Quick Questions and Answers

Some questions on road maintenance:

- Does a civilization pay for all roads in their territory, regardless of who built them?

- If not, and you only pay for roads that you've actually built, then at what point do I pick up the maintenance for another civilization's roads when I'm conquering them? The closest chunks to the cities I've puppeted / annexed? All of them but only once I've wiped out the whole civilization? Never?

and, do forests sprout on Civ5 like on Civ4? I haven't noticed any yet...

I'll try that. It might work elsewhere too. I got the impression from using the UI that double clicks simply weren't used anywhere.

Edit: It didn't work for me. Clicking or doubleclicking on any unit in the list selects the same worker.

Use the list on the top left side (unit list?). Double-clicking there will take you to that unit.
- Does a civilization pay for all roads in their territory, regardless of who built them?
As far as I have noticed ingame, you only pay for the roads inside your territory. Meaning roads connecting two of your cities that are outside your borders are free. And the ones you build to connect city-states are also free.

and, do forests sprout on Civ5 like on Civ4? I haven't noticed any yet...
I have noticed no growth so far... Good question.
As far as I have noticed ingame, you only pay for the roads inside your territory. Meaning roads connecting two of your cities that are outside your borders are free. And the ones you build to connect city-states are also free.

So I guess I have to pay for roads that the A.I. build in my territory? Could I spam roads within their borders to bankrupt them?
I got a question about multiplayer, is there any way to save or is it only the auto-saves? cause if it's only the auto saves, the game only keeps 2 so if someone plays more then 2 games in between the game you are playing it will be deleted...

Also is there any way to access the civilopedia outside a game? i like to read the bios and stuff but i don't want to start a game to be able to read them...
I assume the answer is "no", but... has anyone found any way to destroy buildings that you don't want in your cities?
I am allied with Genoa, a maritime city state. I am told that I am receiving 4 food per turn in my capital and 2 in my other cities from them.

However, when I look in my capital and other cities, it does not show any bonus food whatsoever. In case it matters, I do have a road connecting to them. What gives?
I am allied with Genoa, a maritime city state. I am told that I am receiving 4 food per turn in my capital and 2 in my other cities from them.

However, when I look in my capital and other cities, it does not show any bonus food whatsoever. In case it matters, I do have a road connecting to them. What gives?

The bonus is added to the city tile. If you turn on yields, it should show as a basket of apples with the number 6 next to it.
Social Policy question. When you switch policy branches do you lose the effect of the previous branch or do the bonuses have a snowball effect?
What is the easiest way to find a specific unit? I tried the military overview, but clicking on a unit there doesn't center the map on it.

On the upper left corner, right under the science counter ther is a circle button. From there you can expand a the current research progress, a unit list and a city list.
Now a group of some six to nine City-States have allied against me, calling me a Blood-thirsty Tyrant (I really don't know why they would say that :) ) Now it says they are in permanent war against me and that permanent war is possibly ruining my reputation with other leaders. Is there a way to undo this or should I go for domination victory already?
I installed the game but it won't run. I tried to access Steam support but it keeps saying I need to activate my Support account by clicking the link in my account activation e-mail, but I have done this. I can't find any way to contact Steam. What should I do. Thank you.
How do you skip the cinematics when you start the game?
Check a couple of pages back, someone has already posted a way to disable the intro movie.
Here's my question contrabution... Probably really stupid and easy but I can't find where to see a list and amount of resources you have? I know that the strategic ones are on the top bar, but what about the others?
Luxury resources can be found when hovering over the smiley at the top left, and in a trade dialogue. Bonus researches aren't listed AFAIK - not that it matters, they have no effect outside the tile they reside in.
Hello everyone.
I was playing today and I got into war with a nation pretty far away but closer if I went by water.
I wanted to load a unit onto my boat so I could send it over. I tried all kinds of combinations from archers in caravels to cavalry in destroyers with no luck. I was looking for a loading ramp like the one in civilization but could not find any.
Does civ v even allow u to load units into boats or are we just expected to use the amphibious feature with some of the units.
Thank u for your time.
It is not random. I was friendly with a military city-state on standard speed and they were giving me a free unit every 20 turns. Later on I became their ally (completed a mission) and they started giving me a free unit every 17 turns. I am not sure if you can speed it up anymore with stacking even more influence... It seems "ally" is the top influence rank you can have with a city state.

You're right! Then I guess you'll just have to keep track of the schedule, either by using pen and paper, or by checking the event log.
Hello everyone.
I was playing today and I got into war with a nation pretty far away but closer if I went by water.
I wanted to load a unit onto my boat so I could send it over. I tried all kinds of combinations from archers in caravels to cavalry in destroyers with no luck. I was looking for a loading ramp like the one in civilization but could not find any.
Does civ v even allow u to load units into boats or are we just expected to use the amphibious feature with some of the units.
Thank u for your time.
I haven't tried it yet, but you need to research optics (pottery -> sailing -> optics), then put your unit next to a water tile, then on the left menu of the unit abilities, there is one to turn it into a boat.

You're right! Then I guess you'll just have to keep track of the schedule, either by using pen and paper, or by checking the event log.
Maybe there is an easier way than payer/log. Top right corner of the screen there is the number of turns displayed. If you befriended a city-state at say, turn 42, then you know it will give you a unit at turn 62, 82, 102, etc.
How do you skip the cinematics when you start the game?

Open your \username\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 folder. You'll find a file called UserSettings.ini there. Right click it and select edit. Look for the line that says:
SkipIntroVideo = 0
and change the value to 1.

Note: it does eventually let you skip the movie once your computer is finished loading stuff in the background; so disabling it and leaving it on and pressing a key to skip should actually take about the same amount of time to actually get to the menu.
My question: Is it possible to see a leader's attitude towards you, and how do the pacts change it?

It's not only that you can't see the numbers, there are none. In civ5 there are no relations at all. Diplomacy is another element like religion or spionage they didn't like or have time to do.

Leaders will attack you no matter what you did to please them. Wouldn't even call it a backstab, just random reactions. Looking at what they say to you and how the react like another player says won't help either. One turn thay say you how they love you and want to cooperate with you, and 30 sec later they declare war. Like I said, don't bother at all, just expect any leader to attack at any time, and also don't think any leader which is angry will attack. Looks like a dice roll.
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