So, I recently downloaded this mod from the Steam Workshop and either it's broken or it conflicts with other mods because it crashes the game. I try to start a new game with this mod + all my other mods and it stops at the loading screen... loading for 20+minutes then crash. The moment I disable it the game runs fine. I have all the DLC and the latest version. It just occurred to me that the workshop version may not have been updated, I'll try this version. If it crashes again then it has to be a confliction and/or broken.
The game still crashed. I'm not sure how to upload the Lua file, but as far as mods go this is what I have:
[Fixed] Automated Builders + Archaeologists
10x Pantheon
Advanced Cheat Menu (Light)
Allow All Buildings
Better Coastal Cities and Water Tiles
Builders Improvements Mod (BIM)
Canal Enhancements
Capture Unique Improvements
Cheat Map Editor
Cheat Menu For Units
Cheat Spy City Tooltip
Cheat Switch Civilization
City Minimum Distance
CIVITAS Resources
Colorized Historic Moments
Disable Satellite Map Reveal
Environment Skin: Sid Meier's Civilization
Fast Forward AI Turns
Good Goody Huts
Lady of the Reeds and Marshes++
Larger Map Sizes
Map Search Extension
No Resource Maintenance Cost for Inactive Units
No Resource Maintenance Cost for Inactive Units -- Tactical Extension
Nut9931's can build mountain mine + Workable Mountains for Everyone
Nut9931's Improved Improvements (Flat Land Mine!!)
Nut9931's Improved Terrain and Feature
Production Queue
Quick Start (Linux, Mac, Windows)
Radial Measuring Tool Unleashed
Roads Improvements Mod (RIM)
Skip Free Cities From Loyalty Pressure
Slower Pace
Steel and Thunder: Unique Units
Steel and Thunder: Unit Expansion
Sukritact's Resources
Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments
Unlimited Builder
Wonder Tweaks