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I might change my avatar just for this game :lol:

George Washington on a horse about to fall off and die, therefor America would not exist. :lol:
One of my favorite episodes.. not 100x100 tho.. 9/10.
I wish I had a cave like that nearby; I'd have somewhere to retreat to in this burning hot scorcher season!

Also, it would, again, be used to plot evil things, since that's where all evil genii plot from: caverns.
You know, there are so many bumps from baseballs hitting my head at this point, that if you hit it again, they will all pop and puss'll go everywhere...

Looks like a green Sonic that needs a haircut.

That would be Manic. :p
Ahhhh! Sonic is green...and from the eighties! A double whammy of epic proportions! 2/10
Taillesskangaru of Arabia
What happened to "I vursheep Commun-eezm!"?! :lol:

It's that other person CivG has a great liking for apart from Samus! I sense many catfights between these two(there probably have been a few in DYOS based on what I've seen), and many lolz shall be had because women fighting is always funny. (And to some, sexy :mischief:)
Oh the nostalgia... I used to watch those movies all the time when little... stop making me feel old! :cry:

Furthermore, the inspiration for the Death Egg, which was the inspiration for the Space Colony Ark, which was Shadow's birthplace and thus I owe Shadow's backstory to George Lucas through several connected incidents. 10/10!

MORE Sonic. 5/10

No, Comrade Premier. It has only begun. :mischief:
It's a pity the Avatar Wars are over... there are so many non-furries with animal avatars that I'd easily be able to create an arc where I, as the Eggfox, try to seize all furry avatars from non-furries and create an army from them.

You should let Maniac use that avatar.

If I knew who that was... ;) Then maybe I would; I'm thinking of switching to Zakumi anyway, so the avatar'd be free.
OOC: He's the modder that's in charge of the mod, Planetfall, based off of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
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