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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

If between taking a city and abandoning it 20 turns or more pass, then it does not count as razing. If less than 20 turns had passed, then it counts just like a regular genocide. ;)
Is there a way to tell what government the AI is in?
Is there a way to tell what government the AI is in?
Go to the F3 (Military Advisor) page, then click on the drop down for a rival AI civ. It will show it's government.
It will also tell you (if you prod the advisor's face a few times) how strong that other civ is compared to you. Which is an approximate indicator, because if there's a sea surrounding you and you have an extensive (rail-)road network you have the effective advantage of numbers and logistics so you can conquer any of those cities they build when the AI is in its ‘build galleys with a spearman and settler and send them off to settle wherever they land like Norwegian high-seat pillars in Iceland’ phase and then get to keep them.
Not a newbie, but I have not played in a long time. I am going to start a game of conquests, I have the cd version. Question: What is the order of installation Civ III, PTW, Conquests or do I even need to install PTW if I am only going to play Conquests.
Of course, if you get the Complete version then all are installed… well, Conquests is, at least with my version.
Hi !
I'm wondering if there's a way to play scenario maps like "Age of discovery" with random AI civs, appearing in random locations.
I can't work with the editor unfortunately
Do you mean you don't have access to the editor or that you aren't very good at working with it?

You could probably right-click on each city and starting location and change the ownership. You would probably need to edit player data in scenario properties as well.
I'm wondering if there's a way to play scenario maps like "Age of discovery" with random AI civs, appearing in random locations.
It's certainly possible to play on any Scenario's base-map as a new mod, either using the Scenario's tribes, or the epic-game Civs.

And for the Scenarios like Mespotamia and Sengoku, where you build your entire Civ up from nothing, the base-maps should be relatively easy to mod to replace the starting units with 'generic' spawn-points, so that the tribes (again, either the Scenario-tribes, or any/all of the epic-game Civs) could start anywhere.

But for all the other Scenarios — RoR, FoR, Middle Ages, Mesoamerica, AoD, Napoleonic, WWII Pacific — which all start with preplaced cities (all assigned to a specific Civ) containing multiple buildings, Wonders and units, I don't think the (Firaxis) Editor allows any way to (re)assign a preplaced city to "Civ=Random", i.e. you wouldn't be able to play as e.g. 'Aztecs, but starting in Madrid + Toledo, with all the Spanish Wonders/buildings/units'
for the Scenarios like Mespotamia and Sengoku, where you build your entire Civ up from nothing, the base-maps should be relatively easy to mod to replace the starting units with 'generic' spawn-points, so that the tribes (again, either the Scenario-tribes, or any/all of the epic-game Civs) could start anywhere.
Taking Sengoku as an example, all you have to do is reassign the starting points from civs to players.
I appreciate the answers.
I will try to install the editor on an other computer and make those modifications
Thanks !
If I have my units in another civ's territory and they declare war on me do I suffer the reputation hit if I have a RoP with them?
for all its worth Al loves to declare on me whenever ı have a settler crossing .
I WANT the AI to declare on me (I.e. To get War Happiness): I have an ROP and also Slaves & unguarded Artillery pieces next to their Capitol. Are you saying r16 that having a Settler in their territory improves your chances of getting them to Declare War? :)
just an observation that it happens to me a lot . Not really an expert on the game mechanics but it has always appeared to me that Al wants to shame me as an invader when it starts the war . Might be so , might not be so .
If I have my units in another civ's territory and they declare war on me do I suffer the reputation hit if I have a RoP with them?
AFAIK, if you didn't initiate hostilities, you don't suffer a hit to your RoP-reputation.

But if any resource-exports to a third-party are broken by the war, because your trade-route to that third party went via your new enemy's roads and/or territorial waters, then your trade-rep will be toast, which is much more problematic.
AFAIK, if you didn't initiate hostilities, you don't suffer a hit to your RoP-reputation.

But if any resource-exports to a third-party are broken by the war, because your trade-route to that third party went via your new enemy's roads and/or territorial waters, then your trade-rep will be toast, which is much more problematic.
I understand,

however along a different line since this happened to me in the same game. I had an RoP with France. France also had an Mutual Protection Pact with India. I had troops in France. I declared war on India. France declares war on me and I get the rep hit for "invading" France and breaking the RoP. In a convoluted way I get it, but it pretty much lost me the game. France never trusted me after that and I was aiming for a Diplomatic Victory. Just a cautionary note I suppose.
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