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Realism Invictus

I'm playing a bit out of date SVN (4560), but it seems the Americans lack a 9:strength: light cavalry???
NON mais, ça pas d'allure merde!

There's an error in this french sentence. It's grammatically wrong. ;)

And....it's not polite ! :D

To all players:

What I read from the last posts may be summarized simply: most of you ask from a better diplomacy system.
That's a good idea....but it's not as easy as many can think. Meanwhile, we will (probably) have a look to what can be done.
Civman110 has a good point. I also find the -1 hit in diplo given when you refuse a demand (war, tribute, civic) harsh, and even more so when civs keep asking every now and than. It should either be neutral when you refuse (0 penalties) or at least you should benefit from your refusal with the civ you're not willing to close border with, declare war etc.
Oh, and Tachy is right about industrial age AI, I usually stop there because I am sure about the outcome.
I however never play with tech trading on.
Problem: AI dont shoot with the cannons/artillery when it defends a city. Only when attack with them. AI must use to defend too. Very easy the conquest.
To all players:

What I read from the last posts may be summarized simply: most of you ask from a better diplomacy system.
That's a good idea....but it's not as easy as many can think. Meanwhile, we will (probably) have a look to what can be done.

Hian, just out of curiosity what are the limitations on the diplo system? I know from hanging around the forums for awhile that the AI demands cannot be removed.
@tachywagon regarding forts.
Your right tye ai tries to avoid forts. In fact, ive yet to see a fort even get attacked, but thats an advantage.
The greeks on world map espesially profit as they can utilize mountains in asia minor and between poland to deny entire areas with reletively few units. By positioning the forts on hills bordering rivers you get a hefty offensive bonus. (Free amphipious, extra first strikes, strength bonus). I dont care if they attack the fort because my units are free at attack enemy stacks with a great bonus if they even come near it. The forts make good strategic resting point between attacks and the units inside can respond to threats from any cities in the area.

I dont know if its the greatest advice but its something i rely on with the greeks on emperor. When spain backstabbed me i managed to pick off their great stack and hold their forces away from my cities long enough for one of my main stacks to reinforce defenses and another to launch a naval attack deep in their territory. My main stacks were all the way in asia minor so it was i think 5 turns of holding bacm the powerful renaissance spainish army with a border defense.

I used light horses and random reserve infantry, but i think next time ill use camoflage light infantry for their cheap immunity to first strikes.

Oh almost forgot the biggest advantage, +1 sight range combined with the sight range upgrade to light horses.

Plus, forts look cool.
Maybe a little improvement could be: all the tiles in a square around a fort can't be pillage as long as the fort is alive?
Hian, just out of curiosity what are the limitations on the diplo system? I know from hanging around the forums for awhile that the AI demands cannot be removed.

I can't tell you. That's not me that look and update the code.
Meanwhile, Civ 4 diplo system is very (too ?) basic. That's a problem we all know.

Personnaly, I think that all civ games suffer from this weakness. We will probably have a look to this in 2014.
@tachywagon regarding forts.
Your right tye ai tries to avoid forts. In fact, ive yet to see a fort even get attacked, but thats an advantage.
The greeks on world map espesially profit as they can utilize mountains in asia minor and between poland to deny entire areas with reletively few units. By positioning the forts on hills bordering rivers you get a hefty offensive bonus. (Free amphipious, extra first strikes, strength bonus). I dont care if they attack the fort because my units are free at attack enemy stacks with a great bonus if they even come near it. The forts make good strategic resting point between attacks and the units inside can respond to threats from any cities in the area.

I dont know if its the greatest advice but its something i rely on with the greeks on emperor. When spain backstabbed me i managed to pick off their great stack and hold their forces away from my cities long enough for one of my main stacks to reinforce defenses and another to launch a naval attack deep in their territory. My main stacks were all the way in asia minor so it was i think 5 turns of holding bacm the powerful renaissance spainish army with a border defense.

I used light horses and random reserve infantry, but i think next time ill use camoflage light infantry for their cheap immunity to first strikes.

Oh almost forgot the biggest advantage, +1 sight range combined with the sight range upgrade to light horses.

Plus, forts look cool.

That's a good tactic. :goodjob:

On my side, I also use forts massively. Sometimes, on random maps, I build a small pack of forts that looks like a chess table. A kind of copy of the hedgehog defense tactic used during WW2.
Just noticed that the civia now have different color for the bonus an improvement can have, depending on tech, doctrine ect... And that's awesome! Thanks!

Hi everyone! For this auspicious birthday of mighty Sol Invictus (also celebrated as Christmas by some), we bring you the gift of 3.2 version of Realism: Invictus mod! Full two years have passed since last release, and we are very proud of what we achieved during that time. All you SVN users already know what to expect; for everyone else, here is a short list of changes (believe me, this one is short - whole two years of changes can make a very long list):

  • Added three new bundled random map scripts. While you may, as before, use any random map script you choose, these are balanced specifically for our mod and take special care when placing all the new features.
  • New scenario – Triassic Earth map. A what-if Earth map that places all civilizations on their approximate starting spots on continental plates in Triassic period, when all continents were joined into the original Pangaea supercontinent.
  • Old scenarios updated to incorporate 3.2 changes – new terrain features, new civs etc.

  • Added a set of derivative civilizations: these unplayable civs will spawn when a major civ releases a colony. You will no longer release Celts as China or Zulus as Aztec! Preferred derivative civ can also change over time. All of them have one leader, one NU and NB, and no NI.
  • Added two new playable civilizations: Austronesia and Transoxiana, with full appropriate set of leaders, flavor units, GP splashes, NU, NB, NI, etc.
  • Added many leaders to existing civilizations. No civilization currently has less than 4, most have 5-6. Tweaked traits of new and existing leaders to cover most available trait combos.
  • Trait Organized split into Legislator and Administrator.
  • When choosing civics, AI is now very conscious of their advantages and drawbacks and how they suit particular leaders’ playstyle.

  • Added a great deal of new agricultural terrain improvements to reflect the development of agriculture through history.
  • Your agricultural productivity now affected significantly by your technologies, civics and infrastructure. Take a time to read about it in the manual, the system is quite in-depth.
  • Citizens eat 3 food each. Don’t worry, the new system allows you to produce enough food in the long run.
  • Added new terrain features that will appear on most random maps and are used in scenarios: savannah, hot springs, fertile soils.
  • Added features to seas: reefs and small islands.
  • Fertile soil feature allows players to cultivate new instances of crop resources.

  • Added new World Wonders: Nazca Lines, Motherland Calls.
  • Added several new buildings with various uses, like trade posts and tailors.
  • All playable civilizations get unique National Improvements that allow them to capitalize on particular resources, use certain terrains in unconventional ways and other such stuff.
  • Buildings and Wonders can now modify outputs of other buildings, improvements and specialists, and this is put to a good use.
  • Desalinization plants can now provide fresh water to surrounding tiles.

  • Rebalanced recon units so they are now more suited to their main purpose (recon) and less suited for direct warfare.
  • Added several new classes of siege units: Napoleonic era artillery, mid-XIX century gun battery, WW1-era field and siege artillery, WW2-era self-propelled artillery.
  • Rebalanced and reworked siege units. They are also now better at their direct purpose, and some of them are also quite formidable on the battlefield. AI taught how to better use ranged bombardment.
  • Ranged bombardment now provides experience. Siege units can be promoted once again.
  • Added new and reworked many existing flavor units.
  • Very significantly reworked promotion tree.
  • Instead of one overcrowded malus, there is a whole new congestion system. Malus for too many units is now dependent on technology and on whether the stack is in the city or not.
  • Added one new and brought back several old doctrines.
  • Military unit costs increased across the board.
  • Significantly overhauled barbarians. XP gain from barbarians now capped, but there are special anti-barbarian promos that raise this cap.

  • Merged K-Mod and most of its awesome changes.
  • Reworked most civics. Some were removed and new added in their place. Overall all civic lines are now much more logical and somewhat better balanced. New civics have new buildings/wonders associated with them.
  • Having vassals no longer brings extra happiness.
  • Many tweaks in prerequisite techs for smoother technology progression. Tech costs rebalanced across the board for slower techs in later eras.
  • All difficulty levels are rebalanced. AI no longer gets undocumented bonuses, and all bonuses associated with different difficulty levels are now accessible through pedia.
  • New art era progression system – each art era gives you +10% to your culture output. Also tied to new system where instead of “culture bomb”, Great Artists are able to create various Great Works – minor World Wonders with large culture outputs.
  • Tons of new GP splashes added (around 600 new and many of old reworked).
  • Two new flavors for Solar Cult: Mediterranean civs get Cult of Sol Invictus, African and Middle Eastern civs get Cult of Aten with all corresponding buildings, wonders and missionaries (changes are purely cosmetic, all the gameplay effects stay the same).
  • Many buildings that didn’t have those before get cultural flavor looks for less patchwork-looking cities. Some new citystyles added for more diversity.
  • Tons and tons of unit art files updated or replaced by better models. Unit scales adjusted to be more consistent. Most models and textures used are also less complex, leading to less system strain.
  • National and heroic epics are now civ-flavored, with appropriate button art.
  • Added new main menu background and music.
  • Added new music for several eras.
  • Added voiceovers for all techs that were missing them.

  • 100% reworked new pedia interface that offers much more information on different gameplay aspects, with robust search and filtering features. Other screens also reworked with a lot of small tweaks providing interface hints for various RI aspects.
  • There should no longer be any leaders with bugged greetings messages.
  • Rebel slaves and serfs now increase in strength every era, as originally intended (a couple of era transitions were missing).
  • Fixed many typos and a lot of bad grammar in the text files.
  • Fixed most leftover bugs and incorrect references in BtS events and quests.
  • Fixed all overlapping keyboard shortcuts. All shortcuts now assigned to unique key combos.
  • Lots of code optimizations make the mod much quicker.

Get the new version here:

Full version (download link).

Light version
(download link).

Happy holidays everyone!
HO HO HO! Merry Xmas! tyvm RI team for all your hard work.
The long wait makes the payoff all the more sweeter. If only I weren't in the middle of an exceptionally interesting 3.1 game as Zulus right now... Shouldn't take more than a day or two...

*Re-reads changes.*

Yeah, so much for 3.1. Gotta make room for the new. Downloading.

Merry Christmas, everyone! RI team especially!
Woohoo! I'll be able to play from now on without the long 20 min of loading. Merry Christmess everyone!
Wow! What a Christmas Gift! I'm so excited to try it!

RI Team all your hard work is very much appreciated. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Wow! I'm thrilled and in high spirits! Thank you for all of your efforts and dedication.

I instantely downloaded it, yet I can't install it due to an "ISIS error". Any idea how I fix this?
Wow! I'm thrilled and in high spirits! Thank you for all of your efforts and dedication.

I instantely downloaded it, yet I can't install it due to an "ISIS error". Any idea how I fix this?

Most likely your download was interrupted before it was finished. The installer file is incomplete and fails the integrity check. Full installer should be 725264815 bytes.
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