Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

It is pretty easy to add extra civs into the game at the start of the game.
The troublesome part is to differeniate them from the real civs.

To limit them to only the starting city, you could give them civilization types which are set up to block them from building settlers (give them a UU type of NONE for the settler's unit class, just like the Barbarians have for this). Well, they could also capture cities from other players, but I think the city states in Civ V can do that and I assume that the Civ V sort of city state is what was wanted.

In all other ways they would act as a regular civ. To get more specialized behavior, like the different types of city states in Civ V, would be a bit trickier.
Well, Civ V City States AFAIK can do these:

1) Give Gold for first meeting, more for first player.
Can be easily done

2) Give Own Resource to best friend.
Can be done by giving them 2 copies of one random luxory.
They will then keep one themselves and trade away the surplus.
The difference will be first come first served, since they won't cancel the deal and trade with another guy just because the attitude changes.

3) Missions to increase attitude
Not quite possible

4) Attitude degenerate overtime
Doable if you don't mind checks every turn.

5) Special benefits based on types, maritime, cultural and military.
This is actually the main benefit of them, and the main reason for keeping them alive rather than killing them off. Yet this is pretty tedious to code, and even if it is possible to code, tedious to teach the AI.

Thus, if 5) is not doable, then there is not much point in it, since AI will just kill them off like flies, since they only have one city and can't possibly put up a fight.
Thank you for the Inquisition!

I have added a check to exclude the button for your State Religion from inquisition (in CVMainInterface).
Civ V City States into civ 4? Excellent. I can make new graphics for it, if need. But next week :)

Some ideas: In civ5 are city states on map from the beginning of the game. This is not good. They should be two or three that were rare and others may come under some circumstances during the game.
Nah, unless the benefits can be done, not likely I will bother to attempt :D
Well, Civ V City States AFAIK can do these:

1) Give Gold for first meeting, more for first player.
Can be easily done

2) Give Own Resource to best friend.
Can be done by giving them 2 copies of one random luxory.
They will then keep one themselves and trade away the surplus.
The difference will be first come first served, since they won't cancel the deal and trade with another guy just because the attitude changes.

3) Missions to increase attitude
Not quite possible

4) Attitude degenerate overtime
Doable if you don't mind checks every turn.

5) Special benefits based on types, maritime, cultural and military.
This is actually the main benefit of them, and the main reason for keeping them alive rather than killing them off. Yet this is pretty tedious to code, and even if it is possible to code, tedious to teach the AI.

Thus, if 5) is not doable, then there is not much point in it, since AI will just kill them off like flies, since they only have one city and can't possibly put up a fight.

3 and 4 are possible but as you say 5 is the most important. Even in Civ 5 they get conquered but I think this only happens when one asks for another to be eliminated. Which is why it is not possible to just force peace between the city states and all AI.
Because you need a 3rd party program to compile and I am not interested
heya platy,

can you develop some more cool promotions?

if not - can you make a samll promotion code that does this:
take promotion x denies you of promotion y - vise versa -

or even make some proms vanish after a set number of turns :)

like if you decide to make the unit be an attacker of a def fencer.

just a thought.
There is no way to deny access to one promotion via python.
Although I can always make the unit choose another random promotion if it chooses that.
Generally I don't do anything that limit choices like civics via python because ai has no clues why such limitations are imposed.

36 stratagems project provides a free promotion that last for one battle.
Divine shield promotion may disappear after a battle.
Curse is a penalty promotion that disappear upon reaching lvl 5
Time Keeper

For modders to manage time properly...
Access via CTRL F2

For each GameSpeed, it shows you clearly for each set of increments, what is the starting year, the duration of it, how many turns etc.

At the end of it, it shows you the final year to see if it matches 2050.

After which, it shows you what is the starting year for each era, so if you see Classical Era starting in 1900 AD, you are screwed.

Similar to Forgetful Modder, this is just a tool to help modders modify their mod, not useful for players, so the only access is via keyboard, rather than giving you a button to press somewhere.

Added to Ultrapack
hey man, i think there's an error with your latest uuuu :

edit :

this error occurs also in most of the advisers.

weird no one reported this.


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Bleh, was doing things halfway forgot about it.
I wanted to make all those screens fullscreen even in odd resolutions other than 1024x768, just like how WB is now, rather than that small mini window in the middle.

Been doing WB then forgot about it.

Reuploaded, Currently they are all in working conditions, though not optimal except in 1024 x 768.
Too buzy to fix them all at once.

If you have a working old copy, you can pass back to me :D
So that those not in optimal conditions can revert back for the time being.
Remove the artwork and it is pretty small

Advisor Screens all converted to fullscreen mode, regardless of resolution chosen.
Naturally, it only means you get to see more stuff while... font size remains the same.

Thus, rather than a mini window in the middle of the screen, all advisors will always be in FS.

An exception is the Pedia, which... contains too many files, so I cannot be bothered with it ATM and revert it back to mini mode.

Nope, I dont see it there.


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Modder Helper III

Accessed via CTRL F3
Not many modders may know, but you can display various special chars with %c.

Part of Ultrapack
hey dude,

not so sure i understand what the helper can do? can you explain?

anoter matter -
can you make a renewal to the_j python mod - "love and hate" - it defines attitude of specified civs towards one another - maybe set some war deceleration mechanics based on attitude.

just an idea i had :)
Most people know %d and %s, but not many people know there are actually others like %f and %c.

sText = u"%s: %d%c%c" %(city.getName(), city.getPopulation(), 153, gc.getReligionInfo(0).getChar())
CyInterface().addImmediateMessage(sText, "")

@Love and Hate
All it does is adjust Attitude for certain Leaders or Civs at first meeting.
If it is custom game, doesn't sound fun.
If it is scenario, the WB does that.


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Hidden Promotions II

In Civ IV, as your unit gets more and more promotions, it gets to a point that your whole panel is covered and you cannot see a crap.

With Hidden Promotions, you can hide away similar low grade promotions like Combat I and II when you have III.
However, that does not fully solve the problem as there will still be mods with 6745747474 promotions so your unit panel can still be covered with crap.

Introducing Hidden Promotions II :goodjob:

Hidden Promotions II works like normal BTS whereby Promotions are still added from right to left, top down.

When it reaches Xth Row (5th in this case), it will no longer go to the X+1 th Row, but you get a scrollbar instead.
Thus, even if a unit has 6346576585 promotions, all can be displayed in orderly manner without covering up the more important values displayed.

For both screenshows, I disabled Hidden Promotions to show the effects.
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