D, is there a way to let cities build fishing boats on lakes? I have a samll pool about 5 hexes wide that is full of resources. However, since the tiles are lakes and the city is not on a coast, I cannot build any workboats.
I don't think so, but if canals ever become possible I would certainly want lakes to have all those types of functions.
Hey D
Your last update took care of pretty much everything I found in my current playthrough except for one thing.
When I build the small poppy refinery, small soybean mill or tea house I get the following error:
unable to load texture [ResourceTwo2048.dds]
Will be fixed for next update.
One other thing I found is that the AI starts to expand really fast and then grinds to a halt due to lack of happiness. The AI doesn't seem to know how to manage happiness with the new resources. My last playthrough I outscored the AI 3 to 1, at some point they stopped expanding completely while I filled the map with my cities.
I am going to do a couple of things to see if I can address this for the next update.
Oh and there are no more "We Love The King Days" with all strategic resources. No big deal, does slow growth a bit though.
I will look and see if it is possible to tie these little quests to strategics instead. Guessing not, but you never know.
I got that policy that makes you always have 45 influence with city states, which makes me friends with them. The thing is, with the city states that lose 15 or 20 influence per turn... I get two spammy notifications from each of them every turn, for a total of around 16 per turn.
Ewww.... Would be nice if they just gave some straight numbers for this system instead of a series of vague multipliers. I will work on it.
I saw in the game that you don't have any backgrounds for the Gov Ideologies yet, I have made one for you in the style of the others which are currently in the game, if you like it I maby could continue making backgrounds for you.
That looks pretty good.
If you want to supply the rest, that would rock!
Uninstalling V8 completely seems to have fixed it, I'm not sure I understand why though, I thought inactive mods were supposed not to affect the game at all.
Its a mystery to me too.
I've reinstalled the mod that way. A few things I noticed, Terra map does not have any of the new ressources, in fact, in the 6 Terra maps I have generated I have seen no ressources at all.
You mean the terra map option in advanced setup, or a terra map mod?
Also, when I start a new game, if I hover over the palace of my first city the tooltip is contradictory (one place it says production + 2, then it says +5, etc). And, it might be intented but there is a -50% science "bonus" at the start, which makes us start at 1 science per turn.
Intended. Since I couldn't make it so that population gives 1 sci per 2 pop, I had to ghetto rig it.
Edit 2 : Happiness seems to be a big issue early game, in prince difficulty at 1180 AV I have troubles with my capital at pop 8 and second city at pop 2. I don't think it is a problem by itself but NPCs already have pop 16 capitals, I don't even imagine on harder difficulties. I'm not sure how AI's work but if they do get huge happiness bonus (though Prince difficulty claims to not give bonuses to NPCs), wouln't it be possible to make them get it later and not all at the start?
That would be nice, but not always possible.
And I have changed everything around anyway, so prince isn't necessarily even 100%.
Edit 3 : The trade gold hasn't changed, so it is extremely low compared to the rest. Right now my civilization makes 1800 gold from cities and 35 from trade routes.
Yeah I tried to change this once but it didn't work, so I will have to attack it again.
Been gone for the weekend and i see a new patch, but I was going to say that building Colloseeums were only giving me 1 happingess and not the 4 or 5 they were saying. Maybe this is fixed in the new patch, and i will DL it to check. I do play on marathon, but I dont think I should get less happiness for building it.
Total happiness from buildings in a city is limited by the total population in that city. Unless you are building a wonder for instance with a special modifier that ignores this.
If I can offer a suggestion:
Tech: Tourism
Natural and World wonders provide +1 gold
I have no way to specify yields for wonders, or really much of anything to do with building bonuses when it comes to techs.
-Temples would not build, could not choose them in the production que.
Greyed out or not present? And you did build a monument first?
-I discovered all the techs I could but rudder and once that was discovered, there were no more techs that could be accessed at all. It was completely empty and opening up branches showed nothing at all.
This was fixed in the latest release.