Quick Questions and Answers

Hi guys,
I have a question to ask
Is there any option to hurry the unit or building being produced instead of buying them and what is the exact culture cost and buying cost of land [how is it decided] and is our culture reduced on buying lands.

1. Cash buying a unit while is being built gives a completely new unit and production that turn continues on the one partly complete.

2. Cash buying a building partly complete wastes the hammers that already went into it.

No, the discount was removed from the code base while Vanilla was being developed.
As a side effect, you can see where they commented out the AI code to cash rush things that was optimized for Civ IV's rushing partly completed items.

Culture to get a new tile: Goes up every time the city grows via culture. Tradition opener and a specific world wonder both give discounts on this. Note that the culture cost stays the same when you spend cash to buy a tile.

Cash to buy a tile. Each time you cash buy a tile, cost to cash buy go up.
Tough terraign costs double that of light terraign. Tiles with a known resource though get reset back to lowest price. Playing America and building a specific world wonder both give discounts on this.

I also wanted to ask that if I use a social policy to start a golden age does it also reduce the number of turns every time its triggered. Also what's the number's meaning that is written beside the city name is there a difference in it with difficulty. As I've read on forum somewhere that it's the strength or the defense a city has so I think it must be changing. The last question :
in the order of difficulties do we cheat ai or the ai cheat us as in civ3. Thanks.

No, the only thing that causes GA turns for the next one to be reduced is using a Great Artist to triger a GA.
However, the counter to a GA does not change while in one, so if you were close to a natural Golden Age, triggering one via policy would slow down the natural one.

That one is probably the defense value of the city which doubles as the base factor when the city bombards a nearby unit.

Every single version of Civ features an AI with a handicap on Prince.

In Civ IV's case the most obvious one with the AI's major cash discount on upgrading units (it usually could upgrade its entire army the turn it got a new military tech). That was toned down in the BTS expansion but still there. It also had a major (but hidden from the player) inflation discount.

In Civ V case, the most obvious one is its happiness bonus. Prior to BNW, it had the Chieftain one. Now it's the fixed flat bonus from Chieftain plus a percentage close to Warlord. However, with BNW, the AI got a brand new bonus with a Science discount bigger than a Human on Settler would have. (But you won't notice the AI's science discount since it doesn't prioritize science buildings enough)
Also note that the Civ V AI needs its bonuses a whole lot more than Civ IV did. Civ V reintroduced things from Civ III that were disallowed in Civ IV because the AI sucked so completely at it and in addition introduced new mechanics that are much more difficult to train an AI to do well.
Thanks a lot joncunn that helped a lot and cleared my doubts too. Thanks. 👌👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏👏
What's the point of even modifying AI civ's flavor if it's gonna do random things anyway?

I've lowered a civ's religion flavor to 1 (lowest, if I'm not mistaken). I start a game, this jerk is the first to create religion (even though there are 4 civs on the map with religion flavor 9). I start another game... only to see this jack build Stonehenge... I mean, what the... sure, wonder flavor is a different thing, BUT Stonehenge has an awful lot of religion flavor in it's xml, so... I really hope they just REAAAALLY wanted to build some wonder and Stonehenge was the only one available for them..

I swear if I wanna have a game with a little bit of realism, I have to delete all remaining religions and jumpstart civs I WANT to create religions by adding Faith to them via IGE.. since the "number of available religions" seems to be picked behind player's back.
Got this in my latest game. Playing as Persia on immortal and captured Edirne.

Never seen this, is it a bug? Playing on a mac.


  • Skärmavbild 2015-08-07 kl. 09.34.32.jpg
    Skärmavbild 2015-08-07 kl. 09.34.32.jpg
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I need help regarding civ 5 hof. Can anyone pls help me understand the full hof In detail i.e. Everything about it.I cannot understand anything related to it. Also Are there any empty slots in it like in hof of civ 3. What is #1 #2 #3 games and how can one find the ranks in hof. . I've submitted 2 games till now but both excluded on the reason that the starting and ending files don't match. Is this a bug or what pls help. Thanks.

Is ocean inside city borders traversable by trireme but not by embarked units (before Astronomy)?

Is ocean inside city borders traversable by trireme but not by embarked units (before Astronomy)?

1. Ocean tiles within your own cultural boundary can be entered by triremes.

2. Even post astronomy, Trireme's may not enter ocean (unless its in your own territory); you need to upgrade them to Caravels to allow that.
1. Ocean tiles within your own cultural boundary can be entered by triremes.

2. Even post astronomy, Trireme's may not enter ocean (unless its in your own territory); you need to upgrade them to Caravels to allow that.

thanks, that is true.

but what about embarked units? it feels strange that they cannot enter ocean inside city borders (before astronomy).
I build a crappy city to bridge a narrow ocean to gain access to another landmass. but my settler still could not enter the ocean in my territory. ..
And I thought that such a great idea when I found out that triremes have this ability ..
Embarked units can enter the same places that your triremes can. If you want your embarked units to enter ocean you have to research astronomy first.
Embarked units can enter the same places that your triremes can. If you want your embarked units to enter ocean you have to research astronomy first.

That is what I believed.

but then I tried and only my triremes could use my territory to cross a small ocean patch to reach the next continent. My embarked units could not. ..

(I use quite a few mods, but I don't believe that this observation is affected by them ..)
That is what I believed.

but then I tried and only my triremes could use my territory to cross a small ocean patch to reach the next continent. My embarked units could not. ..

(I use quite a few mods, but I don't believe that this observation is affected by them ..)

it was to me too, no mods
Is there any tech after which I can attack with my land units which are on water. If yes then which tech, in my current game my units are continually dying as they can't attack from water.
how tile cost is determined?
i noticed the price of the same tile can go down with time significantly. and it was not an effect of adopting tradition.

The decrease happens whenever the last of the lowest priced tiles to expand into become part of your territory.

e.g. If 2 tiles cost 60 gold to buy (the others more), when your city expands it won't change the price.
However if only 1 tile cost 60 gold to buy (the others more, say 75), if your city expands into it by culture, then suddenly are the tiles that were second cheapest will now only cost 60.

Other than that, a tech revealing a resource will cause price to buy that hex to plummet to minimum and in addition if a tile just outside your borders has marsh, clearing it will decrease the price to buy (in this case it will also greatly increase on the queue to be acquired by culture.)

Is there any tech after which I can attack with my land units which are on water. If yes then which tech, in my current game my units are continually dying as they can't attack from water.

If you have either G&K or BNW, then as long as you have a movement point left then you can always attack an enemy unit from land while embarked (but with a major combat penalty unless you have the Amphibious promotion) If you still have Vanilla, you might need that promotion just to be able to attack while embarked.
Is this the place for rules question? If so.

What does a Pact of Cooperation gives?
What does a Pact of Secrecy do?
Is there a way to know exactly when a Military City State will give you an unit?

Hey I also had the same question to ask thanks for asking In place of me.
If you have either G&K or BNW, then as long as you have a movement point left then you can always attack an enemy unit from land while embarked (but with a major combat penalty unless you have the Amphibious promotion) If you still have Vanilla, you might need that promotion just to be able to attack while embarked.

Thanks, I have vanilla so do I have to use the option of embarkation from the promotion options if I want to make land units attack from water.
Why do my cities buy tiles on their own without my permission?I focused the screen on the same city for 3 months and by the time the 3 months have ended,I saw a new tile had already been added.
This is the natural form of culture borders expansion. The culture generated in the city is accumulated, and when it hits a certain mark a new tile is added (similar to the growth mechanism which is with extra food). This does not decrease your treasury, as when buying tiles with gold, and it will happen regardless if you want it or not. The only way to stop this is for your city to not generate any culture at all, which is not recommended.

In a multiplayer game if two players on the same course of building a miracle, then on what basis is chosen the one who built it? Or is a pure random? Maybe someone knows ...

In a multiplayer game if two players on the same course of building a miracle, then on what basis is chosen the one who built it? Or is a pure random? Maybe someone knows ...

There is a turn order although usually it is not noticed, so lets say you and an AI need 1 more hammer to finish a wonder, and you hit end turn, the AI will go first, finish the wonder on his turn, then you will lose it.
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