PREVIEW: NukaNESIOT: Commanders (Title Pending)

What kind of country would you like to fight in?
-A real world country in an alternate history

If "Real World Country" in an alternate history, what country would you like to fight in?
Someplace large and diverse - the Caucasus, India, East Africa, Austria-Hungary, whatever floats the mod's boat.

If "Fake Country in real world", what geographic region would you like the conflict to be fought in?
Similar to real world choices

What terrain would you like to fight in? (Pick 2, I see this as and/or)
-Other (Please Specify, Urban will be a part of the game in any choice)

Aside from the Head of State/Air Force Chief/General positions, what other positions in the NESIOT would you potentially be interested in playing?
-Logistics Officer
-Foreign Minister
-Junior commanders
-Intelligence Officer

What time period would you be interested in fighting in?
-Post WWI/Pre WW II
-Cold War Era

Are there any features in particular that you would like to see in the game?
-Civilians. Third parties und diplomacy/PR
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