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Peta does it again


May 26, 2002

WINNIPEG (CBC) - An animal rights group has posted an ad on its website comparing the recent stabbing and decapitation of a young Winnipeg man to how humans kill animals for food.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said the advertisement is meant to make people understand how animals suffer when they are killed in slaughterhouses. The group posted the imageless advertisement on its blog site Wednesday.

"PETA's ad...is meant to spur people to think about the terror and pain experienced by animals who are raised and killed for food. The group aims to demonstrate that animals - just like humans - are made of flesh, blood, and bone and deserve protection from needless killing," said a statement on PETA's website, also posted Wednesday.

Tim McLean, 22, was stabbed and then beheaded by a fellow passenger as the two rode an eastbound Greyhound bus across Manitoba last Wednesday. The man accused of second-degree murder, Vince Weiguang Li, allegedly engaged in cannibalism during the attack, which occurred just west of Portage la Prairie.

No matter how many times I hear about PETA doing something like this it always amazes me
But aminals iz taysteh!
I think they should be arrested .
PETA's ad...is meant to spur people to think about the terror and pain experienced by animals who are raised and killed for food.

That's odd.

It only spurs me to think about how ******ed PETA is. There must be something wrong with me.
If you've ever had a spiritual experience, in which you think that you are a little rabbit, hopping around the grass, being one with the birds, and the squirrels.. you might understand.

and in a way, I do understand what they're trying to say here.

but like.. what happened to that guy was pretty _ing horsehockey. that kinda thing should not be used for any sort of political statement.. which this was.

I am going to eat several animals tonight, in protest of this recent statement by PETA. May they burn in hell.
Here is the the thing that I do not think Peta understands:
They say killing animals for food is wrong, yet in nature animals kill other animals for food.
Humans are a species of animal. It is our birthright as living beings to eat meat. Just as it is for wolves, lions, dolphins, and so on.
For every animal they don't eat, I am going to eat three.
Here is the the thing that I do not think Peta understands:
They say killing animals for food is wrong, yet in nature animals kill other animals for food.
Humans are a species of animal. It is our birthright as living beings to eat meat. Just as it is for wolves, lions, dolphins, and so on.

That humans actually have the reasoning capacity to question whether killing animals is wrong in the first place clearly shows that we have the capacity and ingenuity to live without doing so.
Maybe rich people could afford to be vegetarian. I don't think most of us can, at least not without abandoning health.

Damn, all this talk about meat is making me hungry.
PETA, Eco and Animal Rights Terrorism strikes again.
Haha...two steakburgers in honor of PETA! YUM!
If we can stop killing animals for meat, we can stop killing other humans!

SEE! He was....umm...hungry...so he killed a human for meat?

I dislike PETA more than 99% other protest groups in the world. and i enjoyed a tasty cow for dinner. but I have never killed a man, nor wanted to (as a result of eating meat. other things, maybe. meat? no.).
Hmm...which is worse...NAMBLA or PETA...ah jeez...hard to say.

Okay, NAMBLA beats them out by a hair.
NAMBLA is worse, because I care more about people than animals. Yeah, thats right PETA! I went there.
Oh, I so planned that. I was hoping you'd burst through that door.
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