Praetyre's New Timelines, Dates and Eras Thread

Okay, I just posted a massive unit-era assignment thing for you all to check out. I understand that my changes are sometimes quite radical and in any event may be put on the back burner for consideration, but I'd at least like to get them out there for team and public consideration at this time.
Okay, I just posted a massive unit-era assignment thing for you all to check out. I understand that my changes are sometimes quite radical and in any event may be put on the back burner for consideration, but I'd at least like to get them out there for team and public consideration at this time.

I just glanced over it, but what I personaly don't like is the zoomed in factor of the 1900-2000 timeline. I think for a game like this it is good to be divided into mostly similar sized eras.
The summary is interesting and neat with visuals.

Let me ask, what's the goal? Is this intended to be a summary for the players or is it kind of a design manifesto? My feedback will have to be based on which.
It's primarily a very rough draft of the latter. Though there's nothing stopping a player using it as a guide should this ever be implemented in some form, if I was making it into a guide I'd have given further descriptions about each unit and strategies/roles.
Forgive me if now is not the right time to bump this, I realise there are much higher priorities as we come to the close of this development cycle.

Any further feedback @Thunderbrd? One thing I noticed going over my work is that I seem to be mistaken in thinking cavalry dates to the Neolithic. As far as I've read, there is no undisputed evidence domestication prior to the invention of writing/bronze metallurgy, which I use as the main historical milestones to mark the divide between Neolithic and Ancient. There are the Proto-Indo Europeans, but at what point they started using horses and particularly chariots as as of yet undetermined.

On the other hand, some Native American nations took to using horses quite quickly when they were introduced by Europeans, and I can't see any reason in principle a Neolithic society (especially one along the lines of the Ancient Near East during the Chalcolithic (Copper Age)) couldn't support a cavalry force (though obviously not one on the scale of Egypt or Rome). This may come down to a matter of historical accuracy vs "what-if" plausibility, and I know Caveman2Cosmos leans towards the latter. Also, it would be rather odd if man could domesticate megafauna but not something as comparatively simple as horses. I think @Dancing Hoskuld might be able to help here.
I didn't want to really hazzard much feedback given the purpose of your document was not to state how and why things were as they were but to propose how things should be to you. It's fair that you have and express an opinion. I'll consider it further when I'm working on the unit charts more. But in a lot of cases, units are set to the spots they are in the tech tree not for historical accuracy but for game flow. We start with history, then we have to fit it into the game progression.
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