Questions & Answers

Thank you for answering my questions. :) I have many of them. ;) Please understand that I am studying your mod and that I am doing my best to learn how it works. I highly enjoyed learning from your CIV3 mod and I was happy to see that you have made one for CIV4. The questions that I ask are intended to help me learn how to make my own mod for CIV4.

My next question...

I am very curious about how you managed to control the "spawning" of civilizations and cities. ("Spawn" is the best word, in my opinion. It is a term that is used in other games.) How did you do it? I'm not familiar with the SDK. I'm not sure what it is. But I can see in certain files such as and text files contain script language that seems to control this unique aspect of your mod. Obviously, this was not a simple task. In general terms, how would I replicate this aspect of your mod in my own?

Perhaps you can direct me to threads that discussed this subject. Meanwhile, I will search your forum.

By the way, I love Queen. Freddy Mercury sang like an angel.
I believe that all of the code for spawning is in python. The titles of the python files are really pretty self explanitory as to what they do -- deals with the spawning, deals with the city names, etc.
Gunner said:
I believe that all of the code for spawning is in python. The titles of the python files are really pretty self explanitory as to what they do -- deals with the spawning, deals with the city names, etc.
If I wanted to put spawning in my own mod, would I just copy those python files into my own mod folder? Or do I also need .dll files?

I know the answer is not simple. I just thought that questions about spawning would be asked quite frequently. Hence, the FAQ thread. :)
The spawn aspect of the mod is contained just in RiseAndFall, and you can keep track of it in the checkTurn() function.
It triggers initBirth() who calls other functions if the turn is the right one, and checks if there are collapse conditions.

I will soon post v010 (to celebrate v100 :cool: ), and despite being full of bugs and not properly working, it contained JUST the rise and fall thing, and almost nothing else, thus can somehow help you.
Hey Rhye, I was thinking of making a longer version of the mod for me. Besides changing the speedinfo.xml and the spawn turns in the, what else should I look for? THX!
for the FAQ..

if i download this, will i be having fun and find myself newly addicted to civ4?
Absolutely. :cool: Check back every once in a while, we're still in the process of balancing the game and such, so there will be updated versions. For more details, see this thread and this one.


*Happy Dance of Joy and Rapture*

Okay Rhye, here's the question. WHERE in the SDK are the spawning variables stored? I need to know for a special gift project thingy I have been working on behind the scenes. SilverKnight I have already been trying to change and lengthen the game, in the most simple way I could think, by doubling, roughly, the number of turns. Once I find out where these values are I can start working on it again and probably have the first version out within 2 days max for people to start testing to see if its balanced.

I changed all the python values and kept spawning in with just a catapult on tile 0,0, now hopefully I will be able to fix it and get it working completely.
I don't have Civ4 yet but I'll get it when I get my new computer (September-December). This will be one of the first things I download. But, one question:

Description said:
Reprogrammed AI that adapts its behaviour to the Earth map and founds cities in their historical place, with their historical name

The AI does found cities not in their real life places right? I think it's a good idea to have the AI found cities not just in Siberia but have them go exactly where they went in real life would be boring. A Spanish Latin America everytime? It would be too predictable. I think they should somehow be drawn to the New World but no neccessarily exactly where they went. If that's even possible.
Icmancin, the reprogrammed AI is very dynamic. The underlying mechanisms are generally realistic and vague, and there are very few things that can be said to occur in every single game, although certain real historical things do happen in most games in some form or another.
After I load the mod and I click on the map and choose which Civ to paly as I get in the game and I get the You Have Been Defeated message. Can someone tell me what I did wrong.
The most probable problem is a conflict with your customassets folder. Try backing it up and deleting it, and see if that fixes your problem. :)
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