I am trying to understand how to play civ without a slider. Who can help to explain and complete these mechanics?
In civ 4 you could set the slider to give you science, gold, culture or espionage points. We'll forget about espionage, but let's examine the others.
You gain gold from working tiles with gold and modifiers in buildings and trade routes, as well as one-off events such as huts, conquest or trading. Also specialists can be assigned to earn more.
Gold is used to pay maintenance for roads, buildings, and you can use gold for negociations, gifts, purchasing tiles, unit upgrades and rushing production.
I think you earn culture from buildings temples, monasteries and wonders. In these buildings you can assign specialists to increase culture.
And culture is used for city expansion and you can spend culture on social paths.
You earn science from population (1 per head) With library this is increased (1.5 per head). Like culture you can assign specialists to earn more science. University gives +50% science. Also research agreements can increase science. Also Research lab and public schools.
Science is used to develop the tech tree.
Is empire wide and is increased with coloseums, theatres and stadiums.
It is used to keep people happy as you increase in size, number of cities and conquered cities.
So you need high population to increase science, gold from trade routes and worked tiles. This will be limited by unhappiness from size, cities, etc.
Who can expand on the above?
In civ 4 you could set the slider to give you science, gold, culture or espionage points. We'll forget about espionage, but let's examine the others.
You gain gold from working tiles with gold and modifiers in buildings and trade routes, as well as one-off events such as huts, conquest or trading. Also specialists can be assigned to earn more.
Gold is used to pay maintenance for roads, buildings, and you can use gold for negociations, gifts, purchasing tiles, unit upgrades and rushing production.
I think you earn culture from buildings temples, monasteries and wonders. In these buildings you can assign specialists to increase culture.
And culture is used for city expansion and you can spend culture on social paths.
You earn science from population (1 per head) With library this is increased (1.5 per head). Like culture you can assign specialists to earn more science. University gives +50% science. Also research agreements can increase science. Also Research lab and public schools.
Science is used to develop the tech tree.
Is empire wide and is increased with coloseums, theatres and stadiums.
It is used to keep people happy as you increase in size, number of cities and conquered cities.
So you need high population to increase science, gold from trade routes and worked tiles. This will be limited by unhappiness from size, cities, etc.
Who can expand on the above?