Probabilities of goody huts, C3C

This is my first post after a dozen or so games. This thread has been really helpful when moving up in levels.

Quick question: while of course the Expansionist trait makes a difference, does it matter which unit actually pops the hut? I mean, is the likelihood of each result the same whether you have a scout, warrior or any other unit pop the hut?
I haven't seen anything about that either here or in my game "manual", and since I'm starting a deity game (Inca) I figure I could use every edge possible.
This article has been very helpful! Thanks Oystein.
This Question is a little off topic – but I'm not sure where else I'd post it...

Has anyone figured out the odds of what the Barbarians will take/destroy when they Sack a city?

Seems like they mostly take gold – but sometimes they destroy production or kill some of the citizenry. I've looked through the forums, but can't seem to find anything on this.

Thanks for any help!
Very interesting topic. But, hey, I have one more question!

So you're saying that to pop a settler, you mustn't have any, even in production.
But at which time does the computer check that? 1. Just when you enter the goody hut, or 2. at the beginning of the turn?
If 1. is correct, then, if you have no settlers but have some in production, what you need to do is change production in any city that's building a settler, pop the hut, and change production back... Kinda boring, and it sounds like an exploit too.
What do you make of that?
Not boring as you will have very few occasions to do it. Exploit, hard to call, maybe, but not a big one. It does not mean you will get a settler, only that you coudl not otherwise.

It is not usefull at Sid as you can't get a settler anyway.
carmen510 said:
Not trying to bump an old thread, but I got Space Flight in Modern Times with a goody hut in Conquests


You're just joking...

I'm pretty certain that you can't get any free techs from goody huts beyond the first era.
First to say: great summary! :goodjob:

But I've got one question left:
Oystein said:
--The unit popping the hut must not have the "All Terrain As Roads" ability.
Does this really matter? I've never realized these effect myself.

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I'm working on the german Civilization Wiki. ;)
I will bump this thread too even though it's very old, to ask a simple question..If someone wanted to change these probabilities, how would he do it in the editor?? (for example: I want to make it so u have a probability on getting a settler on Sid). Could anyone give me a step by step "how to do"? (I have C3C v 1.22)
I do not see any place in the editor for it. Maybe check with the creation forum.
Where exactly?? (sorry but i am a total newbie in these fora. So can you give me a link (if any?). Otherwise i will make a thread. Thanks in advance
Anybody ever pop a city with non-exp civ? From my own tests I think it's impossible.
Player must have less cities than (TotalCities / NumActivePlayers).

I believe this would need to read "less than or equal to" instead of "less than" in order to stand as correct.

For example, suppose you play on Chieftain. The AIs will plant their cities immediately in 4000 BC. If you do so also, then the world has exactly as many total cities as the number of active players. In other words, (TotalCities / NumActivePlayers) = 1. But, Sirpleb's screenshot a while back implies that a settler from a hut can get popped on Chieftain by the 2nd turn (in 3950 BC). I think other saves from the HoF also have a settler popped from a hut early. Additionally, I believe my Huge Warlord game with Russia has a settler popped from a hut and some other low level games show evidence of a settler getting popped with a hut if you load them with CrpViewer and click through the turns.
If one doesn't have any military units (military units include curraghs even), does the probability of getting something equally distribute among the other possibilities? For example, if we're playing at Regent and have no military units, a city, tech, gold (3), settler, map, or warrior (6) comes as possible. But, barbarians are no longer possible, so we have 35% of 1 probability to go somewhere else. 35/6 = 5.83... So, do we have approximately a 5.83 + 5 = 10.83 % of popping a city from a hut? 25.83 - tech, 15.83 - gold, 15.83 - settler (if none active), 15.83 - map, 15.83 - warrior?
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