Webshops for Civilization V - List by country

Added the GOTY Edition on Amazon.de.
It includes all known DLC to date: the map packs, Spain & Inca, Polynesia and Babylon.

I'll remove some of the pre-order bonusses from the OP since we're no longer in pre-order phase.
ozgameshop.com is now offering Civ5 for $18.99, including shipping. The offer should last at least a week.

The original poster hasn't edited his post since march, and doesn't seem to have been active recently. The last figure he posted for ozgameshop is two different figures (both in AUD lol) $39 for NZ and $35 for Australia ... which doesn't really make sense - I think he meant to put NZD for the New Zealand amount or something.

Perhaps if the price changes again and you notice it, you could edit it in yourself - without taking on responsibility for keeping the entire post updated, of course.
Mercade said:
Adding websites that offer DLC. So far I have GamersGate and Steam. Any others that sell DLC?


Amazon.com and GreenManGaming turned up after a very short Google search. I'm not sure what countries the offers are valid for.

Also, ozgameshop.com for Australia and New Zealand has the game for $20.49 AUD (boxed copy, free shipping). They do change it periodically, but it hasn't been 34.99 (which is what it is in your post) for a long time.
As far as I can tell, some of the prices are as follows:
United States (and international)
Amazon.com - USD 29.19 or Special Edition - USD 89.99, both supporting CivFanatics
Amazon.com - USD 29.19 or Special Edition - USD 89.99
CDWow.us - USD 34.99 incl shipping
Bestbuy - USD 49.99 or Special Edition - USD 49.99
Direct2drive.com - USD 16.98 / (now unavailable?) / GBP 26.95
Direct2drive.com Deluxe Edition - USD 59.95 / (now unavailable?) / GBP 39.95
EBGames.com/Gamestop.com - USD 49.99 or Special Edition/Gamestop - USD 69.99
Fry's - (link doesn't work?)
Gogamer.com - (link doesn't work?)
Newegg.com - USD 29.99 incl. shipping
Steam - USD 49.99 / EUR 49.99 / GBP 29.99
Steam Deluxe Edition - USD 59.99 / EUR 54.99 / GBP 39.99
* Steam pricing varies per country. In Australia it's USD 79.99 (~ AUD 92.00) for the same digital product.
Walmart.com - USD 49.96 + 0.97 shipping or Special Edition - USD 99.96

Gamestracker - Tracks prices in multiple countries including shipping (if you're less concerned about speed).

Direct2drive.eu - (link no longer working?) or Deluxe Edition - (link no longer working?), download
Game.co.uk digital download - GBP 24.99
Play.com - EUR 27.02/GBP 22.13 or Special Edition - (no longer available?) incl. European shipping
Steam regular or Deluxe Edition - EUR 49.99 or EUR 54.99


The links for Amazon are copied from the CivFanatics pre-order ad, so if you use them, you support CivFanatics.

Changes from OP in red. Can someone please verify these (especially the ones that didn't work for me)?
As far as I can tell, some of the prices are as follows:
Changes from OP in red. Can someone please verify these (especially the ones that didn't work for me)?
Thanks for checking some prices and links, Camikazi. As the game is out for a while now, I expect a lot of prices to have changed. I've updated the prices you observed. It seems the whole Fry's website is down as well as the GoGamer one indeed. Direct2Drive apparently stopped selling across Europe, restricting itself to UK and US.

As it stands now, within US Direct2Drive clearly has the best offer for the game itself. I'll check some more links.

Edit: Checked most links and updated most prices. Added a date-tag to each price that was checked.
Updated difference between GOTY 1 and GOTY 2 (inclusion of Denmark) and added GOTY 1 links for Netherlands and UK (through play.com ships Europe wide for EUR 22.49).
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