Quick Questions and Answers

City state mission question:
I have several times been requested by a city state to help them kill some barbarians, although not been given a specific barbarian outpost.

Anyone found a way to actually receive any credit for killed barbarians? Do they have to be inside the city state borders or what?
City state mission question:
I have several times been requested by a city state to help them kill some barbarians, although not been given a specific barbarian outpost.

Anyone found a way to actually receive any credit for killed barbarians? Do they have to be inside the city state borders or what?

You have to destroy the barbarian encampment to get credit. If you have the Honor social policy, it will reveal where the encampment is. If not, good hunting :D
You have to destroy the barbarian encampment to get credit. If you have the Honor social policy, it will reveal where the encampment is. If not, good hunting :D

So even in the case when they don't give a specific encampment, there is one?
I wouldn't mind a little bit more clearer mission text then... I've been chasing regular barbarian units in chase of good relations.
When you settle 2 villages (or when you take over a 2nd village) and there is space between the linked territory, do the villages still trade with each other?

Or do you need to build roads between villages?

Also why would you ever want to liberate a city?
When you settle 2 villages (or when you take over a 2nd village) and there is space between the linked territory, do the villages still trade with each other?

Or do you need to build roads between villages?

Also why would you ever want to liberate a city?

-You need to connect both villages via road or hardbor
-Liberating a city is good if the city is a state. They become indebted to you, and city-state bonuses are not to be laughed at.
Can you only have one research agreement at a time? I signed with 3 different nations, paying a lot of gold yet only the last one resulted in a tech? The civilopedia doestn't say there is a limit
Quick question: In the poll down below, lots of people are voting for Babylon as their favorite civ. But in my game, there IS NO BABYLON civ!?!?!? Help! I can't stand the idea that there is a great civ out there that I'm not playing!
Quick question: In the poll down below, lots of people are voting for Babylon as their favorite civ. But in my game, there IS NO BABYLON civ!?!?!? Help! I can't stand the idea that there is a great civ out there that I'm not playing!

-Its a perk of buying the deluxe edition =/. It will no doubt be sold as DLC later on.
How can I open .tga-files? For some reason Civ V turns my screenshots into weird tga.-files.

Somebody help me, quick! :)
What is the easiest way to find a specific unit? I tried the military overview, but clicking on a unit there doesn't center the map on it.
Can you only have one research agreement at a time? I signed with 3 different nations, paying a lot of gold yet only the last one resulted in a tech? The civilopedia doestn't say there is a limit

I think you can have more than 1 at a time. They just take a while to complete.
How can I open .tga-files? For some reason Civ V turns my screenshots into weird tga.-files.

Somebody help me, quick! :)

paint.net can do it, gimp can do it - most paint programs should be able to, but these two are free ;)
As for the units, I've got no idea. I guess it's random when they'll give it to you (within reasonable limits), and I think it's supposed to be unknown.
It is not random. I was friendly with a military city-state on standard speed and they were giving me a free unit every 20 turns. Later on I became their ally (completed a mission) and they started giving me a free unit every 17 turns. I am not sure if you can speed it up anymore with stacking even more influence... It seems "ally" is the top influence rank you can have with a city state.

I have several times been requested by a city state to help them kill some barbarians, although not been given a specific barbarian outpost.
It is a specific outpost. I did get such mission, and I remember being taken to the exact location of the outpost, which was about a screen away from the city-state and was separated from it by my city + another city-state, so don't only look in the logical places. However I did have the policy that reveals encampments. (Very useful by the way, forget civ4's early worker opening, everyone should invest in a couple of early scouts/warriors and hunt barbarians for gold with that policy!)

Anyone found a way to actually receive any credit for killed barbarians? Do they have to be inside the city state borders or what?
You get 1) experience for your units, 2) you earn points toward a great general, and 3) taking the barbarian encampment earns you a good amount of gold.

-Liberating a city is good if the city is a state. They become indebted to you, and city-state bonuses are not to be laughed at.
Also they will always vote for you in the UN, even if they hate you. This stays true for all game long until they get captured and liberated by another person.

What is the easiest way to find a specific unit? I tried the military overview, but clicking on a unit there doesn't center the map on it.
I did find my units through that screen many times, try double clicking the name of the unit.
I did find my units thru that screen many times, try double clicking the name of the unit.

I'll try that. It might work elsewhere too. I got the impression from using the UI that double clicks simply weren't used anywhere.

Edit: It didn't work for me. Clicking or doubleclicking on any unit in the list selects the same worker.
What does a Pact of Cooperation gives?
What does a Pact of Secrecy do?
I have read this somewhere, apparently it comes from a civ dev :
A Pact of Cooperation will get you better deals with that AI player provided that you reciprocate. It's an option meant to foster a positive relationship. Likewise, a Pact of Secrecy (where the AI asks you to work against another Civ) will also build a better relationship, provided you actually follow through, and do not cooperate with the target Civ.
Note the "follow through". Meaning you'll probably get penalties for opening borders or trading with someone you have a PSec against.

Speaking of this i am wondering if you have a PSec against someone, and you war him, will you get diplo bonuses with your PSec ally?
Being a noob, I really have a hard time determining whether to go farm or mine or TP. Is there an 'Idiot's guide to improvements' or the ilk?

When founding a new city, if a resource is in a prime location (on a hill & next to a river) would it behoove me to found the city on top of the resource or just near it?
Here's my question contrabution... Probably really stupid and easy but I can't find where to see a list and amount of resources you have? I know that the strategic ones are on the top bar, but what about the others?
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