Question concerning specialists

That wasn't what we were talking about, I don't think. I knew that you can force X number of Y specialists using the plus button, which gives you that yellow border.

But what s.bernbaum mentioned was an emphasize button, where the governor will automatically put, say, merchants in instead of scientists or whatever.

I experimented a little, and I think I got it now. This is taken from the Saves of Replay #3.

Great city of Cuzco, home of the Incan Empire. Set to Growth, Produciton and Commerce as being a Buro Capital with Sushi. No this would let the Govenenor choose 2 Scientists (maybe because it has Oxford, but it also has the Wallstreet, so I'm unclear why he chooses Scientists when I force Commerce, but wayne) . This can be overwritten by pressing the + next to the Merchants. Then you'll see this:

Now let's see what happens next round, when the city grows.

Another Merchant, so this city now is emphasizing on Merchants. Now I'll let some turns pass, so that the city can grow, then we see this:

The city has grown so large, that the merchant slots are all selected. Auto-select has again choosen the Scientists. Now I want it to work Spies instead of those Scientists, so I press the + besides them. This is what happens:

So now the City is working max Spies and near max Merchants. I cannot change that the other way round, it has nothing to do with top to bottom, nor the order in which one clicks, the game has simply some preferences it follows, those are Spies > Scientists > Merchants. I still though can force max-Merchants by pressing the + next to them multiple times:

So now, it is again working max Merchants and Spies as a 2nd next, like I wanted it. I force an Engineer on plus, as I want that City to produce GE-Points and produce more :hammers: . Now as Spies are favoured, it of course takes one from the Merchants, but again, I can force that Merchants back by pressing the + till one sees this.

I let the city grow further, and build a theater for happiness, I don't want to have artists though, so I force Merchants, Scientists and Spies, not Artists. Now with having forced the Merchants most, these get prefered the most, then come the Scientists, and after that, it's choosing Spies!

You don't know, how many painful Micromanagement knowing this would have spared me. Microing is nice, but it's not nice if one has over 100 cities that all have +40 :food: from Sushi and grow every few turns.

Yes, Seraiel, that works.

My point though, was if in BUG Options you select in city specialists drop down menu Chevron, then you won't see any yellow border around forced specialists. You need change it to be Default.
Yes, Seraiel, that works.

My point though, was if in BUG Options you select in city specialists drop down menu Chevron, then you won't see any yellow border around forced specialists. You need change it to be Default.

but the underlying logic is still the's just not visible ;-). But I guess I should switch to default so I see how many specs I usually force in cities :-D
^ Yes, BUG changes interface only. Funny how interface improvements can make things confusing. I play with BUG for so long, could not understand what are these yellow borders s.bernbaum is talking about.

We might report this minor flow to BUG team.
Thanks Seraiel -- out of curiosity does anyone know if there's anything in strategies and tip articles about this? If not it might be a useful one to write up and put there. Good pics, Seraeil -- I think that might save us all a lot of mm.
Thx :) Just did this for Um_the_Muse *cough* .

No, of course, did it for myself ;) When I read that there's a possibility to do this, I got crazy and had to find a way. Google helped, experimentation got the rest, still mad at how many hours I could have saved.
In my game, I made notes about when Microing got too much for me. From those I have more than a handful...

Regards, Sera
Thx :) Just did this for Um_the_Muse *cough* .

No, of course, did it for myself ;) When I read that there's a possibility to do this, I got crazy and had to find a way. Google helped, experimentation got the rest, still mad at how many hours I could have saved.
In my game, I made notes about when Microing got too much for me. From those I have more than a handful...

Regards, Sera

Glad to see that you confirmed that it works. All the comments about it not working were starting to make me think that I was losing my memory! :lol: :old:
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