in order.


Commented out splash damage for flak against munitions, since they are now killed outright with the unit. If you want flak to make munitions less effective, search for areaReactionDamage to get the table.

Firestorm changes
Chance set to 2%, there can be at most 2 clouds within 3 squares of the city (on both high and night maps) for a fire to start. All strategic targets except aircraft factories (including critical industries, ports and railyards) are killed in a firestorm.

Destroying a day target has a 50% chance to kill the firefighters improvement. Military ports are excluded, since these are attacked regularly and it is already powerful to kill them. I also excluded critical industry.

If the allies start a firestorm in an occupied city, the Germans gain 200 points. We could have some other penalty instead (or in addition).

specialNumbers.firestormChance = 0.02 -- probability that a firestorm will start when an urban center is destroyed without the firefighter improvement in the city
specialNumbers.cloudExclusionRadius = 3 -- radius around a city to check for clouds for firestorm mechanic
specialNumbers.maximumClouds = 2 -- maximum number of clouds (on both high and night map) within the exclusion radius for which a firestorm can still happen
specialNumbers.occupiedFirestormGermanPointBounus = 200 -- number of points the Germans get if the Allies start a firestorm in an occupied city
specialNumbers.dayAttackFirefightersKillChance = 0.5 -- the chance that destroying a target on the day map will destroy the firefighters improvement in the city (Military Ports don't apply)
textAliases.attackerFirestormText = [[Our attack against %STRING1 has overwhelmed the city's firefighting capabilities and has started a massive firestorm that has burnt down most of the city.]]

textAliases.defenderFirestormText = [[A recent %STRING2 attack against %STRING1 has overwhelmed the city's firefighters capabilities and a massive firestorm has burnt down most of the city. Casualty figures are still unknown.]]

textAliases.firestormInOccupiedCityAllies = [[DISASTER! Our attack against %STRING1 has started a firestorm killing an unknown but very large number of civilians. Our prestige in Occupied Europe has declined substantially, and the Germans have gained ]]..tostring(specialNumbers.occupiedFirestormGermanPointBounus)..[[ points.]]

textAliases.firestormInOccupiedCityGermans = [[For reasons unknown, the Allies have started a massive firestorm in %STRING1. We're gaining more sympathisers in the occupied territories by the hour as news of this wanton attack spreads. We have gained ]]..tostring(specialNumbers.occupiedFirestormGermanPointBounus)..[[ points.]]

Changing text box sizes now lasts beyond saving and loading.

There is an option in combat reporting to place pollution markers where combat has taken place. The Art for pollution should be changed appropriately. Markers are erased when loading the game (unlike radar markers, these are 'free' to create, so I didn't include an option to ask the player).

A single munition can't do more than 3 damage to a naval task force.
-- the maximum number of hitpoints a munition can do a defending unit in combat
overTwoHundred.maxMunitionDamage = {}
overTwoHundred.maxMunitionDamage[unitAliases.AlliedTaskForce.id] = 3
overTwoHundred.maxMunitionDamage[unitAliases.GermanTaskForce.id] = 3

Attachment Deleted, since it didn't have the correct files, and another update was made anyway.
Last edited:
Looks like the file I uploaded earlier I put in Game.txt instead of Events.lua. Only the file attached to this post is needed to bring you up to date.

Arent we already using pollution markers for the radar?

No, we're using railroads for that. There were a couple annoyances with pollution for radar. First was that you might want to detect aircraft on transporter tiles (this isn't a big issue for marking combat). Second was that if they weren't removed, the other player would get a penalty (instead of a bonus) for detections within city limits.


Task forces now attack and defend at 7, but have x5 versus missile units (so, 35). This way, along with 3 maximum damage per attack, they are vulnerable to determined air strikes, but can't be defeated by a few lucky shots. Also, with an attack value, task forces can force engagement with the enemy, but we don't have to have a significant worry about shore bombardment, since the value is rather low.

For similar reasons, the carrier has defence of 4 with x5 versus missile units. It also has a maximum of 3 damage per attack.

Critical industry defence value reduced to 25, but hitpoints increased to 6. My reasoning is that way the likelihood of bomb damage is similar to that of other targets (just slightly reduced), but it just takes more bombs to kill. Knowing how 1000lb bombs fare against 50 defence targets, I would wonder how effective 250lb bombs would be. Also, the Critical Industry can be replaced with 2400 gold; a lot, but not insurmountable if the bonus is considered valuable, and, in fact, less than the cost of a jet.

These numbers should be easy to tweak if you don't think they are correct, or play shows that they should be changed.

Changed default carrier flag special numbers, since the carriers now have AEGIS flag. Also fixed a bug with the maximum damage code. Carrier added to units that take limited damage per attack.

Suggested Art Changes:

Firefighters Improvement needs art.

I think we should have an industrial building as the Critical Industry Art, especially since they are now all actually industry.

Pollution marker, as mentioned previously.

Aside from the player aids/readme stuff, I think we're pretty much done. Maybe we'll need to tweak values after a playtest, but we probably won't need any new mechanics. The only thing I can think of would be to have the firefighters improvement give some bonus beyond protecting from firestorm, or, maybe, re-creating the firefighters improvement automatically after some turns. I don't know if that would even be necessary.


  • 25-Jan-Events-B.zip
    153.2 KB · Views: 94
I'm a little under the weather today but will get crackin on this (hopefully) tomorrow.
Firefighters Improvement needs art.

- Done

I think we should have an industrial building as the Critical Industry Art, especially since they are now all actually industry.

- This was done earlier, not sure if I sent it to you.

Pollution marker, as mentioned previously.

Would crossed swords work?


Aside from the player aids/readme stuff, I think we're pretty much done. Maybe we'll need to tweak values after a playtest, but we probably won't need any new mechanics. The only thing I can think of would be to have the firefighters improvement give some bonus beyond protecting from firestorm, or, maybe, re-creating the firefighters improvement automatically after some turns. I don't know if that would even be necessary.

I'll continue work on the readme and player aides. This might be a few days' worth of work.
- This was done earlier, not sure if I sent it to you.

The improvement Icon is updated for me, but the unit is still just a cross hair. If you've already changed it, but not sent me updated art, that is fine.

Would crossed swords work?

Fine with me. Might be cool to have a crashed plane or something, however, if one of our resident artists would be kind enough to make it. Given all the other work that has been done on this scenario, it seems silly not to have something thematic.
Fine with me. Might be cool to have a crashed plane or something, however, if one of our resident artists would be kind enough to make it. Given all the other work that has been done on this scenario, it seems silly not to have something thematic.


This is a little more thematic. Not up to snuff with what the real pros could do, but it'll work for now.
I've gone through and saved two new scenarios so I think right now I just need to finish up documentation.

As of now, I've put in firefighters in all cities. If they can be sold and we do nothing negative to the Germans for failing to have one in occupied Europe, they will all instantly be sold by any astute player. I have two proposals:

Easy - don't allow them to be sold;

Hard - If a city doesn't have firefighters, can there be a chance that a fire breaks out (meaning one of their improvements is destroyed and the terrain tiles are changed?) Maybe we need the Allies to get the points for this (so the Germans don't have an incentive to let their cities burn). We could have some text that alludes to "The lack of firefighters in [city] has made the city an easy mark for the Resistance. They set fire to our [improvement]. If we're using this to model The Resistance, we probably only want the industrial improvements to burn.

I'm OK with either option. It's up to you.

My plan for this week is to finish the help text files and start a SP hotseat playtest. Once I'm reasonably confident that things are working/balanced, I'll update the files here and release it.

Attached is a copy of the scenario files (bear in mind the "readme - revised" remains a mess) in case you (or anyone else) wants to take an early look.


  • OTR.zip
    21.1 MB · Views: 132
NOTE: It looks like you didn't apply my last update to the scenario file you posted.
If you made changes to rules.txt, Events.lua, log.lua or text.lua, you'll have to make those changes again.


These buildings can have a chance to be burned down
Search for 'arson targets'
-- arson targets
dnd (uType==unitAliases.Industry1 or uType==unitAliases.Industry2
or uType==unitAliases.Industry3 or uType==unitAliases.Refinery1
or uType==unitAliases.Refinery2 or uType==unitAliases.Refinery3
or uType==unitAliases.ACFactory1 or uType==unitAliases.ACFactory2
or uType==unitAliases.ACFactory3 or uType==unitAliases.Railyard) then

specialNumbers.alliedSabotageChance = .02 -- chance an allied industrial building will burn down on a given turn if no firefighters improvement
specialNumbers.occupiedSabotageChance = 0.05 -- chance an industrial building in an 'occupied' German city will burn down on a given turn if no firefighters improvement
specialNumbers.germanSabotageChance = 0.02 -- chance an industrial building in Germany proper will burn down on a given turn if no firefighters improvement
textAliases.alliedMessageForAlliedFactoryFire = [[Enemy agents have taken advantage of our inadequate fire protection to burn down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

textAliases.germanMessageForAlliedFactoryFire = [[Our saboteurs have taken advantage of inadequate enemy fire protection to burn down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

textAliases.alliedMessageForOccupiedFactoryFire = [[Resistance members have taken advantage of German indifference to fire protection in occupied cities to burn down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

textAliases.germanMessageForOccupiedFactoryFire = [[Resistance members have taken advantage of inadequate fire protection and burned down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

textAliases.alliedMessageForGermanFactoryFire = [[Our saboteurs have taken advantage of inadequate enemy fire protection to burn down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

textAliases.germanMessageForGermanFactoryFire = [[Enemy agents have taken advantage of our inadequate fire protection to burn down the %STRING1 in %STRING2.]]

Possible Rules Change:
We might want to make the target units 'trade' units, so that they don't draw support (and risk being disbanded).


  • 27-Jan-OTR-Events.zip
    153.8 KB · Views: 113
I haven't made much progress this week as I've been sick. Not terribly so, but enough that I couldn't bring myself to wake up early and plug away at Civ2. I'll start rolling on my tasks now.
I noticed I goofed and forgot to set the max turns on the scenario I uploaded last. Here are some updated files, including the new readme which I feel is pretty much done. I now need to work on the in-game text files.


-I noticed that on your playtest you had the music playing, on my playtests it does not. I see you changed it from playsound to playmusic (or whatever it is). Do you know why it isn't working for me? If so, what can I add to the readme so it works for others? If not, should we change it back to playsound?

-Should we have some sort of text reminder for the Germans (and maybe for the Allies) to show how many freight trains/convoys they will receive on a given turn so they know to increase their efforts at bombing military ports or moving ground forces to France?


  • Feb1OTRfiles.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 93
-I noticed that on your playtest you had the music playing, on my playtests it does not. I see you changed it from playsound to playmusic (or whatever it is). Do you know why it isn't working for me? If so, what can I add to the readme so it works for others? If not, should we change it back to playsound?

Turn on the music option in the Game Options menu. Using play music means that the sounds behave like music in the game (e.g. stops other music playing).

-Should we have some sort of text reminder for the Germans (and maybe for the Allies) to show how many freight trains/convoys they will receive on a given turn so they know to increase their efforts at bombing military ports or moving ground forces to France?

Couldn't hurt, I suppose. Should this be a message in the score window?
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