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Quick Questions / Quick Answers

How does god of commerce(
+2 Faith and+2 Gold in Cities with a City Connection and per active active Trade Route to or from the City.

+2 Faith,+2 Gold, +2 Great Merchant Points in your Capital/ Holy City after gaining a second city.)
work with Venice puppeting a second city does it just not count?
In my current game, I founded a religion and around 150 turns later I captured an AI's capital, which was also a holy city of its religion. I wanted to adopt that new religion as my majority religion, so I inquisitioned my original cities with the new religion and got the tooltip/notification that it is now my majority religion. But I still couldn't make use of the To the Glory of God (reformation belief of the new religion) in any of my cities (even in the conquered holy city). Is there something else that needs to be done to "activate" the new religion?
In my current game, I founded a religion and around 150 turns later I captured an AI's capital, which was also a holy city of its religion. I wanted to adopt that new religion as my majority religion, so I inquisitioned my original cities with the new religion and got the tooltip/notification that it is now my majority religion. But I still couldn't make use of the To the Glory of God (reformation belief of the new religion) in any of my cities (even in the conquered holy city). Is there something else that needs to be done to "activate" the new religion?

On the World Religions tab of the Religion Overview, which religion does it say you are head of (at the bottom of the screen)? I would expect it to still say your original religion, in which case there is no way to use the reformation belief from the other religion, except perhaps if you lose your original holy city I guess.

Once you have founded, I think you are basically stuck with your own religion. However the notification you mention doesn't fit with my understanding of the system, so I could be completely wrong. Did it say majority religion or primary religion by the way? I think your primary religion can only change if you didn't found, so I wouldn't expect any notifications in this case.

Finally, which tooltip are you referring to?
Thanks for the reply! It's the tooltip/notification on the right side of the screen (blue circular icon with white symbol), the same type of notification when another AI enhances, founds or reforms a religion.

I always thought that if you found a religion and then conquered a holy city, you could "choose" which would be your main religion, i.e. from which you'd get founder/enhancer/reformation benefits, but it seems that this is not the case. And if that's not a case, it's a bit problematic, because why would I be "penalized" for playing the game better (i.e. founding in the first) if as a founder I can't benefit from the conquered holy city whereas as a non founder I can.

Sadly I'm away from my gaming laptop, so I can't check if it says primary or majority religion...

@Gazebo , @Recursive , can we get a clarification from you guys?
If you don't found, I believe you can 'choose' (i.e. make it your Primary religion) between conquered religions by converting a majority of your cities to that religion. If you found, I believe your Primary religion is fixed, but perhaps this is no longer true (your notification suggests this).

Founder and Enhancer beliefs for each religion apply to the owner of the holy city for that religion. In the old version I mostly play on, you can benefit from multiple founder/enhancer beliefs but I think that is probably a bug (perhaps you would be able to check if this is still true). I think you should only benefit from the Founder and Enhancer beliefs for your Primary religion.

Reformation beliefs are somewhat different, but I haven't fully worked it out yet. I think that if you don't found and haven't taken a holy city then you can benefit from the reformation belief in your majority religion. If you control a religion, either by founding or by taking one or more holy cities, then I think you can only benefit from the one considered your Primary Religion.

Hopefully, the big guns you summoned will be able to help...
Thanks for the reply! It's the tooltip/notification on the right side of the screen (blue circular icon with white symbol), the same type of notification when another AI enhances, founds or reforms a religion.

I always thought that if you found a religion and then conquered a holy city, you could "choose" which would be your main religion, i.e. from which you'd get founder/enhancer/reformation benefits, but it seems that this is not the case. And if that's not a case, it's a bit problematic, because why would I be "penalized" for playing the game better (i.e. founding in the first) if as a founder I can't benefit from the conquered holy city whereas as a non founder I can.

Sadly I'm away from my gaming laptop, so I can't check if it says primary or majority religion...

@Gazebo , @Recursive , can we get a clarification from you guys?

Not my purview. :)

But AFAIK if you found you can't conquer after...
Not my purview. :)

But AFAIK if you found you can't conquer after...
This is my understanding as well. Unless something changed, once you found you are stuck with what you got.

(Don't know if the voice of a tiny airsoft gun counts)
This is my understanding as well. Unless something changed, once you found you are stuck with what you got.

(Don't know if the voice of a tiny airsoft gun counts)

Your voice here is as loud as a squadron of jet fighters flying low overhead. :aargh:

Hopefully, @LifeOfBrian will be able to check his primary religion and get back to us. At the moment, only the notification he mentioned spoils an otherwise consistent picture.

One other small oddity with capturing a religion after not founding, when I did this recently some of my cities were still following my pantheon. But "My Pantheon" changed to the one in the religion I just captured. I thought perhaps they should have stayed with my original pantheon until they got converted to the religion. Thoughts anyone?
Moderator Action: Unstickied, since it seemed to actually lower visibility. It'll stay near the top of the list anyway with how often it's used. :)
In the Espionage screen it says 11 Foreign Agents are pursuing my spy. What exactly does that mean and what are the implications for gameplay? Does that number go down over time and increase your turn time for gathering intelligence?
One other small oddity with capturing a religion after not founding, when I did this recently some of my cities were still following my pantheon. But "My Pantheon" changed to the one in the religion I just captured. I thought perhaps they should have stayed with my original pantheon until they got converted to the religion. Thoughts anyone?
I've also noticed that non-founders' cities instantly convert to my religion upon capture if they only have a pantheon.
If I do a TR with a CS before I'm friends/allies, and then later ally, does the TR upgrade its yields or am I stuck with the crappy non friend yields for the whole run?
If I do a TR with a CS before I'm friends/allies, and then later ally, does the TR upgrade its yields or am I stuck with the crappy non friend yields for the whole run?
I believe it updates. I think at one time, possibly in vanilla, it was fixed at the start.
Are one of these lines responsible for causing settlers to consume 1 pop upon creation? If not, where can I find the line that is responsible?
If I capture a Holy City, but have my own official religion already, will I get the additional congress votes in the world congress if the other religion is the official world religion?
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