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Quick Questions and Answers

A Kahn special ability is that it heals adjecent units. Im working on the mongols scenario, but i dont see the effect. At the end of a turn i put my kahn next to some wounded units, but they seem to have the same health next turn. Is it because they ae out of moves? Or does it only heal when the unit itself does the heal action?

A Kahn special ability is that it heals adjecent units. Im working on the mongols scenario, but i dont see the effect. At the end of a turn i put my kahn next to some wounded units, but they seem to have the same health next turn. Is it because they ae out of moves? Or does it only heal when the unit itself does the heal action?


Unfortunately, the Khan's Elite Medic ability only works when the unit would otherwise heal, similar to the normal Medic and Medic II abilities. This means that the unit must not have moved or attacked in the turn, or have the upgrade "March". Once your Keshiks have March, though... :mischief:
So not moved or attacked at all? Suppose i fire a shot, withdraw next to a kahn, and still have 2/5 movement points left. I then press the heal button. That does nothing?
Nada. Unless the unit has March, it can only heal on a turn where it takes no action whatsoever.
In the game setting I can adjust sea level/temperature/rainfall, what do they mean? If I choose low sea level, does it mean I get a map with a lot of mountains and hills? Thanks.
Low sea level - less sea, more earth (doesn't matter what type)
High sea level - level territory

Older planet - less hills
Younger planet - more hills and mountains

Temperature - choose between more tundra, normal, or more desert

Rainfall - swamps and grasslands as opposed to desert
Nada. Unless the unit has March, it can only heal on a turn where it takes no action whatsoever.

Ok, so i pressed the heal button a lot these past games for nothing. Unfortunatly, additional range and being abe to fire over obstacles is higher in my promotion priority list.
Harbours: The info says +1 for every tile "worked" by this city, does that mean within it's borders or does the ocean tile have to have a work boat there?

Not sure about this as natural wonders have a similar description as to gaining their benefit but can't be "worked" per se, they can only be within your borders.

Ta :)
Not every tile, it's every tile with a sea resource (fish, crab, whales, pearls, oil, etc.). Does not require a work boat or oil rig to get the hammer (unlike God of the Sea pantheon).

And "worked" means a citizen is working the tile (go to citizen management in the city view screen to verify that a citizen is working the tile). Citizens can work Natural Wonder tiles (like Great Barrier Reef), even though those tiles cannot be improved with a work boat. But I'm pretty sure that sea-based Natural Wonders are not "sea resources" for purposes of harbor, so no extra hammer there.
Ta for the info there Browd.

So if a coastal city has no fish, pearls, whales etc. do reckon it's still worth building a harbour given that a worker would be manually put there (if possible)?
Low sea level - less sea, more earth (doesn't matter what type)
High sea level - level territory

Older planet - less hills
Younger planet - more hills and mountains

Temperature - choose between more tundra, normal, or more desert

Rainfall - swamps and grasslands as opposed to desert

Thank you for the info, it's very helpful. Out of curiosity, where do you get the info from? I checked Civipedia but it doesn't say anything about the sea level and etc...
From this forum mainly. Following the Hall of Fame threads leads to a lot of explanations. But you can easily see their effects on Duel maps. Fastest way to test things, unless you get Persia time and time again, in the middle. Near a mountain ridge. And a river. Damn Darius. He's the rerollers dream in my games.

There's also MadDjinn's "Beyond the Monument" with lots of useful tips.
Question is why even settle there in the first place? City also has nice land-side resources? Improve those first. Provide sea access for a later invasion of another continent? OK, but without sea resources to work, what will harbor do, other than unlock (with Navigation) a seaport for a later naval units production bonus?
Ta for the info there Browd.

So if a coastal city has no fish, pearls, whales etc. do reckon it's still worth building a harbour given that a worker would be manually put there (if possible)?

If it is your only coastal city on a continent and you need the trade link to offshore settlements you might want to build a harbor. Otherwise it is a waste of build time and 3 gold per turn. Cities with only one sea resource are often not worth building harbors or seaports in my opinion, again unless there is an overriding strategic reason for doing so. With two resources you will at least come out ahead eventually once you have markets and banks built given how incomes and costs are determined.
Do you not get the free aqueduct from Tradition if you don't have the right tech? Do you get it when you get to engineering afterwards?
If it is your only coastal city on a continent and you need the trade link to offshore settlements you might want to build a harbor. Otherwise it is a waste of build time and 3 gold per turn. Cities with only one sea resource are often not worth building harbors or seaports in my opinion, again unless there is an overriding strategic reason for doing so. With two resources you will at least come out ahead eventually once you have markets and banks built given how incomes and costs are determined.

Ta clearbeard, I'm beginning to see that a minimum of two sea resources are the only reason to warrant a harbour (playing King), even if they're only fish.
As you mentioned, it's sometimes worth it or needed if you have a city on another continent for a connection to the capital.

Also, if said connection harbour is in the capital, it enables a seaport which gives a naval build bonus - sometimes worth it if gold isn't too terrible.
Do you not get the free aqueduct from Tradition if you don't have the right tech? Do you get it when you get to engineering afterwards?

I tried this out and you don't, kind of annoying.

What about if you have Engineering but not a granary in a city? And what about if you have engineering but haven't built a granary, do you get it when you build the granary? I would guess not, but I'm not sure.

Also, if you fill out Piety, then switch to Rationalism, do you lose one of the five completed trees for the culture victory?
I tried this out and you don't, kind of annoying.

What about if you have Engineering but not a granary in a city? And what about if you have engineering but haven't built a granary, do you get it when you build the granary? I would guess not, but I'm not sure.

Also, if you fill out Piety, then switch to Rationalism, do you lose one of the five completed trees for the culture victory?

Games where I've neglected Engineering until very late still get Aqueducts. The tech is irrelevant in this case.
Are the cities in the city screen mode in Civ V supposed to have noises coming from them like in Civ IV and CivRev? I hear it in the new BNW videos but I am wondering if my game is not working right or it hasn't been implemented yet.
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