Pre-Order Brave New World

Mine is still there,too. And it curiously contains two items:
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Includes 2 items: Sid Meier's Civilization® IV, Sid Meier's Civilization IV
I'm unable to do that myself in this forum, but have alerted the relevant moderators (by reporting your post - which, for reference, is the best way of getting their attention to take the necessary action).
Moderator Action: Yes, you can report your own post or thread. Most often used to request corrections of inadvertent errors (thread in wrong forum, duplicate posts, etc.).

Also, this thread is now unstickied.
Can you actually report your own post?

(And not being sarky I'm trying to get my head around not making a post but reporting it to get attention :) )

The thing is, if the post is reported, moderators will pick up on it quickly and take the appropriate action. By simply posting in the thread, it relies on the moderators reading that specific post and in such a thread as this (about the pre-release of something that's been out almost 3 months) it's less likely to grab someone's attention.
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