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:nuke: How about the mexicans
Please tell me if is there an holy person for to do this... :cry: I'd like to have this for Vanilla...

I think a lot of civ makers have their plates full already.

Why don't you read through the tutorials and get started on it yourself. It's easier to get help when you have a foundation.

It isn't that hard. Start with some of the simpler tasks and go from there.
I think a lot of civ makers have their plates full already.

Why don't you read through the tutorials and get started on it yourself. It's easier to get help when you have a foundation.

It isn't that hard. Start with some of the simpler tasks and go from there.

Ok, i'll try doing it myself, maybe editing Lankou's Italy. Am I in the right lane?
Ok, i'll try doing it myself, maybe editing Lankou's Italy. Am I in the right lane?

I'd suggest Armenia or Canada because they are the most up-to-date, and earlier mods (like L'Ankou's) are often missing things that mod makers figured out as time went by.

Download a mod, and start by changing the XML stuff from Armenia or Canada (or whatever) to the names for your new civ. Then we can talk about how graphics work.

Start with CivilizationInfos and LeaderheadInfos XMLs, and the Text file Armenia_GameTextInfos (or whatever).
If you decide to use the Armenia (which you shouldn't, Wyz_sub10's Canada is much more complete), don't use the Modernized one, use the regular one. The regular is more complete.
As Wyz said before, a lot of the mods are not up to date. Edit the Canada mod Vanilla edition. If you want to know a cheap way to do it, then follow these steps.
1.Don't mess with the XML at all.
2.Go to the text files and change everything from Canada to Piedmont, and Canadian to Piedmontese or whatever, and change the unique unit text and leader text as well.
3.Then go to the Art folder and overwrite the current files with an art file of the same name that is the equivalent of what the Piemonte should have. For example: Art file for the flag of Canada, overwrite it with the Piemonte flag but keep the name as the "flag of Canada" or whatever is there so that you don't have to change anything in the XML. Do this for all the files, and you should be done.
To repeat LOLZ comment up there, how about the Mexicans? Am I missing a Mexican civ somewhere? If not, anyone feeling generous and want to put one together? :groucho: (I'm thinking one themed near Mexican independence).

Of course, I'll do it if noone else does, but it sure would be nice. ;)
To repeat LOLZ comment up there, how about the Mexicans? Am I missing a Mexican civ somewhere? If not, anyone feeling generous and want to put one together? :groucho: (I'm thinking one themed near Mexican independence).

Of course, I'll do it if noone else does, but it sure would be nice. ;)

Check out "The Second Revolution" mod. It has it's own forum in the Projects section.

Okay it’s been done I know that but not for warlords!!!

I am waiting for someone to make an Israeli mode for Civ Warlords!

I am not saying this because I think I am the man and have the Best Ideas but

For warlords anyway the leader should be David Ben-Gurion
Charismatic – Spiritual

Charismatic - why because he got elected leader twice and held a majority in the Knesset thought the strength of his character. And the father of a the MODERN nation
Spiritual- Because in a time when most people consider themselves secular he created a Jewish state. Also for policies like Magic carpet which brought Jews back to Israel. Also for allowing any Jew to return to the state of Israel.
UU- the modern state of Israel was only founded in 1948 so I think the Idea of swordsmen or slingers is a poor one I would go for....
Merkava - was the first MBT (main battle tank) that was designed, fabricated and put into mass production by the state of Israel.
Israel could not afford to fight wars of attrition as it was a new state lacking human resources so crew safety was put first
In game terms Merkava would have 27 strength (instead of 28) however would start with flanking 1 and 2, to represent it ability to protect the crew/tank

UB this is very easy for me
Kibbutz it’s very easy to say this should replace granary or some early game structure however again I think this should come late in the game to represent Israel as a new state so like America it should replace Supermarket as the alternative the kibbutz represented to a capitalist lifestyle.
In game turns
1+ from cows deer sheep and pigs lol
2+ culture (the kibbutz were used to mark territory and define Israel’s boarders)
Free city garrison 1 promotion. Units built in this city. (They defended well during the various Arab Israeli wars and produced bullets)

Favourite Civic has to be Nationalism for the drafting and such...

Thanks for your time anyone who is interested in making this with me or use my ideas or generally make it without my input please contacts me!!! .
Could someone make a civ for the Centauri Republic from Babylon 5 or the Romulans from Star Trek.
I was browsing throught the Civs and i noticed the Texas civ, so i thought to myself well why not have a Civ based around the great city of New York?

anyone that knows or lives in or around NYC will know how New York is home to a vast number of cultures and subcultures and is home to roughly 20 million people in the area in and around New York (the city proper has about 9 million), and in this area alone has enough people to warrent its own civ since we arent New Englanders, and dont really deal much with anything west of the Hudson and South of the George Washington Bridge. We are almost an island of people in this crazy country, which i state in the most indearing of ways. So again i think a Civ based on New York City would be grand.

New York is home to hundreds of museums, biggest financal districts, and (in manhattan at least) the most simple and organized lay out. this link pretty much lays it out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_york_city

cultural - with hundreds of museums, culture spanning from the Harlem Rennisance to the birth of Hip Hop, and areas in the city that create their own subcuture such as St. Marks, Union Sq, and Upper West Side. (plus a bunch of wonders from the game have a home in NYC. The UN, Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Wall Street, West Point)

financal - home to Wall Street and Commerce for the United States, and it is damn expensive to live here. A studio the size of a small jail cell is like $400,000 and if you get into 1 bed room apartments the cheapest you get is one million. NYC is so expensive that there are exclusive places that even 20+ million cant get you in for a 1 bedroom.

organized - one of the simplest and best structured cities i can think of (its a grid) and some of the safests and cleanest years of NYCs history owes itself to the great organization of the NYPD and FDNY and so forth

for a leader you can pick anyone from the list of famous NYC mayors.

DeWitt Clinton
Fiorello H. LaGuardia
Boss Tweed (sorta as a joke)
Rudolph W. Giuliani
Michael R. Bloomberg

The UU is tricky but something about New Yorkers is that they are tough and good money on us if you are you going to mess with us. so maybe give a slight defensive bonus to some gunpowder unit since NYC arent aggressive as much as protective and retalitory. but as long as it doesnt unbalance gameplay with overly strong units like in other custom civs

For the cities its actually really simple. although New York is a city, it is easily cut into about 50 or so areas. like you can have the capital be City Hall, and then have the cities be places like "Midtown", "Gramercy Park", "SoHo", "NoHo", "Lower East Side", "Upper West Side", "Williamsburg", and so on. its really quite easy for me as i know all the ins and outs of NY but i dont expect too many other people to know the parts of NY.

but for all of this i am more than willing to help in anyway possible and i totally understand if you dont want to waste you time doing this for me. but if you do i thank you greatly and the many many New Yorkers that play civ will do so as well. :goodjob:
oh and the flag would be the Flag of NYC or New York State or a picture of like the statue of liberty or empire state building or something.

and favorite civic would be like free speech or free reglion since New York is very progressive, liberal, and forward thinking
Not sure if it's been done, but how about a Rohan civilization? Very obvious what the unique unit would be (i.e. Rohirrim). A Theoden leaderhead by CivArmy, perhaps?
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