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PSA: DiploAIOptions.sql


Aug 28, 2007
Im sure you regulars already are aware of this. So this thread is for whoever hasnt stumbled upon this revelation.

Find the file:

Go through the options and configure your game so that it works best for you. According to the file you can even change these settings for games already in progress and change them to your hearts delight.

For me this is an incredible game changer. Ive made it so the ai no longer effing talks! I could not at all play late game large maps because in between turns the ai was asking for a deal, letting me know they didnt like my face, were upset that i voted their proposal down etc.

I can now end my turn and no pop ups occur! Its incredible. Im in the atomic era. Playing with 23 civs on a huge map. Click end turn. Go to bathroom and when im back im ready to play again.

If i want a trade i go to them.

This has sped the game up tremendously. Its incredivle and has given a new life to civ 5.

Also i get to apreciate all the work you devs put into the late game. Its so good.

Thanks to all the hard work you devs have done.
Would you be interested in creating a guide on what happens when you change what in the file?

Also, please change the tile of this thread, as it's too generic.
Actually if you look at the file the guide is built into it. The file tells you how to make changes and what those changes do.

What do you think the title should be?
A key item that can be changed is also the victory competition ability to be turned off.

Once this is off, the AI won't hate you, or other AI, just because that civ is closer to winning the game.

It allows for actual long term peace between civs and greatly reduces the near constant war most games have after a certain point.

It doesn't stop war however, the AI will still attack if there is something to gain or if the other civ is just way weaker. It also tends to stop civs that are going for peaceful victories from throwing it away from what appears to be random wars.
I'm glad y'all enjoy the options. As CppMaster said, I added explanations to each option, so there should be no mystery about how they function.

All but one of the options are indeed savegame compatible, but if you're currently playing, you'll have to reload the mod (go back to the main menu) after saving your changes, as database changes are cached when mods are loaded.

Moderator Action: Changed thread title.
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A key item that can be changed is also the victory competition ability to be turned off.

Once this is off, the AI won't hate you, or other AI, just because that civ is closer to winning the game.

It allows for actual long term peace between civs and greatly reduces the near constant war most games have after a certain point.

It doesn't stop war however, the AI will still attack if there is something to gain or if the other civ is just way weaker. It also tends to stop civs that are going for peaceful victories from throwing it away from what appears to be random wars.
Hehe im actually loving this right now. Will never disable that. Im In late game. Im tied for first for science. But my production is unrivaled and managed to get nearly all the city states.

As a result the world is massively turning against me.

So right when im about to declare war on a nearby weak civ i get two major civs attacking me. From sea! Vanilla never was able to pull that off.

And those city state allies? Ya even with my massive voting power in world congresd the rest of the world has decolonized me twice losing those city states!

In a previous threat i stated i usually quit when its clear i will win. While i still think i will win. The ai is being so competent that its a fun challenge.

And without changing the settings in the file i wouldnt be able to. Because of all the diplomatic proposal spam making turns take forever.

Again. Much love to the devs and Recursive.
Oh also recomend turning off bribed wars. Just never feels right. And the civs who accept the bribe rarely send the troops required to actually live up to their end of the bargain.
Oh also recomend turning off bribed wars. Just never feels right. And the civs who accept the bribe rarely send the troops required to actually live up to their end of the bargain.

I used to turn it off back when the AI wasn't smart enough to say no when doing so was suicide.

They seem to be better at not doing them when they will lose more than they will gain.
which option enables asking for over time value when trading away lump sum value? (as opposed to the opposite)
like if I want to trade away one of my cities, no one stockpiles gold like that, so there's no way to make a decent trade unless I can ask for gold/turn.
which option enables asking for over time value when trading away lump sum value? (as opposed to the opposite)
like if I want to trade away one of my cities, no one stockpiles gold like that, so there's no way to make a decent trade unless I can ask for gold/turn.
Not sure. But if you look at the file, lump sum gold trades are disabled by default but can be turned on.
Not sure. But if you look at the file, lump sum gold trades are disabled by default but can be turned on.
yeah I saw that. I am asking about the reverse scenario though.

Or maybe this setting does both? despite making no mention of it. I will check.

k, I checked. it does not
yeah I saw that. I am asking about the reverse scenario though.

Or maybe this setting does both? despite making no mention of it. I will check.

k, I checked. it does not
No such setting exists. I'm thinking of simply having the setting turn off the exploit protection entirely.
No such setting exists. I'm thinking of simply having the setting turn off the exploit protection entirely.
yes, please do.
or rather, this scenario I'm talking about is more like the opposite of an exploit anyway. it's exploitable because per-turn deals can be ended, but the player can only be on the losing end of that here.
Oh also recomend turning off bribed wars. Just never feels right. And the civs who accept the bribe rarely send the troops required to actually live up to their end of the bargain.
I think bribed wars could be expanded upon with weighted penalties (If possible) for the party not sending troops yet agreeing to the joint campaign. Penalties could include loss of trade/research agreements, diplomatic fallout, etc (Again, if possible)
To further expansion of the bribed war scenario, the agreeing party could also sanction the initiating party in the same turn if that party left them high and dry, by not sending troops themselves or by negotiating a peace treaty prematurely. A turn based timer would likely have to be included to allow for transit time and actual skirmishes to take place.

The weighted penalty system could be tied into the assigned personality traits of leaders, for weaker parties in a joint campaign that bribe the penalty could even be war against them.

This however would be highly dependent upon somehow getting the ai to actually send troops to the frontline in the first place, which I've only seen once in a game, where the ai was already right on my doorstep :rolleyes:
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