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RBTS7 - L'estasi Dell'oro

Don't forget we need Rifling for that though.

We got Rifling on my last turnset, I traded Medicine to Suleiman for it.

I hate to contribute to the turtle pace, but if I can't play tomorrow noontime I won't be able to play until Monday :blush:.

If you won't make it, can we have Garath play 10 more to finish the domination turn so we can keep things moving?
Sorry about the uncropped screenshots, guys, but it's long gone midnight here and I still have more things I need to do tonight, and a busy day tomorrow. I've played, though, so here's the report with thumbnails.

Distressing as it is to leave Electricity only 1 turn from completion, it's just too deep in the tree for no real gain. It's Steam Power that we need, being required for both railroads and factories, and since we're WFYABTA with everyone and I can't get anyone to Friendly, self-research it is. 3 turns to go.

I change to Nationhood to try to get a decent military force back together, but since *every* other civ is in Emancipation, I don't think I can afford to change out of that right now even though most of our towns are already, well, towns. I'll still seriously thinking about slaving in some factories later, though - what else is all that extra food from Sid's Sushi good for? Similarly, the tech must flow, so I can't really afford to switch out of Free Religion or Representation either.

I start building a few Artillery while waiting for more tech to come in. Interestingly it's SAM Infantry that we're drafting at the moment, not Rifles, so they're a bit more expensive than I'd have liked. Still, we should have a decent enough army to attack England and/or Greece again in a few turns. Powerful but slow, which is not really what I need. Best I can do, though, with the AIs having several 3-4 promotion Rifles in every city - Conquistadors or Cavalry just aren't going to cut it without backup.

Why Greece and England, you say? Weren't they almost killed earlier? Well, they *were*, but *some* people didn't kick them while they were down, so they've rebounded altogether too well, and are going to need kicking again.



Steam Power comes in. Two coals, at Madrid and Newcastle. Only one decent place for a Levee, but it's a humdinger: Granada has eleven river tiles. Immediately started, of course.

(Missed a picture of the assault force here. Anyone who cares about the military situation will have to open the save to find out, I'm afraid.)

Well, I'm afraid this is the best force I can put together on short notice. There are still an awful lot of stragglers coming along, but the empire is just too big and too not-railroaded to get much more together. It'll have to do, though...
Of course, we lose Argos immediately, since it was unreinforceable. However, it does distract more of their military than it should, and spreads them thinner trying to defend more cities. The single Conquistador defending it did take out a Rifle, as well, which was more than could have been expected of him.


popped another one!


Spotted this opportunity while scrounging for cash to complete Assembly Line one turn earlier. I'm sure destabilising parts of the West can't be to our disadvantage.

Fairly shortly after completing Assembly Line, I suddenly switched quite a lot of cities to Factories. Shortly after *that*, I realised that there weren't quite enough specialists left for Representation to be as important as it used to be, and switched to Universal Suffrage to get something useful out of all those Towns we had lying around. Simultaneously, I also switched out of Emancipation, causing round about 7 unhappy faces in each city. Ouch! Oh well, I dealt with it primarily by whipping away all the unhappy people in order to create factories. Seems to have solved the problem, although there is a residual 10% lux tax for now. We can probably go back to Emancipation in 5 turns, though (turn 274), since most everything that can usefully be whipped already will have been by then.


darrelljs: At the handoff, the attack force at Argos is largely unmoved, but three SAM Infantry only arrived this turn. Similarly, I haven't drafted this turn. It's going to be tough to find places with both the space population and happiness to draft for a few turns, but you might be able to do it. Many of our cities have lost 4-7 population in the last couple of turns, but fortunately almost all of those are growing at at worst every other turn, so they should be back up to full strength before long. I think you can keep most of the interesting tiles worked anyway - I haven't completely eviscerated any cities just for factories, I don't think.

It's going to be very tricky to make more progress than merely killing off Greece, sadly. Liz already has Infantry lying around, and we just don't have the production capacity to make any dent in that in the next 10 turns. That was always going to be the way it went, though. I've been focusing primarily on building up the production base so that next set, when we can actually build things like Tanks, we'll have the production capacity to build and draft and whip and buy like crazy. You think the power graph's been fun to look at in our previous sets? I think we can set ourselves up to beat that by a large margin next set. The railnet that should be in place long before then will help a lot as well - it's been *painful* moving the newly produced Artillery and Infantry around. It's taken some of them the whole ten turns just to get to the front, I think! Railroad will be in in a few turns, and though we don't have a whole lot of workers, we should have enough to either do all of Madrid's mines or put in most of the core military railnet, your choice.

The three Engineers at Madrid get us the Coal Plant in 2 turns rather than 3, so that it can get back to military production ASAP. After that it should go straight back to full growth - we have very little use for any specialists at all at the moment, especially with the population reduction that just hit the country, uh, somehow.

Granada is a serious powerhouse now that it's got the Levee, and will only become more so as the last few Villages fill out into Towns. It's also been prime drafting territory, what with the Globe Theatre and Sushi. Speaking of sushi, if you do get the chance to fit in a few more executives, I'd jump at the chance. The difference in versatility between the cities with it and the cities without has been so noticeable that I might even consider building them from Madrid once the Coal Plant has finished.


One last thing: Roosevelt will declare on Suleiman for Assembly line, which doesn't hold all that much value to us since several AIs already have it and the Pentagon was built before we even got it. This might be worth doing, as Sully seems to be winning the war against Wang Kon (as our spy in the area can attest), and we have no particularly significant use for good relations with him as he won't trade with us anyway and he'll be a priority target next time around. It'll be good to create bad blood in the west - if we can get an AI to dogpile with us in the attack next time it should be very nice for distracting defenders.



PS: T-Hawk: I'm afraid I won't be able to play more turns, I'm away from my Civ computer until Tuesday now. However, depending on what time zone darrell was in when he said 'tomorrow noontime', that might not have happened yet.

View attachment RBTS7 - Survivor AD-1800.CivBeyondSwordSave
Yeah, I figured it was more important to have the production to finish it in a sensible amount of time than to start it immediately. Maybe darrell will be nice and start it in Madrid for you (Madrid still has vastly more production than any of our other cities, I believe). The Ironworks, too, just take too long if you try to build them before the factory/coal plant, which I'm admittedly rather more sad about than I am about the Apollo Program. I'd have rushed it, but I got yet another Great Prophet from Madrid, which wasn't really so much use as anything else.

Darrell most definitely won't be nice. Darrell will focus 100% on killing both England and Greece, because he failed at it last time. Darrell will sacrifice anything to accomplish those objectives. Anything.

Got it, should play in about 4 hours.

I lied...twice. I played now, save attached. Report in four hours. And I didn't even declare on Elizabeth :(.


I lost this game for us my last turnset when I didn't secure the north :blush:.



  • RBTS7 - Survivor AD-1820.CivBeyondSwordSave
    467.5 KB · Views: 60
So by my count:

Space 1 - mostly_harmless
Space 2 - sunrise
Domination 1 - Garath
Domination 2 - darrelljs
Cultural 1 - timmy827 <<<UP NOW
Cultural 2 - T-hawk <<< On Deck

Regarding the Iron Works: Madrid's two national wonder slots were filled long ago with the National and Heroic Epics. Toledo still has one slot available. As the corp HQ, I expected Toledo to get Wall Street, but I'd also be happy to put the Iron Works in our trailing cultural city. :) (Although our 20 turns may want to prioritize one of the "Hit resource" wonders with +50% culture in Toledo, if any are available. Or we might spend the whole time on cathedrals.)

That said, the IW isn't all that game breaking. It's only additive with forge/factory/power plant, so it only adds +50% to the total output of an industrialized city. It's best when built early, before the other hammer multipliers come into play.

Yes, Sid's Sushi is amazing. As someone commented in the Bakumatsu Epic reports, you can live with a shortage of hammers or commerce, but food is everything. Food converts into everything else you need: hammers (via mines, workshops, whipping), commerce (plains cottages, specialists), espionage (spies, whip jails), Great People (specialists), military (whip, draft). And Sid's Sushi is so much more amazing than Cereal Mills, because seafood typically outnumbers grain resources by at least three to one on a map with any amount of water.
Broadway is already built and I don't think it'll be possible to research Radio and build R&R in 20 turns, so I think focus on religion spreading is best.
Revolt to Free Speech and OR (duh). We can probably stay in slavery to whip temples and missionaries in our outlying cities - because it's time for us to stop researching and use the culture slider which will also take care of the Emancipation (whip, draft, etc....) :mad:
Okay, start off and see what Garath means about not being able to take on England this turn. We just don't have troops or logisitics. If I had taken Alex as a vassal when I had a shot, then focused my forces on England when we had the Calvary to Musketmen advantage, I'm sure I would have been able to vassalize her but oh well.

I see if I can stir the pot a bit but no one is willing to go to war, except Zara Yaqob since he has enough on his hands. We've got tons of population to use, I mean abuse. Draft three troops, whip every city that can take it. That was pretty much my MO, we *badly* need a bigger army. I'd draft the three happiest cities every turn and whip when I could. This proved tedious. Argos is heavily garrisoned, we have no siege, and Cavs stink against Rifles:

Three turns later, and it gets bloody:

Ouch. The city fell next turn, but ouch. Lost an Artillery, 5 SAM Infrantry, and 3 Calvarly (including Zhuge Liang). That stupid geek still won't capitulate. At least I could do this:

Four painful turns later I can finally take Athens, and Alex throws in the towel:

Hastings is so bad Liz won't even take it back:

Hmm..didn't someone want to start the Apollo Program?

Glad to help, no thanks necessary (and unfortunately, Hastings revolted immediately). I'm now faced with quite the dilema. I have the forces I need to vassalize Elizabeth, but only 3 turns to do it in. Rather than declare, take a city, and watch the beatniks give the farm back to make peace, I'll just park the stacks on the border for the next 40 turns. Sigh.

Mining Inc. was founded by Suleiman, in what can only be called bad news. We finished researching Combustion, clearly Industrialism is next. Final power graph:


I queued up Ironworks and West Point already, but you guys can (and no doubt will) override the locations.

T-hawk: I'm going to be on road most of tomorrow and busy tonight so I have to play by about 8 hours from now - any tips would be appreciated (I'm only seeing general discussion in your last post). The big one is whether you agree that turning off research is desirable or if you want to try to land Rock n'Roll.

Semi-classified information:
Spoiler :

My earlier comment about no GP was totally off base, forgetting that Madrid has the food to run many specialists. We may still want Pacifism but since that's expensive with a giant army, I would wait on it probably until your turnset. Suggest running engineers + artists, a GE for CreCon would be awesome.

We only need 4 spreads each of Christianity and Hinduism to get max cathedrals (yeah, the ones in Toledo are the most important by far and we don't need spreads to build those, but we may as well as there's not much else useful to build in Madrid and Granada, and building culture directly gives you the weak production modifiers instead of free speech and cathedral boni).

Assuming not building R&R, the only important tech left is Mass Media, we could probably get there and get the towers up in 20 turns. But I think Radio will be researched by our next set and we'll be in a better position by running the slider now.

I say to research Radio. R&R is a pretty close call; the tech will take about 10 turns, leaving 10 turns for the 800-hammer wonder. Toledo can do about 60H/turn max, but with a timely whip (boosted by factory/powerplant), it might just make it.

But the other reason we need Radio is the EIFFEL TOWER. We won't have time for both Radio and Mass Media to build actual broadcast towers. Madrid should have the power to do Eiffel in 10 turns. If we run Pacifism, Madrid will have enough GPP easily for one GP on our turn, so it can work the hills to do the wonder. Also we can flip to Bureaucracy/Slavery late for a whip with extra mileage. (Of course, you can research Radio and see how soon we get there, then decide whether to go on to Mass Media or cut off research and build Eiffel instead.)

Both Toledo and Madrid will need workshops over some farms.

We can pop one GP from Madrid, though the type will be a crapshoot. I agree that an engineer for CreCon would be awesome, or an artist to settle in Toledo.

We should run Pacifism. It won't help Madrid; we can easily get one GP from it but can't get two. But Pacifism can cash out a GP from Granada at pretty good artist chances. Math: 2 GP from Madrid needs 1050 + 1600 GPP = 2650. Over 20 turns that's 132/turn. It has 10 from wonders, and x3 from NE and Pacifism. 102 GPP/turn takes 11.3 specialists, but the city can't run THAT many.

Granada needs 733 GPP or 36/turn. With Pacifism, it'll have 4x2 from wonders, so needs only 28/turn to pop a GPP on our turnset. That's 5.6 specialists average, which I think it can do. (Make sure Granada pops at 1400 GPP then Madrid at 1600, of course.)

Other civics: Free Speech duh. Caste will be necessary to run artists in Madrid and Granada (plus the workshop hammer may help.) I wish we could run Mercantilism, but the corporate costs will kill us, we'll need to keep Free Market. Representation or UnivSuff seems a close call, but I think Rep wins to get to Radio faster.

Short-term builds: Madrid is going to be unhealthy, so it should do a hospital and maybe Public Transportation while we research Radio. Toledo can start right in on a Christian Cathedral and can hopefully get in a Hindu one before Radio/R&R. Granada should probably do a Hindu Temple (need only one more to unlock Toledo's Hindu Mandir.) Everybody besides the legendary cities should just build Research/Wealth, maybe a few more Hindu/Christian temples.

Fix resource deals - we're selling a crab and a clam, and could import a rice from Roosevelt. Also, there is gold-per-turn available from both Roosevelt (20) and Zara (19), which would help greatly in having enough economy to make Radio in time.
Ah, there's the overwhelming detail I was expecting (only fair, given my how-to-get-Sushi dissertation last time:D)

I say to research Radio. R&R is a pretty close call; the tech will take about 10 turns, leaving 10 turns for the 800-hammer wonder. Toledo can do about 60H/turn max, but with a timely whip (boosted by factory/powerplant), it might just make it.

But the other reason we need Radio is the EIFFEL TOWER. We won't have time for both Radio and Mass Media to build actual broadcast towers. Madrid should have the power to do Eiffel in 10 turns. If we run Pacifism, Madrid will have enough GPP easily for one GP on our turn, so it can work the hills to do the wonder. Also we can flip to Bureaucracy/Slavery late for a whip with extra mileage. (Of course, you can research Radio and see how soon we get there, then decide whether to go on to Mass Media or cut off research and build Eiffel instead.)

Well, that decision will likely rest with you since as you noted Radio will take most of my set to research. In terms of how to get broadcast towers either path would probably work, MM is only 60% as expensive. However, if Eiffel is feasible I like that plan, since we can then turn all of the beakers for MM into culture slider.

Both Toledo and Madrid will need workshops over some farms.

We can pop one GP from Madrid, though the type will be a crapshoot. I agree that an engineer for CreCon would be awesome, or an artist to settle in Toledo.

We should run Pacifism. It won't help Madrid; we can easily get one GP from it but can't get two. But Pacifism can cash out a GP from Granada at pretty good artist chances. Math: 2 GP from Madrid needs 1050 + 1600 GPP = 2650. Over 20 turns that's 132/turn. It has 10 from wonders, and x3 from NE and Pacifism. 102 GPP/turn takes 11.3 specialists, but the city can't run THAT many.

Granada needs 733 GPP or 36/turn. With Pacifism, it'll have 4x2 from wonders, so needs only 28/turn to pop a GPP on our turnset. That's 5.6 specialists average, which I think it can do. (Make sure Granada pops at 1400 GPP then Madrid at 1600, of course.)

Other civics: Free Speech duh. Caste will be necessary to run artists in Madrid and Granada (plus the workshop hammer may help.) I wish we could run Mercantilism, but the corporate costs will kill us, we'll need to keep Free Market. Representation or UnivSuff seems a close call, but I think Rep wins to get to Radio faster.

Why would the corporate costs kill us? Only 6 cities, looking at that advisor a 25% difference would only be 12GPT (plus inflation, but much less expensive than say Pacifism.) OTOH, I don't understand why we would want Merc, look at the trade route income in Madrid and Toledo. I don't think a free specialist would make or break our GP plans and would be a big economic loss.

Agree with Rep, once we get to the wonder-building US can squeeze some more hammers out of Toldeo. I disagree on Caste for the moment - Granada can run 5 artists without it, and if we go for the engineer in Madrid 3eng + 1 artist (the engys alone won't quite make it to 1600) w/o Caste is ok. Happiness is a potential problem and Emancipation is a useful thing for the moment. I think that (if we go Eiffel instead of Mass Media) we can revolt to Caste then - the +1 workshops will be helpful in building the wonders, and happiness won't be an issue once we start running the culture slider.

Short-term builds: Madrid is going to be unhealthy, so it should do a hospital and maybe Public Transportation while we research Radio. Toledo can start right in on a Christian Cathedral and can hopefully get in a Hindu one before Radio/R&R. Granada should probably do a Hindu Temple (need only one more to unlock Toledo's Hindu Mandir.) Everybody besides the legendary cities should just build Research/Wealth, maybe a few more Hindu/Christian temples.

Fix resource deals - we're selling a crab and a clam, and could import a rice from Roosevelt. Also, there is gold-per-turn available from both Roosevelt (20) and Zara (19), which would help greatly in having enough economy to make Radio in time.

Sounds good, in agreement (except for Christian temples, we have 5 Christian cities and already have enough for one cathedral, and upon further thought I think the other two cities are far enough ahead of Toledo that a trip into OR isn't worth it on this set).

Will post the results in a few hours.

EDIT: uh, that didn't happen. Computer issues are slowing playing to a crawl, even though all but a handful of cities are on wealth and I'mv only ordering 10 workers around. I will get this up before I leave tomorrow.
Why would the corporate costs kill us? Only 6 cities, looking at that advisor a 25% difference would only be 12GPT (plus inflation, but much less expensive than say Pacifism.) OTOH, I don't understand why we would want Merc, look at the trade route income in Madrid and Toledo. I don't think a free specialist would make or break our GP plans and would be a big economic loss.

Oh, 6 cities, and only about 12 sushi resources. I'm used to spreading Sid's Sushi everywhere the second I get it with half a hundred seafoods. :) We'd want Merc for the Representation synergy, which is just about as much research as the FM trade route, and the GPP insurance in Madrid and Granada. We can still take it midstream after Radio if we want. And OK, agreed on Emancipation over Caste for the moment.
Whew. I'm squeezing this in between a Beethoven/Mozart concert and my chamber music vacation. The report is a bit hurried as a result, but I was in a very cultured frame of mind while playing:)

IHT - switch almost all cities to Wealth. Before civics - +171, 539 sci. After Rep, FS, Emancipation, Pacifism +132, 637.
Made some deals with FDR and Zara:

Now we can almost breakeven at 70% science, Radio in 9 and will likely drop as our cities grow.

T1 - Beg 100 from FDR. Workers head back to the center and workshop over some farms.

T2 - FDR builds his Apollo. Suleiman has Radio. We're back to Friendly with him, but since somebody vassalized Alex we are still in WFYABTA :mad:

Trades for sushi resources keep coming available but at this point I can generally only offer GPT.

Sulei and Roosy make peace on turn 5 or so. Also, has anyone else noticed that FDR's favorite civic is Mercantilism? Bizarre.

Anyways, Radio is done on turn 7. Revolt to Caste and US. R&R in Toledo and Eiffel in Madrid will both complete well within T-hawk's set, the only worry is that Sulei might nab one of them.
Granada goes to 10 artists - need to make up for lost time as the city needed to grow at the beginning of my set. .

And of course, turn on the culture slider, we can sustain 70% with a slight deficit. This puts each of our 3 goal cities at over 500 culture/turn. At the end of my turns, Madrid and Granada are almost halfway there, and Toledo is at 13000 or so. Also, Seville's borders expand on my last set and now enclose the fish. We now control 24 Sushi resources.

Towards the end of the set, Liz also builds Apollo Program, and signs a fitting defense pact with FDR

T-hawk: Right now Granada will pop before Madrid, Madrid needs to keep its artist to make it to 1600 by the end of your set. However, if you want to pop Madrid first Granada could still make it to 1600. I favor Granada first, giving Madrid more time will tilt the odds towards Engineer a bit more (but they still won't be good). OTOH, we could pop Madrid first to tilt the odds at Granada towards artist. I'll trust you to do the math on settling vs. bombing an artist.

Toledo has a partial Hindu cathedral in the queue (wanted to grow the city before starting the wonder so only could finish the Christian one), should be able to complete that as well.

Hatty can sell us wheat for 23 GPT, or stone + 12. Toledo is now unhealthy so that may be worth doing. Keep checking for chances to buy seafood with GPT, I had 4 or so pop up.

I put workers back on railroad duty once they finished reconfiguring our cities for wonder production, but their route-to orders should all be canceled if you spot something you want to change.
Got it and analyzed. Will play tomorrow (Monday) night most likely.

Well done on researching and setting up for the wonders. Seems like every culture turnset is on the verge of "just maybe we can get X done" and then we make it with three turns to spare. :goodjob:

On artist settle vs bomb, Toledo will have +400% culture by the end of my turnset (Hermitage, 4 cathedrals, R&R, Broadcast Tower), so the payback horizon is 4000/(14*5) = 50 turns. We'll still take longer than that to reach victory so settling is still correct. (Typically bombing is only right in the VERY late game, with the last artist, or last two at most.)

There's another potential use for a Great Artist: Civilized Jewelers. We have 3 of its resources, so that plus the 2 from the corp HQ itself is 14 culture, same as settling an artist. Think I should go for researching MM for that, or just sink the economy into culture slider instead?

I want Madrid to pop the GP first, so that if it is an engineer, we have time to spread CreCon execs to the other two cities. Also Granada is not likely to produce another GP so better to have it go to 1600 and let Madrid save the 200 cheaper points for its next GP. Granada is quite likely to pop a Scientist, actually. If we get one, should he go for an Academy in Toledo (+4 culture), or is that too much research for the spacers?

Wang Kon is building some wonder in his capital - the Sabotage Production cost in his capital is over 15K EPs. Guess we'll find out which one when he either beats us to it or cashes out with a grand in his treasury.
Seems like every culture turnset is on the verge of "just maybe we can get X done" and then we make it with three turns to spare.

Yeah, this one should have been easy to see coming since many of our cities were growing quickly, recovering from the last players' whip and draft binge.

Wang doesn't have Radio;) It's probably his Apollo. Thanks for pointing out though - hadn't realized you could check that even without a spy. Sulei is the only one with Radio still, although his Sabotage EP cost is also high - around 8K.

According to this and this, if I'm parsing them correctly:

Forment Unhappy base cost = 120, for us it's 284, so the base cost of sabotaging Sulei's production is about 3360, or 560 hammers at 6 EP per hammer. That's not good if it's R&R, ok if it's Eiffel (he has no iron so I'm sure Madrid will outrace him from that tied position). Hopefully its his Apollo, or CR.

EDIT - Sorry, was in a rush and didn't see the Jewelers question. Since it's the same culture as a settled artist for now I would just settle since that's 5 or so more turns of culture slider.
So as mentioned, I want Madrid to pop a GP before Granada, so reconfigure it with one more artist. (If both cities are scheduled to pop on the same turn, Madrid will go first.) Doesn't even lose a turn off Eiffel thanks to Timmy's great setup. :goodjob:

It feels weird to have Granada as a legendary city not building _something_, so I put it on an aqueduct. It will have health problems if it grows, so in the long term that'll let it run more artists.

1844 AD: UGH, bastige Suleiman beats us to Rock N Roll. :mad:

Well, that means I can have Toledo start Cristo Redentor just for the +5 culture; it'll complete in 8 turns. The Rock N Roll refund provides enough cash to rush its Hindu Mandir without losing a turn towards CR.

1848 AD: Wang Kon completes his Apollo. Suleiman got his a couple turns later too.

1850 AD: At least we got Eiffel Tower as planned. Dominators, have fun with the faster culture pops. :)

1852 AD: Madrid's Great Person.... is an Engineer! Woo! He incorporates Creative Constructions in Toledo. +21 culture now, up to +30 after importing three irons from Zara.

I reassign Madrid to max artists, to store up some Great Artist points hopefully to cash out on our next turnset. (I don't think the other teams will attempt to cash out a GP.) I also cash-rush a CreCon executive from scratch in Toledo, still hoping to finish Cristo Redentor there on my turnset.

1856 AD: UGH, bastige Hatshepsut beats us to Cristo Redentor! :mad: We missed it by 2 turns.

1858 AD: Granada cashes out a Great... Artist! He settles in Toledo of course.

We get a culture revolt in Diyarbakir, the Ottoman city closest to us on the west side.

I did get CreCon spread to the other two legendary cities. It's producing a not inconsiderable +5 hammers, which might be worth spreading to other production cities.

I bumped Toledo's culture from about 720 to 1120/turn, with the broadcast tower, fourth cathedral, second corp, and settled artist. (That's at 70% slider.) It's currently at 20714 culture. The win is listed as 27 turns from now, though of course it'll take at least twice that long when we get switched out of Free Speech, the culture slider drops, and it stops running artist specialists. Philistines. ;) :mischief:


  • RBTS7 - Survivor AD-1860.CivBeyondSwordSave
    483.8 KB · Views: 74
I bumped Toledo's culture from about 720 to 1120/turn, with the broadcast tower, fourth cathedral, second corp, and settled artist. (That's at 70% slider.) It's currently at 20714 culture. The win is listed as 27 turns from now, though of course it'll take at least twice that long when we get switched out of Free Speech, the culture slider drops, and it stops running artist specialists. Philistines. ;) :mischief:

Too bad there isn't a cultural equivalent of :hammer:.
:band: doesn't quite cut it, a smiley face playing a harp would be better...

Tough luck on those wonders, but as that progress report indicates it seems like we're in fine shape. And some bad luck on wonders was due after good luck on getting the GPs for the corps.

Clarification for the lurkers - Hatty got the Cristo Redentor. We are the most-tripolar Isabella:D
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