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PreSLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

Think about the mechanics of it, East to West picks up extra hours, West to East cuts out hours. I always find that it's easier to add on a couple hours to my day (in the sense that day means time allotted for active participation in the world and not a 24 hour period) and when you lose those hours they instead generally come out of your REM cycles especially if you've gotten acclimated to the western time zones and their accompanying timeframe for active, awake participation with the world.

Personally, my solution to jet lag has always been to maintain an erratic sleep schedule.
Sorry it is taking me so long to get back to PMs. To be honest, I know that we just took a 3-week break, but I'd like some more time. I am starting a job this summer and now that my girlfriend is back in the country... well, less time in general. Not saying this is dead or anything - not. at. all. - no way. Just saying that I'd appreciate if you all understood that I'll need some more time to respond to questions via PM and to generally be present on this forum.
Updated profile with background story.
Tuxedoham- i like your death gnolls.
Sorry, everyone. Living with my girlfriend who was out of the country for so long, while also starting a new job, has been time-consuming. I still refuse to declare this as dead, though (of course). I just hope you all will understand if it takes a while to get back into the swing of things.
Sorry I've been busy in RL for a while. My kingdom's name is Lan'Aelvin, simply land of the elves. I'll read through the thread and respond to diplos soon. It also seems that my attempts to write stories for this NES are cursed because as soon as I actually had the time to do so, my graphics card died disabling the computer I was writing them on. However I have started rewriting one about the War of Arya's Corruption and that should hopefully appear in the next few days.
I'm not really feeling this right now.

How would you feel if i were to just submit really broad-stroke orders for the turn and you can semi-NPC me? I'd jump back in full-time for next turn.

I do like the game but i've sat down to write stories 2 times now and both times i cant seem to focus on it.
Hi every one. I am so sorry. This just took up way too much of my time to handle. And, well. I'm engaged now, if you can believe it.

So add this to my lessons of NESing.

First Lesson (from Tales from the Ether): Story NESes that are too vast fail due to poor player interaction / lack of incentive.

Second Lesson (from SLNES I): A NES with an intricate map that requires steady updating, a heavy-handed ruleset, and detailed orders might fail due to a mod's busy life.

I am not seeking a divorce from NESing. But the next one will be considerably less mod-demanding!

So... sorry... but this is dead. I appreciate everyone's dedication and excellence throughout this thing.
First: Congratulations! Take a well-earned break with your partner-for-life! (Not presuming anything)
Second: Yeah, those lessons hit it on the nail, :)... Something like Sekai might work with this ruleset, however. With mini-updates every few days and a full, yearly 'review and spending' update every month. Hmm...
Third: Its ok, most of us have faced dead NESes before. We take it more or less well, depending on investment. Thanks for the great Moderating, without you this world, this universe would have never been born!
Well said Terrance (especially the third point).

Thank you also.

Oops missed the most important part. Thank you for being an inspired moderator, writing excellent updates and tolerating my inability to finish any stories I started for this NES once it got going (I still have them all on various computers in various stages of completion).

Well ultimately all NESes are ephemeral things and not one has lived up to the title Never Ending Story yet. For a second moderating effort, first in this style, and a fantasy NES, which for some reason tend to mysteriously struggle anyway, probably because the purist NESers who are also older and more experienced tend to pass them by, this has had a long and fruitful life. Starlife could I request your permission to use the full map from this NES and the general setting in a potential future NES? My first and more successful attempt at moderating was a single-character fantasy one and I think the world we have developed thus far would well suit such a game, assuming that no other players object to their nations being used of course.

If you do give permission and would prefer to send via email my email address is laidlaw dot george at hotmail dot uk.
Ah, well, that's too bad. However, This was a great NES in it's run.

Congratulations on your engagement. It's always nice to see a successful relationship.

Thanks everyone. I feel bad for not announcing the death earlier - some of you wrote orders - but I'm glad you all understand. And thanks for the congratulations! I am nervous, but fully willing.

To Vertinari: Interesting! I hadn't thought of that. I can show you all the fully revealed map. Give me some time to sift through my computer. As for a NES set in this world using characters - well that is a novel concept. There's a lot of backstory to work with.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that I had so many kingdoms and worlds to reveal to you all over time. Would you like some spoilers or should we keep it sweet?
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