Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

Thank you for your answers, guys!

Another noob quiestion, if you don't mind: I upgraded my Civ4Col version with patch 1.01f and now I don't understand how can I start war with my European rivals? I've already played more than 60 turns, I established diplomatic relations whith two neighbouring European nations, and I still don't see any option to start war with them neither in Diplomacy screen (I don't see option "Get ready to WAR" or something") nor in any other way.

What is wrong with me?
Enter the Foreign Advisor screen (F4), right click on the leader you wish to talk to, then choose 'Lets talk about something else' and 'Get ready to Die'. That should do it.

The patch prevents any wars with the other European powers for the first 20 turns, but it is open season after that.
I want my local native tribe to gift me their settlements that are in my way so I captured an AI settlement to gift to the natives so they'll love me and give me theirs. Unfortunately I can't work out how to give them the settlement I captured. No settlements of mine or theirs appear as options to trade. Is this possible and if so how? I really don't want to have to commit genocide on the poor wee blighters.
You cannot trade settlements with natives.
If you don't want war you need to surround their settlement with culture. It will get razed.
Is it possible to get a victory through native village desires?
And if not, what's the purpose of having native village desires?
If you mean the Native Goods Requests for each village then no that will not contribute to your victory. It is intended to signify the goods that village will pay more for during trading.
If no native villages on the map are offering a skill, say sugar planter, are you completely hosed? I recall in the original a colonist could become an expert harvester by working a resource, but so far I haven't seen this happen.
Yes you are. It is unlikely to happen on a large map but I guess it could on a small map. Best to explore early and get at least one of each planter/trapper trained up so you can use your own schools to get more.

If you are without a sugar planter then a native convert working a sugar resource will still give a good return.

Some mods do allow a colonist to be promoted to specialist through working in a colony as in the original game.

I have a small question regarding soundtrack, does anyone know the name of the original tune of all the french diplomacy themes?

Link to video.

I can vaguely remember that was some sort of french folk song or dance, yet unfortunately I can't remember its name. Thanks in advance
Yes you are. It is unlikely to happen on a large map but I guess it could on a small map. Best to explore early and get at least one of each planter/trapper trained up so you can use your own schools to get more.

If you are without a sugar planter then a native convert working a sugar resource will still give a good return.

Some mods do allow a colonist to be promoted to specialist through working in a colony as in the original game.

Is that in the school, college and university where these units can turn into specialists? If it is, then another specialist must be in the city to have the new graduate turn into the specialist that's in the city.
Smokey was referring to a feature in the original game whereby a free colonist working long enough as a sugar planter could be spontaneously promoted to specialist without the benefit of a school or another sugar planter being in that colony. As least that's how I remember it working.
I am new to Civilization and turn based strategy games, so i am little confused how exactly the turns work: what actions i can do in one turn, how many actions i can do in one turn, should my goal be to make as less turns as possible or it doesn't matter, am i limited in the types and number of actions i can take in one turn?
I started Civilization IV: Colonization and i see i have three units in the beginning: ship, soldier and worker. What actions and how many actions i can do in my first turn? What should be my goal in my first turn, my second turn, and so on.
Also, when i see the message 'press ENTER to end the turn' does that mean i can't do any more actions in this turn and i have to end the turn?
Welcome to the forum Acivnoob7 [party] :band: :popcorn: :beer:

At the start of the game you only have very limited options, in fact all you can move is your ship. You can move it three or four tiles and then your turn will end. When your ship reaches land you should select one of your men and move him ashore, next turn he can form your first colony.

Later in the game of course there will be many more actions available each turn. The game automatically cycles through your units allowing you to move them or perform other actions. Movement is done using the arrow keys, other actions use the icons at the foot of the screen.

In the Options menu there is a checkbox for 'wait at end of turn'. If this is turned off your turn will end automatically when you have finished with all active units. If it is turned on you will need to use ENTER to end your turn.

There are many helpful articles in the 'Strategy and Tips' forum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=314
I managed to move the ship to the shore and build a settlement with warehouse with three turns. Now what i should do, what is the goal i should have to win the game? Also, how can i see which are my adversaries and how are they advancing?
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