Requested Mods

This one is kind of similar, if you're looking to add more game impacts resulting from happiness/unhappiness:

As far as adding new civs in game, it isn't difficult to do, using LUA and the Game.AddPlayer method. There is a hard limit of major civs allowed in the game (22 I think, unless using a DLL that bumps that count up). Never used it before, but it doesn't look complicated.

Hmmm.... The "Covert Operations" mod I'm working on now has a mission you can give to one of your operator units to attempt to steal an enemy city. I suppose it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to add the possibility of letting the target city either join the attacker's civ (the original plan) or to create a new civ altogether (assuming there weren't 22 civs already in game, and a few other adjustments to bring the civ up to the current level of the defending civ).


May test that a bit when I get the mod more finished. It is an interesting notion.
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Hi, im offering compensation if someone wants to help me create this mod.
Its an One Piece (anime/manga) Civilization.

Black Cat Pirates

Color - Black and dark green or black and purple.

Leader - Captain Kuro of a Hundred plans (Not butler clothes)

Unique Units - (Since Kuro thinks his minions are worthless pawns, he often has to do things by himself to get it right)
and thats why i want Kuro himself to be the UU.
You choose what unit he should replace, (maybe Great General?)
He is unique and therefore you can only have one.
His ability should be "Shakushi" he attacks all units adjacent to him (friend or foe.
His strength is determined by era, so he grows stronger by advancing in technology.

Second unique unit is Bezan Black (the Black Cat Pirates ship).
You choose what ship it will replace or when to get it.
It can carry one unit, and if that unit is Kuro, Bezan Black will be able to attack all adjacent units (friend or foe).

Ability - All units, except Kuro (general) are weaker.
Researching technology take double the amount of time but grants you a "free Tech" when finished.
Having allies or being at war slows down research further.

I based this build on how i experience the Black Cat Pirates, and Kuro (when hes a pirate, not butler). How he plans things to get the big reward he is looking for, and how he preferrs to stay unknown.

If something seems unbalanced or you have questions, you are free to ask me!
Im not sure yet, I think its up for discussion.
I want what works best and is most balanced ofc.

Are you interested in making the mod?
The ability to defy the world congress. Alternatively, if that is hardcoded and impossible, remove the non proliferation vote.
[REQUEST] Hi to all! How could I add right-click-on-icon on pregame screen. that will lead me to pedia? Like in True Alternative Leaders? I want simply add this feature to whoward's UniqueBonusEnhancements... Please, help!
This one should be easy, but I don't know what happened when I tried it. (It didn't work.)

Basically, make the galleass a bit weaker, and make it available on Optics. Either that, or a different unit that's available on Optics.

I tried the former, but I couldn't get it to work. I don't know why. But hey.
I don't usually play VP, mainly because of how different it is from base game, and I don't exactly have too much time to learn it.

But, I'll try it out later, I guess. Thanks!
I can think of several: 1) Navigable rivers, River trade, River ports, and Head of navigation; 2)Negotiation with Barbarians -- give them a chance to surrender, or be absorbed into your Empire; 3) the ability to negotiate Permanent Borders with neighboring Civs, and finally (for me the most important) a layered Grid System whereby the main grid would be drastically smaller than the one currently being used. This would put civs much further apart, terrain details much finer, and settlement layouts much more creative and realistic. In some games I have played you can pan in and pan out from one level of detail to another. At first one would build at the Local level and as the Civ grows you could switch to the Territorial level, and so forth. Eventually one could even play at a Planetary level. One thing this system would do, especially early on, is to put much greater emphasis on Exploration and Trade. After this would come Diplomacy, and so on. I hope these ideas pique your curiosity.
I have always wondered why they removed the ability to move on rivers like Civ IV. I mean if you settled a city on a river that was connected to the coast, you could send ships from that city that was not on the coast.
Is there a mod that shows tile improvements without total zoom in? To display a new farm for example i need to zoom in every time.
Ok, but this is not really a mod thing. It sound like a bug or something else. I never encountered this issue in my games.
Ok, but this is not really a mod thing. It sound like a bug or something else. I never encountered this issue in my games.
Well i though at least "invisible" farms are common bug and it's very strange that there is no terrain fix mod after so many years. And you telling that you can see appearance of new farms from any distance? Even with full zoom out?
… there is no terrain fix mod after so many years ...
The graphics engine source code was never released, so these kind of fixes are beyond what is possible with mods.

Farms are notoriously buggy - they are gpu intensive (all that waving wheat) and had a tendency to crash the game if there were a lot of them or if roads/rails crossed them.

Firaxis finally "fixed" this - IIRC part of that fix is to stop drawing them under certain circumstances. There's masses of discussion on these boards about it, but all several years ago - search for "arable"
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