Customs House and Feitoria give +100% Foreign trade route income
Great Works brings city out of revolt, as before BTS
Colony maintenance capped at twice the distance maintenance
Any launched Spaceships automatically arrive on Alpha Centauri when game is over and extended play is selected
Holy Crap! That looks well worth the wait. Thank you for the update. I appreciate the hard work that you guys do.
Ger obsoletes with Advanced Flight, like Barracks
AI spends less on Espionage.
Fixed bug where the Three Gorges Damn would give power unhealthiness to all cities
Fixed bug where new cities would not get power unhealthiness from the Three Gorges Dam
Fixed bug where cities with just hudro/nuclear plants would not get unhealthiness
Cities no longer auto-liberate on conquest except from a vassal to a master
Vassals no longer have resources unavailable for trade