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Religions+ Brainstorming

It is written to have hit on in remaining the nature it.
Sorry my broken English.

  • Add Altar of Religions.
  • Add upper changes for each religions by my arbitrary decision and prejudice.
  • (1)(2) changes doesn't break the game, I think. (3) and more are...I don't know now.

The Order
  1. Incense might be discovered.
  2. All other civilization's Savant become yours Acolyte and all other civilization's Ritualist become yours Confessor while they are within your border.(not affects enemy units)
  3. Can Draft the Crusader only, no limit per turn and no unhappy.(requires Altar of the Order, Social Order, AC40 or more.)

  • Reagent might be discovered.
  • You are researching technology with bonus, if three players you have open borders agreements already have it.
    (comment:concepts by mini The Eyes and Ears Network)
  • Elder Council has +10% Reserch.(requires Altar of the Empyrean)

Runes of Kilmorph (requires Arete)
  • Gems might be discovered.
  • Peaks might change into the Hill.
  • Mines +1 Hammer.(requires Altar of Kilmorph)

Fellowship of Leaves (requires Hidden Paths)
  • Deer might be discovered.
  • Plains might change into Glassland.
  • Deer +5 Happy.(requires Altar of Leaves)

Council of Esus
  • Wine might be discovered.
  • Players might be blockade cities along border, eliminating trade routes and small amount of gold without declaring war.
    (comment:concepts by Naval blockade)
  • Combat victories produce +2 Gold and Guilds civics produce more +1 Gold. (requires Advanced Warfare)

Octopus Overlords (requires Mind Stapling)
  • Fish might be discovered.
  • Crazed units get Hidden Nationality when they Enraged. Combat victories destroy improvements on tile but get no gold.
  • Players reveals Pearl in Coast within border, and enables it.(requires Altar of the Overlords)
  • Fish +1 Happy, Crab +1 Happy, Clam +1 Happy.(requires Altar of the Overlords)

Ashen Veil
  • Sheut Stone might be discovered.(requires Necromancy)
  • All other civilization's Acolyte become yours Savant and all other civilization's Confessor become yours Ritualist while they are within your border.(not affects enemy units)
  • Players gets Barbarian Trait AC40 and 100, if they wants.(requires Altar of the Veil)

Altar of Religions are state wonder. It Costs 360 Hammer. They produces +2 Culture and Free temple of state religion every city.(requires state Palace, state religion, temple of state religion, Fanaticism)
Players can construct only one and only once.
The religion cannot change when the Altar of Religions is constructed. The probability of each (1) (2) rises greatly.
The religion can change when the city where the Altar of Religions was constructed is occupied.
I kind of like those ideas, but they may be better done as individual effects of altars of the luonnatars equivalents.

I also like the patriarch thing... with the exception that the Esus patriarch simply gets the Aerons chosen promotion, (Blood of Esus). If killed by a unit with the religion of Esus, they get the promotion, if killed by anything else, it passes to the next most powerful Esus unit, if there are no Esus units, it waits until the first new one is born. It would give plenty of reason for esus to hunt eachotehr out... but that is kind of what I like about Esus... it's kind of a religion of war and assassination, much like dark elf culture, where battle outcome is what determines what is "right".
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