The Book of Malinese Memories.
It was 4000 BC. The Malinese People, from everywhere, have joined the Great Council idealized by my father. After three days of discussions, the council decided to elect me the Great Leader of the future Malinese Empire.
It was necessary more three days of planning and preparation. The people were divided into two groups. The first one, formed by the youngest people was sent to the southwest direction. They became a group of warriors.
The second one, was sent with me and my family to the north direction. In 3980 BC we found a good place to settle the center of the Empire. The people has prayed and has thanks to the gods for that.
The region is very beautiful, surrounded by forests, a nice river and a lake of very pure water. The settlement was called Segou. The river and the lake were called Segou River and Segou Lake, in honor of the place. The very dense forest was called Segou forest, due the same reason.
The first group have continued the travel to the southwest and after few months have found a powerful river. From those hills they couldn't see the end of the river. The group estimates the it has six or more tiles, so, they decided call it The Great River.
Later, in 3920 BC, the warriors contacted a different people. The Berbers. The talks were friendly, the group reported. At the same year, a group of warriors have appeared near Segou. They present themselves as the French People.
I hope my people can live in peace with those two Empires.
The Leader of Mali.