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PerfectWorld6 7

So... nothing?
I was enjoying my weekend, did you?
Some of the mods you use are not updated after the June 2019 patch and / or work with Gathering Storm:
  • [Fixed] Automated Builders + Archaeologists
  • Allow All Buildings
  • Canal Enhancements
  • Cheat Map Editor
  • Cheat Menu For Units
  • Cheat Spy City Tooltip
  • Cheat Switch Civilization
  • ... and more probably
What I kindly but urgently suggest is that you perform a thorough rundown of the mods you use yourself, remove the mods that are not updated after the June 2019 patch was rolled out and then expect anyone else to help you out.
Last edited:
Worked fine for me yesterday, made a really cool map with your mapscript and had a fun playthrough.
Can you tell me what are the differences of the two "PerfectWorld6" choices in the Create a Game settings?
Worked fine for me yesterday, made a really cool map with your mapscript and had a fun playthrough.
Can you tell me what are the differences of the two "PerfectWorld6" choices in the Create a Game settings?
I was wondering it too, what does the second perfect worlds choice do?
Can you tell me what are the differences of the two "PerfectWorld6" choices in the Create a Game settings?
None. The "Maps" table no longer requires "Maps:Expansion1Maps" and Maps:Expansion2Maps" domain entries. Commenting these two lines out, eliminates the duplicate entries.
No problems generating a map for me, either. Even creating maps with PW6 in worldbuilder now works (when I tried this last a while ago, it always crashed). I don't go past huge map size ATM, though - larger map sizes tend to be instable in Civ6 sadly.
Getting this error when trying to start a map after the last June patch.

DebugHotloadCache: GameDebug initialized!
Mods: FinalFreak16: Loading Mod - Enhanced Mod Manager.
Test: Test.LUA loaded!
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
AdvancedSetup: Building Game Setup
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 12 participating players.
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: Hiding Game Setup
LoadScreen: Loading LoadScreen.lua from Better Loading Screen v1.7
LoadScreen: OK loaded LoadScreen.lua from Better Loading Screen
LoadScreen: true
LoadScreen: false
GenerateRandomMap: Map Seed = 551584462
Map Script: Generating PerfectWorld6 Map
Map Script: Creating initial map data - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: map size: width=122, height=76
Map Script: OldWorldStart =     false
Map Script: random seed for this map is 936389050
Map Script: Generating plot types - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: Generating terrain - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: mc.AllowPangeas = b    false
Map Script: mc.maximumMeteorCount = 1089888280    12
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 4352
Map Script: biggest continent = 4094
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.940717
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 4094
Map Script: length of C is 1089888280    4094
Map Script: highest centrality is 138607
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 69, 60!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 4 at 69, 60
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 4323
Map Script: biggest continent = 4065
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.940319
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 4065
Map Script: length of C is 1089888280    4065
Map Script: highest centrality is 120960
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 67, 64!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 4 at 67, 64
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 4295
Map Script: biggest continent = 2351
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.547381
Map Script: The age of dinosours has come to a cataclysmic end.
Map Script: biggest continent = 2351
Map Script: totalLand = 4295
Map Script: new world percent = 0.392549
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1686
Map Script: After Adding Hills:     1308
Map Script: Desired Volcanoes: 6.5975
Map Script: Continent Boundary Plots: 394
Map Script: Boundary Plots Per Volcano: 89.57938613111
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 2, 63
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 3, 64
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 46, 44
Map Script: Continent Edge Volcanoes Placed: 3
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 74, 62
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 111, 35
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 42, 20
Map Script: Volcano Placed at (x, y): 102, 46
Map Script: Total Volcanoes Placed: 7
Map Script: Siltified Lakes in 0.0000 seconds over 3700 iterations. - Brought to you by Bobert13
Map Script: junctionList length    18544
Map Script: validFlowCount=    13040
Map Script: river threshold = 0.046364
Map Script: number of river sources found = 796
Map Script: river ID 0 length=18 with mouth at 41, 39, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 1 length=17 with mouth at 48, 29, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 2 length=16 with mouth at 45, 28, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 3 length=15 with mouth at 38, 12, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 4 length=14 with mouth at 44, 42, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 5 length=14 with mouth at 68, 22, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 6 length=14 with mouth at 101, 52, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 7 length=14 with mouth at 53, 40, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 8 length=13 with mouth at 13, 14, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 9 length=13 with mouth at 61, 31, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 10 length=13 with mouth at 43, 40, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 11 length=13 with mouth at 96, 42, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 12 length=13 with mouth at 80, 38, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 13 length=13 with mouth at 21, 35, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 14 length=13 with mouth at 34, 27, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 15 length=12 with mouth at 44, 25, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 16 length=12 with mouth at 35, 28, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 17 length=12 with mouth at 57, 29, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 18 length=12 with mouth at 53, 32, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 19 length=12 with mouth at 30, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 20 length=12 with mouth at 99, 71, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 21 length=12 with mouth at 42, 38, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 22 length=12 with mouth at 106, 56, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 23 length=11 with mouth at 96, 55, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 24 length=11 with mouth at 35, 13, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 25 length=11 with mouth at 107, 59, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 26 length=11 with mouth at 33, 26, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 27 length=11 with mouth at 66, 32, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 28 length=11 with mouth at 108, 43, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 29 length=11 with mouth at 106, 39, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 30 length=11 with mouth at 18, 19, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 31 length=11 with mouth at 13, 12, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 32 length=11 with mouth at 19, 19, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 33 length=10 with mouth at 32, 20, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 34 length=10 with mouth at 106, 71, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 35 length=10 with mouth at 47, 33, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 36 length=10 with mouth at 102, 73, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 37 length=10 with mouth at 108, 30, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 38 length=10 with mouth at 35, 25, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 39 length=10 with mouth at 112, 67, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 40 length=9 with mouth at 24, 8, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 41 length=9 with mouth at 88, 46, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 42 length=9 with mouth at 51, 39, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 43 length=9 with mouth at 100, 53, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 44 length=9 with mouth at 81, 31, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 45 length=9 with mouth at 20, 5, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 46 length=9 with mouth at 35, 29, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 47 length=9 with mouth at 23, 8, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 48 length=9 with mouth at 32, 12, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 49 length=9 with mouth at 100, 29, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 50 length=9 with mouth at 42, 16, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 51 length=9 with mouth at 28, 40, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 52 length=9 with mouth at 106, 57, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 53 length=8 with mouth at 18, 20, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 54 length=8 with mouth at 108, 60, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 55 length=8 with mouth at 105, 63, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 56 length=8 with mouth at 13, 28, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 57 length=8 with mouth at 33, 35, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 58 length=8 with mouth at 40, 34, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 59 length=8 with mouth at 58, 56, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 60 length=8 with mouth at 115, 51, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 61 length=8 with mouth at 101, 32, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 62 length=8 with mouth at 51, 47, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 63 length=8 with mouth at 95, 54, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 64 length=8 with mouth at 35, 24, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 65 length=8 with mouth at 103, 51, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 66 length=8 with mouth at 52, 43, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 67 length=8 with mouth at 110, 34, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 68 length=8 with mouth at 93, 53, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 69 length=8 with mouth at 30, 18, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 70 length=8 with mouth at 34, 24, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 71 length=8 with mouth at 103, 37, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 72 length=8 with mouth at 33, 37, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 73 length=8 with mouth at 109, 31, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 74 length=7 with mouth at 12, 15, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 75 length=7 with mouth at 22, 33, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 76 length=7 with mouth at 113, 49, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 77 length=7 with mouth at 67, 15, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 78 length=7 with mouth at 51, 30, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 79 length=7 with mouth at 32, 18, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 80 length=7 with mouth at 107, 29, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 81 length=7 with mouth at 25, 31, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 82 length=7 with mouth at 54, 44, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 83 length=7 with mouth at 18, 18, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 84 length=7 with mouth at 68, 24, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 85 length=7 with mouth at 106, 44, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 86 length=7 with mouth at 113, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 87 length=7 with mouth at 62, 20, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 88 length=7 with mouth at 35, 39, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 89 length=7 with mouth at 40, 40, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 90 length=7 with mouth at 45, 27, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 91 length=7 with mouth at 15, 27, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 92 length=7 with mouth at 111, 67, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 93 length=7 with mouth at 109, 45, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 94 length=7 with mouth at 28, 28, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 95 length=7 with mouth at 91, 41, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 96 length=7 with mouth at 11, 24, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 97 length=7 with mouth at 65, 31, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 98 length=6 with mouth at 110, 39, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 99 length=6 with mouth at 73, 38, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 100 length=6 with mouth at 30, 36, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 101 length=6 with mouth at 81, 35, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 102 length=6 with mouth at 48, 31, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 103 length=6 with mouth at 22, 39, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 104 length=6 with mouth at 51, 48, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 105 length=6 with mouth at 35, 45, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 106 length=6 with mouth at 102, 52, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 107 length=6 with mouth at 38, 38, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 108 length=6 with mouth at 71, 35, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 109 length=6 with mouth at 75, 39, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 110 length=6 with mouth at 24, 17, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 111 length=6 with mouth at 64, 18, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 112 length=6 with mouth at 43, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 113 length=6 with mouth at 69, 20, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 114 length=6 with mouth at 81, 63, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 115 length=6 with mouth at 58, 57, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 116 length=6 with mouth at 14, 12, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 117 length=6 with mouth at 28, 17, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 118 length=6 with mouth at 38, 15, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 119 length=6 with mouth at 99, 64, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 120 length=6 with mouth at 103, 63, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 121 length=6 with mouth at 18, 5, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 122 length=6 with mouth at 83, 7, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 123 length=6 with mouth at 101, 64, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 124 length=6 with mouth at 16, 6, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 125 length=6 with mouth at 26, 7, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 126 length=6 with mouth at 65, 24, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 127 length=6 with mouth at 65, 31, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 128 length=6 with mouth at 25, 41, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 129 length=6 with mouth at 34, 28, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 130 length=6 with mouth at 28, 29, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 131 length=6 with mouth at 45, 24, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 132 length=6 with mouth at 106, 55, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 133 length=6 with mouth at 94, 54, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 134 length=6 with mouth at 75, 35, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 135 length=6 with mouth at 61, 32, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 136 length=6 with mouth at 42, 26, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 137 length=6 with mouth at 44, 27, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 138 length=5 with mouth at 56, 55, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 139 length=5 with mouth at 97, 41, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 140 length=5 with mouth at 56, 53, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 141 length=5 with mouth at 98, 69, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 142 length=5 with mouth at 82, 60, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 143 length=5 with mouth at 116, 59, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 144 length=5 with mouth at 115, 50, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 145 length=5 with mouth at 59, 59, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 146 length=5 with mouth at 105, 64, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 147 length=5 with mouth at 116, 58, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 148 length=5 with mouth at 107, 43, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 149 length=5 with mouth at 36, 45, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 150 length=5 with mouth at 115, 62, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 151 length=5 with mouth at 100, 42, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 152 length=5 with mouth at 83, 58, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 153 length=5 with mouth at 87, 58, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 154 length=5 with mouth at 86, 66, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 155 length=5 with mouth at 108, 41, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 156 length=5 with mouth at 68, 34, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 157 length=5 with mouth at 25, 32, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 158 length=5 with mouth at 71, 36, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 159 length=5 with mouth at 34, 13, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 160 length=5 with mouth at 31, 36, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 161 length=5 with mouth at 49, 29, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 162 length=5 with mouth at 44, 33, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 163 length=5 with mouth at 104, 72, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 164 length=5 with mouth at 30, 4, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 165 length=5 with mouth at 103, 36, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 166 length=5 with mouth at 54, 33, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 167 length=5 with mouth at 22, 19, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 168 length=5 with mouth at 18, 26, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 169 length=5 with mouth at 53, 31, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 170 length=5 with mouth at 33, 23, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 171 length=5 with mouth at 31, 26, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 172 length=5 with mouth at 76, 36, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 173 length=5 with mouth at 34, 29, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 174 length=5 with mouth at 24, 16, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 175 length=5 with mouth at 78, 28, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 176 length=5 with mouth at 106, 27, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 177 length=5 with mouth at 77, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 178 length=5 with mouth at 20, 35, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 179 length=5 with mouth at 24, 40, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 180 length=5 with mouth at 24, 39, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 181 length=5 with mouth at 81, 5, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 182 length=5 with mouth at 22, 40, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 183 length=5 with mouth at 31, 9, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 184 length=5 with mouth at 28, 38, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 185 length=5 with mouth at 28, 5, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 186 length=5 with mouth at 75, 5, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 187 length=5 with mouth at 76, 8, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 188 length=5 with mouth at 112, 40, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 189 length=5 with mouth at 69, 18, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 190 length=5 with mouth at 81, 11, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 191 length=5 with mouth at 29, 38, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 192 length=5 with mouth at 36, 39, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 193 length=5 with mouth at 51, 37, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 194 length=5 with mouth at 27, 8, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 195 length=5 with mouth at 51, 35, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 196 length=4 with mouth at 15, 27, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 197 length=4 with mouth at 11, 22, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 198 length=4 with mouth at 86, 43, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 199 length=3 with mouth at 49, 37, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 200 length=3 with mouth at 48, 46, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 201 length=3 with mouth at 31, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 202 length=3 with mouth at 25, 16, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 203 length=2 with mouth at 85, 10, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 204 length=2 with mouth at 121, 62, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 205 length=2 with mouth at 59, 64, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 206 length=2 with mouth at 55, 36, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 207 length=2 with mouth at 44, 37, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 208 length=2 with mouth at 52, 41, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 209 length=2 with mouth at 103, 42, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 210 length=2 with mouth at 104, 38, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 211 length=2 with mouth at 94, 41, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 212 length=2 with mouth at 11, 19, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 213 length=2 with mouth at 24, 42, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 214 length=2 with mouth at 64, 35, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 215 length=2 with mouth at 105, 26, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 216 length=1 with mouth at 28, 16, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 217 length=1 with mouth at 42, 31, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 218 length=1 with mouth at 110, 58, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 219 length=1 with mouth at 108, 37, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 220 length=1 with mouth at 77, 31, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 221 length=1 with mouth at 24, 34, isNorth = false
Map Script: river ID 222 length=1 with mouth at 79, 9, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID 223 length=1 with mouth at 94, 43, isNorth = true
Map Script: river ID's assigned = 224
Map Script: Biggest area size =     1267
Map Script: In NaturalWonderGenerator.Create()
Map Script:     Placing 8 Natural Wonders
Map Script: mountain range size = 29
Map Script: mountain range size = 26
Map Script: mountain range size = 23
Map Script: mountain range size = 15
Map Script: mountain range size = 10
Map Script: mountain range size = 10
Map Script: mountain range size = 10
Map Script: mountain range size = 9
Map Script: mountain range size = 7
Map Script: mountain range size = 6
Map Script: mountain range size = 6
Map Script: mountain range size = 6
Map Script: mountain range size = 5
Map Script: mountain range size = 5
Map Script: mountain range size = 5
Map Script: mountain range size = 4
Map Script: seed filler has encountered a problem. Let's pretend it didn't happen
Map Script: seed filler has encountered a problem. Let's pretend it didn't happen
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_BARRIER_REEF, Valid Hexes: 404
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_CLIFFS_DOVER, Valid Hexes: 12
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_CRATER_LAKE, Valid Hexes: 13
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_DEAD_SEA, Valid Hexes: 21
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_EVEREST, Valid Hexes: 14
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_GALAPAGOS, Valid Hexes: 15
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_KILIMANJARO, Valid Hexes: 7
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_PANTANAL, Valid Hexes: 13
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_PIOPIOTAHI, Valid Hexes: 1
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_TORRES_DEL_PAINE, Valid Hexes: 37
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_TSINGY, Valid Hexes: 45
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_YOSEMITE, Valid Hexes: 37
Map Script: Feature Type: 18, Valid Hexes: 1175
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_EYJAFJALLAJOKULL, Valid Hexes: 4
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_LYSEFJORDEN, Valid Hexes: 2
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_GIANTS_CAUSEWAY, Valid Hexes: 125
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_ULURU, Valid Hexes: 11
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_DELICATE_ARCH, Valid Hexes: 101
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_EYE_OF_THE_SAHARA, Valid Hexes: 56
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_LAKE_RETBA, Valid Hexes: 28
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_MATTERHORN, Valid Hexes: 12
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_RORAIMA, Valid Hexes: 139
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_UBSUNUR_HOLLOW, Valid Hexes: 21
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_ZHANGYE_DANXIA, Valid Hexes: 90
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_CHOCOLATEHILLS, Valid Hexes: 94
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_DEVILSTOWER, Valid Hexes: 183
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_GOBUSTAN, Valid Hexes: 17
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_IKKIL, Valid Hexes: 15
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_PAMUKKALE, Valid Hexes: 160
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_VESUVIUS, Valid Hexes: 41
Map Script: Feature Type: FEATURE_WHITEDESERT, Valid Hexes: 54
Map Script: Feature Type: 43, Valid Hexes: 3909
Map Script: Feature Type: 44, Valid Hexes: 171
Map Script: Feature Type: 45, Valid Hexes: 46
Map Script: Num wonders with valid location: 34
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_EVEREST, Random Score =     94
Map Script: number of locations = 14
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_EVEREST at location (61, 55)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_CHOCOLATEHILLS, Random Score =     91
Map Script: number of locations = 94
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_CHOCOLATEHILLS at location (112, 39)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_PANTANAL, Random Score =     89
Map Script: number of locations = 13
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_PANTANAL at location (30, 29)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_CLIFFS_DOVER, Random Score =     88
Map Script: number of locations = 12
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_CLIFFS_DOVER at location (88, 57)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_IKKIL, Random Score =     78
Map Script: number of locations = 15
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_IKKIL at location (76, 34)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_VESUVIUS, Random Score =     77
Map Script: number of locations = 41
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_VESUVIUS at location (1, 60)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_CRATER_LAKE, Random Score =     76
Map Script: number of locations = 13
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_CRATER_LAKE at location (41, 20)
Map Script:  Selected Wonder = FEATURE_GALAPAGOS, Random Score =     76
Map Script: number of locations = 15
Map Script:  Set Wonder with Feature ID of FEATURE_GALAPAGOS at location (40, 50)
Map Script: Adding Features PerfectWorld6
Map Script: ===================++++++++++++++landCount =     2639
Map Script: Permanent Ice Tiles: 268
Runtime Error: E:\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Detailed Worlds\Maps\Utility\FeatureGenerator.lua:328: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
    E:\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Detailed Worlds\Maps\Utility\FeatureGenerator.lua:328: in function 'FeatureGenerator:AddIceToMap'
    E:\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\PerfectWorld6\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:372: in function 'GenerateMap'
    [C]: in function '(anonymous)'
Lua callstack:
Runtime Error: Call to GenerateMap() had errors
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function '(anonymous)'
LoadScreen: OnLoadGameViewStateDone
Mods: FinalFreak16: Loading Mod - Enhanced Mod Manager.
Test: Test.LUA loaded!
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true

Also, there's 2 entries of this mod in the selection screen now.
Just a quick glance, but you're running Detailed Worlds along with Perfect World - they're not compatible.

Interesting, they were working together before the June patch. But I will disable detailed World and try in my next game. Thanks for the information.
Hello, cephalo. I like this map, so I translated it into Russian language. I also replaced some text with tags, so it will be easy to translate to other languages as well. Could you update the main version in steam?


Is there a way to test how a map would have looked if I didn't allow the meteor hits to break up pangeas? allow.Pangeas=False/True

We are getting close to the end of our 3 year play-by-cloud game which gave all the players their own island/landmass. I suspect many meteors were used to guarantee a New World.

I've grown very fond of our world and highlighting the possible options and how they affect the map would help us refine the options for our next game.

I am thinking of capping the meteors at 10, and possibly allowing the New World to be smaller, say over 15% of the landmass. Or just rolling without meteors.

Edit: man I just peeked inside and no meteors anymore!

mconst.AllowPangeas = false
--a continent with more land tiles than this percentage of total landtiles is
--considered a pangaea and broken up if allowed.
mconst.PangaeaSize = 0.70
--maximum percentage of land tiles that will be designated as
--new world continents.
mconst.maxNewWorldSize = 0.35

How do we break up pangeas nowadays?
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I've noticed a lot of mountain ranges will bisect landmasses. These create large movement barriers which are interesting, but it would be nice if there were occasional passages through. How would you suggest I go about doing this in the script?
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