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Polystralia and Hutama info

>implying that Polystralia extorted the rest of the world by selling them higher priced vegetables.
I suspect the "dark side" of Hutama's Polystralia is that it is probably a society where everything can be procured for a price. It's not a world run by corporations per se (like ARC) but a "Littlefinger world". Not to mention, getting rich on world hunger is probably not the most ethical of enterprises.

Having a strong agriculture (think of Southesast Asia and New Zeeland, rather than Australia) and the local brokerage to profitably sell them is not extortion. It is very likely that food prices will continue to rise, due to degrading farmland, fertilizer exhaustion (no mineral phosphor left to dig out of the ground), population rise (the big fill up), dietary change (more dairy and meat) and biofuels. Therefore agriculture may become more profitable than it is today. Lokal brokerage would allow the trade benefits to remain in Polystralia. Still today many farmers don't earn enough from heir harvest to be able to sustain them through rest of the year (with subsidized EU and US agricultural exports to ruin the local markets). Today hunger is more a trade policy and income problem than a supply problem. So its not really extortion. Unethical are land grabs, pharmaceutical patents leaving developing countries in the dust (most pharma companies sell to developing countries far cheaper though), water rights sellouts, price speculation...
But you have to admit, if every faction is grey, with no designated good guys and bad guys, then there has to be some darkness to the "nice and friendly" Polystralia. Being the wealthy guys who feed people for a price would work along those lines.

Or I suppose you could argue that, while every other faction is a well-constructed balance of good and bad possibilities, Polystralia is the one perfect utopia of goodness with no flaws or problems whatsoever. The Mary Sue of nation states! :p
Or I suppose you could argue that, while every other faction is a well-constructed balance of good and bad possibilities, Polystralia is the one perfect utopia of goodness with no flaws or problems whatsoever. The Mary Sue of nation states! :p

I wonder if Hutama will be like Lal from SMAC, wanting to be nice and get along with everyone and get crushed every time by the military faction. I could see AI Brazilia wiping out AI Polystralia in CivBE if they are close neighbors. The devs did say that one way to easily defeat Hutama is militarily.
But you have to admit, if every faction is grey, with no designated good guys and bad guys, then there has to be some darkness to the "nice and friendly" Polystralia. Being the wealthy guys who feed people for a price would work along those lines.

Or I suppose you could argue that, while every other faction is a well-constructed balance of good and bad possibilities, Polystralia is the one perfect utopia of goodness with no flaws or problems whatsoever. The Mary Sue of nation states! :p

well they surely don't feed them out of the goodness of their hearts. But its very legitimate business nevertheless. If you are looking for Polystralias downside you don't even have to look far. Hautama is a billionaire populist that became premier. He looks a lot like the former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra to me. There are serious allegations of rampant corruption and vote buying surrounding that figure and he has to live in exile. How utopian a society were money just buys you everything would be, depends on your liquidity only.

Am I the only one whom Hutama somehow reminds of Lord Baelish from Game of Thrones?

Our forums Littlefinger (good Sarmatian) already noticed it in the very first post of this very thread.
Our forums Littlefinger (good Sarmatian) already noticed it in the very first post of this very thread.

Well, at least that answers my question then. :lol: I think it's not only the look though. Something about the description of Polystralia makes me think of him, too.
Well, at least that answers my question then. :lol: I think it's not only the look though. Something about the description of Polystralia makes me think of him, too.

As I said already: I suspect the "dark side" of Hutama's Polystralia is that it is probably a society where everything can be procured for a price. It's not a world run by corporations per se (like ARC) but a "Littlefinger world". Not to mention, getting rich on world hunger is probably not the most ethical of enterprises.

I can imagine child prostitution, women trafficking and illicit drug dealing could very well flourish in "dark Polystralia". This is probably a very liberal/libertarian society, so who knows, perhaps the poor could sell themselves into indentured slavery to the rich etc. Money is everything.
So we still dont know what Polystralias UA abilitiy is

I wonder if its got to do with the Favors that where dispalyed in the latest video.

Maybe Polystralia gets x2 favors as their unique ability
I'm thinking Elodie is going to look down her nose at Hutama. Of course, she probably looks down her nose at everybody. :lol:

I'm definitely liking Hutama. I've always liked econ factions. It looks like he is a "nice Morgan".

I loved Morgan though :sad:

We need a mean, Scrooge bastard like him back!

BE is going to be fun but I think I'm going to miss the "in your face!" extremism of some of the factions in SMAC.

Sure, it may have been a little Saturday morning in terms of how extreme, but it was fun to see a battle between the Human Hive and the Morganites, for instance.
I'm still waiting on the edge fr that lore piece to come back.
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