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Racist chavs/hooligans

What should we do with the raving nazi early in the morning?

  • Ignore his words and let them whither!

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Put him in a cell with a burly convict!

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Put him into orbit in a flying saucer!

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Infiltrate his gang and expose him on YouTube!

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Give him a medal and crown him Fuhrer!

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
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No they aren't.
Maybe not technically, but in common speech racism includes most or all xenophobia, probably because xenophobia is a long and slightly weird word to use. Most laws in the UK against racism also include xenophobia.
Maybe not technically, but in common speech racism includes most or all xenophobia, probably because xenophobia is a long and slightly weird word to use. Most laws in the UK against racism also include xenophobia.

Not technically? Try not at all. In common speech? Well in common sense racism is about race.

But if want to diminish the real meaning of the word by including everything under the sun that doesn't have to with race go on and do it. It will only reflect poorly on you.
I'm white and live in a mostly Asian neighborhood, so this does not happen to me.

However, racism should be a crime. People should be sent to jail or fined. I do care if people want "freedom of speech." Racism is wrong.
Because it's the government's place to decide what's wrong, and what's right, and put you in prison for saying the wrong things. :crazyeye:

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me. But I'm an American, and we're always so obsessed with our "Constitution" and our "rights" and all that, so maybe I'm just biased.
Because it's the government's place to decide what's wrong, and what's right, and put you in prison for saying the wrong things. :crazyeye:

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me. But I'm an American, and we're always so obsessed with our "Constitution" and our "rights" and all that, so maybe I'm just biased.
People have freedom to their own opinions. There are no laws against holding prejudiced views in the UK. But actually expressing those views though abuse is illegal.

Not technically? Try not at all. In common speech? Well in common sense racism is about race.

But if want to diminish the real meaning of the word by including everything under the sun that doesn't have to with race go on and do it. It will only reflect poorly on you
I'm not dimminishing the real meaning of the word. Society has, and I'm just following the current usage. I have no objection to calling xenophobia xenophobia. I just don't when I am not trying to be technical, and neither do most people.

And racism and xenophobia are pretty much equally bad anyway, so 'Islam isn't a race' doesn't really justify anything. Jews aren't a single race but that doesn't mean anti-semetism isn't bad.
People have freedom to their own opinions. There are no laws against holding prejudiced views in the UK. But actually expressing those views though abuse is illegal.
In other words "You have freedom of speech, so long as your speech only consists of the things that are Big Brother approved."

If they're inciting violence, then lock 'em up. But just because their opinion happens to be unpopular, doesn't mean it should be illegal. You can't have a free democratic society where unpopular views are squashed by the government. You want to personally laugh and mock people with stupid views? (IE, make fun of neo-nazi's and the like) Go right ahead. That's perfectly fine, and often quite a good thing - they deserve it. But the government should have no hand in punishing people for saying things which aren't causing violence, but are merely disagreeable.
I'm not dimminishing the real meaning of the word. Yes you are.Society has, and I'm just following the current usage.No society hasn't. And you aren't following current usage you are making a very simple word encompass things that have no place in its deffinition. I have no objection to calling xenophobia xenophobia. I just don't when I am not trying to be technical, and neither do most people.And most people would be wrong. If you are happy being ignorant then be my guest

And racism and xenophobia are pretty much equally bad anyway,No they aren't. One is based on race alone and the other has nothing to do with race. so 'Islam isn't a race' doesn't really justify anything.No it justifies me saying it to correct a person who puts religions under race. News flash religion doesn't = race and there for is not racism. Its really simple. Jews aren't a single race but that doesn't mean anti-semetism isn't bad.
Anti-semitism isn't about race either. Seeing as pallies, Syrians, Lebanese and arab Israelis are Semites too.

Do us all a favour and don't be lazy. If xenophobe is big of a word for you and I don't think you even use that one correctly just say bigot. Racism is about race not legal status, religion or nationality.
I haven't really been threatened by anyone. Except this one time I was walking with my dad to Portland State U to interview for a graphic design job and we were going straight southeast from the Pioneer Square station. We were passing this cafe on the square and I heard either "Nick, go home." or "Nip, go home." I didn't really pay attention as all my attention was on that we were late for my interview and we were trying to make up as much time as possible.

I didn't think much about it afterwards but after a few days I thought "Did that guy call me a Nip?" 'cause I figure it could have also been Nick as perhaps a Nick was working in the cafe and his supervisor didn't want him to work too hard and said "Nick, go home!"
I been threatened by chavs several times, some as far as getting a knife out and threatening to stab me.

I hope you didn't leave things at that and went to the police. It's a very serious thing dude.
Does this include immigrants calling girls hoes if they dont give them attention?
Shove them into slums like we do here!

Also: Start a crack epidemic! That'll get 'em in-fighting so much that they won't have time to deal with other people.
I once knew someone who liked crack, he said it was safe because no-one could afford to be a crack addict without seriously compromising their morals.

EDIT: That didn't make me want to try sone though, kids, listen up!

EDIT2: Damn this newkeybpard!
Agreed, but what exactly? Strict punishment does nothing to solve violent behaviour. It's a deeply ingrained social issue which won't go away quickly.

Enact conceal-carry legislation and arm your citizenry.
Since muslim isn't a race it can't be hypocrisy.

Its a hypocrisy because like racism it is also a common form of bigotry. Complaining about an injustice such as racism and making such an unjust comment right afterwards is a hypocrisy. Does that really need to be explained?
Its a hypocrisy because like racism it is also a common form of bigotry.But it isn't racism. Complaining about an injustice such as racism and making such an unjust comment right afterwards is a hypocrisy. Does that really need to be explained?
Explain away. I rather enjoy people make a fool of them self by trying and failing to equate things that aren't racism to racism. So please be my quest explain how something that isn't racism is racism. And how that saying you want to get rid of racist and a group of people that aren't a race is racism and thus hypocritical. Maybe we need to explain what hypocrisy is since some people can't grasp it.
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