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Realism Invictus

doesn't city maintenance slow empire increase (and simulate nicely the mechanics of overextension as in the roman case etc)? couldn't you just tweak the maintenance numbers to slow expansion?
doesn't city maintenance slow empire increase (and simulate nicely the mechanics of overextension as in the roman case etc)? couldn't you just tweak the maintenance numbers to slow expansion?
I do it myself by opening the XML file CIV4HandicapInfo and editing the values for the difficulty you are playing in. There should be a value like 75 or 65 for example, for maintenance distance and # of cities maintenance, and you can tweak those values to whatever you feel works best.

I have played the RevolutionDCM mod however and that was a much more innovative and fun way to deal with the massive empire issue.
Hello again RI guys!!

I'm currently playing a Ri game on last SVN (4387) from beginning to end, as I'm used to, and as always I'm enjoying it a lot, excepting an issue that is making it, not at all, but nearly unplayable:

Don't know if has something to do with the enemy civ (Polish) but the fact is that every turn I have a bizarre amount spy activities on my empire: sabotages, treasure pillage, and,which is the most annoying, technology steal :mad: I've calculated and it's completely impossible for the Polish empire having enough espionage points for making all those things, even in case they dedicate all the money to espionage, and it happens EVERY TURN!! :eek: Specially in case of stealing tech, because there's no way I can strike back.

For a clear example, I have more cities (40 vs 30), and I'm a bit more advanced, and I need 80376 points:crazyeye: for stealing a f*****g tech... :cry: And they did TWICE, a turn and the following... And when I remove the techs from them with WBuilder, they steal them again :confused:

As a reference I have accumulated around 10000 points in all the game... Numbers are very explanatory, I think :scan:

So please tweak this "spy rampage", because it had never happened to me in any other RI play. The other civs have increased their spy activity, which was fun, but I see something is wrong for sure, and I'm playing on Noble difficult only... :(

There are another issues, but much less important, some have been commented before, so I don't mind. One thing I've observed is that the "Pinch" promotion does not seem to be applied on combat. Please review this.

And another two little things: the Ironclad unit should be more powerful, or should appear before. At present it's a nonsense ship. And the same for the Humvee IMHO it's a pitiful unit that appears too late.

I'll continue playing until the end, but hope you'll investigate this issue, it's completely annoying :sad: I'd upload a savegame if needed.

Regards ;)
I agree on the Espionage issue. I can not play a game with it on. It is clear that every single Civ concentrates on building ships and spies just to send to my land. It is overwhelming and irritating. I haven't played with Espionage enabled for quite some time.
I find espionage is pretty manageable if you station spies in your vulnerable cities. But it could probably could use some tweaking at some point in the future.

Also I just want to say that the Art update is absolutely amazing, great job guys!
Hello again RI guys!!

I'm currently playing a Ri game on last SVN (4387) from beginning to end, as I'm used to, and as always I'm enjoying it a lot, excepting an issue that is making it, not at all, but nearly unplayable:

Don't know if has something to do with the enemy civ (Polish) but the fact is that every turn I have a bizarre amount spy activities on my empire: sabotages, treasure pillage, and,which is the most annoying, technology steal :mad: I've calculated and it's completely impossible for the Polish empire having enough espionage points for making all those things, even in case they dedicate all the money to espionage, and it happens EVERY TURN!! :eek: Specially in case of stealing tech, because there's no way I can strike back.

For a clear example, I have more cities (40 vs 30), and I'm a bit more advanced, and I need 80376 points:crazyeye: for stealing a f*****g tech... :cry: And they did TWICE, a turn and the following... And when I remove the techs from them with WBuilder, they steal them again :confused:

As a reference I have accumulated around 10000 points in all the game... Numbers are very explanatory, I think :scan:

So please tweak this "spy rampage", because it had never happened to me in any other RI play. The other civs have increased their spy activity, which was fun, but I see something is wrong for sure, and I'm playing on Noble difficult only... :(

There are another issues, but much less important, some have been commented before, so I don't mind. One thing I've observed is that the "Pinch" promotion does not seem to be applied on combat. Please review this.

And another two little things: the Ironclad unit should be more powerful, or should appear before. At present it's a nonsense ship. And the same for the Humvee IMHO it's a pitiful unit that appears too late.

I'll continue playing until the end, but hope you'll investigate this issue, it's completely annoying :sad: I'd upload a savegame if needed.

Regards ;)

First off the current SVN is 4487, you are two months behind on updates.
They changed the update path a little while back it is now:

I'm not having these espionage issues, are you keeping one of your own spies in each city? Are you performing regular counter espionage missions? Is it possible that the Polish are getting multiple Great Spies and using them against you to get massive espionage points?Also, in the past you have mentioned that you "tweak" the game here and there, are you sure it's nothing you've altered that could be causing this?
Hello again RI guys!!

I'm currently playing a Ri game on last SVN (4387) from beginning to end, as I'm used to, and as always I'm enjoying it a lot, excepting an issue that is making it, not at all, but nearly unplayable:

Don't know if has something to do with the enemy civ (Polish) but the fact is that every turn I have a bizarre amount spy activities on my empire: sabotages, treasure pillage, and,which is the most annoying, technology steal :mad: I've calculated and it's completely impossible for the Polish empire having enough espionage points for making all those things, even in case they dedicate all the money to espionage, and it happens EVERY TURN!! :eek: Specially in case of stealing tech, because there's no way I can strike back.

For a clear example, I have more cities (40 vs 30), and I'm a bit more advanced, and I need 80376 points:crazyeye: for stealing a f*****g tech... :cry: And they did TWICE, a turn and the following... And when I remove the techs from them with WBuilder, they steal them again :confused:

As a reference I have accumulated around 10000 points in all the game... Numbers are very explanatory, I think :scan:

So please tweak this "spy rampage", because it had never happened to me in any other RI play. The other civs have increased their spy activity, which was fun, but I see something is wrong for sure, and I'm playing on Noble difficult only... :(

Out of curiosity, are you focusing your espionage efforts towards the polish in defense?

If you have few espionage points towards them, and they have focused all their efforts on you, I'm pretty sure you get a penalty on actions you wish to take against them, while they get discounts! So that "80,000" points might actually be a lot less for them.

And, as others have said, station spies in your top cities that are vulnerable. Counter agents work wonders at reducing their chances.

And yeah, make sure you update to the most recent changes when you get a chance.
Hi all, in my recent game (pre culture update, sadly), I experienced for the second time a bug where the game converts me with no warning when I change another civic. In this case, I went from despotism to monarchy and mysteriously found that I had also been changed to Judaism without having so much as entered the religion screen. Is this bug known?

Hi all, in my recent game (pre culture update, sadly), I experienced for the second time a bug where the game converts me with no warning when I change another civic. In this case, I went from despotism to monarchy and mysteriously found that I had also been changed to Judaism without having so much as entered the religion screen. Is this bug known?


Nevermind, I went back to my earlier save and saw that it was a result of spy activity. They can do that??
Nevermind, I went back to my earlier save and saw that it was a result of spy activity. They can do that??

Yes. :D
Spies can force a religion change. Not very easy to do but fun against your main opponent.

As for other players complaining against the spy activities, we all know that they can be very boring. But who likes to be spied on ?
But never forget:
- some leaders have a powerful trait giving a huge bonus to espionage: Politician.
- some leaders have a drawback trait giving a large malus to espionage: Arrogant.
- unprotected, you will almost be spied on every turn.
- Many wonders and buildings can give interesting bonus to espionage: Tavern, some Pagan Temples, Ishtar Gates, etc. Cumulated, all these small bonus can - in the end - make a real difference.
To add to what Yann posted, AI in last revisions is (likely mistakenly) very fond of spy specialists. You can bet at least half specialists AI allocates will be spies. As you can understand, they are able to make a lot of difference when it comes to espionage points.

I'm playing with the latest SVN (4490) and python error appears when I start a new Large Earth scenario. It is the first time it occurs (in other versions SVN everything was working fine).

Attached is an image with python initial error.


  • error.7z
    3.4 MB · Views: 74

I'm playing with the latest SVN (4490) and python error appears when I start a new Large Earth scenario. It is the first time it occurs (in other versions SVN everything was working fine).

Attached is an image with python initial error.

Huge Earth is also not working. I think some changes that were made to barbarians and didn't change the scenario. Playing in the automatic mode also saw that at least one event gave an error on my list of events.

I'm playing on SVN 4490 (I am in the process of updating to 4493) and when I try and load a saved game from 4489 I get the following errors on both a Triassic MP game and a custom SP RI Planet Generator map;

'failed to uncompress data' 'Load Failed'

I'm playing on SVN 4490 (I am in the process of updating to 4493) and when I try and load a saved game from 4489 I get the following errors on both a Triassic MP game and a custom SP RI Planet Generator map;

'failed to uncompress data' 'Load Failed'

If I revert to 4489 they load. Was version 4490 a known save game breaker?

I'm playing on SVN 4490 (I am in the process of updating to 4493) and when I try and load a saved game from 4489 I get the following errors on both a Triassic MP game and a custom SP RI Planet Generator map;

'failed to uncompress data' 'Load Failed'

In general, unless specifically otherwise noted, a game started in a revision should be finished in that same revision. A change introduced in a new revision, even if it doesn't cause crashes directly, can affect an ongoing game in an unpredictable way. Only update to a new revision if starting a new game (or if it is explicitly said that the new revision fixes a bug you encountered in your current game).
yes, when added one new line in XML usually is game breaker.

In general, unless specifically otherwise noted, a game started in a revision should be finished in that same revision. A change introduced in a new revision, even if it doesn't cause crashes directly, can affect an ongoing game in an unpredictable way. Only update to a new revision if starting a new game (or if it is explicitly said that the new revision fixes a bug you encountered in your current game).

Thanks. Have the barbarians been made more 'AI' like? I mean do they act more like an AI civ now? Only reason I ask is in a new game I've started they built 3 cities close to my borders and they seem a lot more cohesive, linking them together and attacking my borders in stacks more.
Thanks. Have the barbarians been made more 'AI' like? I mean do they act more like an AI civ now? Only reason I ask is in a new game I've started they built 3 cities close to my borders and they seem a lot more cohesive, linking them together and attacking my borders in stacks more.

In a way, yes.
We tried to make the barbarians a real pain to the players and AI. At first, they only roam and seek for something to kill and/or plunder. If they succesfully settled, they will build their cities as huge barracks. I mean there: all their buildings are conceived to improve their war capacities. So, leaving a barbarian city growing up may be more dangerous in the long run than trying to destroy it as soon as possible.

If you use the last SVN version, take time looking to the pedia. You will have a good sum-up of their unique buildings. They are really powerful !

Now, as a player too, I can only recommand the promotions Pacification I to III to reduce the barbarian pressure.
One question. Do you have considered the possibility of incorporating the functionality of "Minimize AI Turn" which has C2C mod? I would like to play with huge scenarios but the turn duration run out my patience: P
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