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Requested Mods

I'm mainly interested in such thing as Rise of Mankind for "IV". Anyone knows whether there are efforts to do something huge like that? I read that "V" is too simple in comparison to ancestor, and some hardcore IV-players may be disappointed.
It would be great to enrich Civ5 of new civs, techs, units and add religion, it is very important factor of making history, I can't imagine how it could be not applied to the game. For now it's the biggest drawback (i did not play yet).
It would be great to have religion, espionage, map trading... and - of course - more civilizations, longer tech tree and more units :)
2. Replace the GDR with several more realistic near future/sci-fi units. Maybe an Osprey type gunship or a Reaper UAV type drone.

I'm actually really disappointed with the Future era. It's like "launch a ship or build a GDR, that's it." Even future Tech sucks, no more happy bonus, just a score bonus!?
Something like Rise of Mankind: More Tech, more units, more Civs, more turns...
I'm actually really disappointed with the Future era. It's like "launch a ship or build a GDR, that's it." Even future Tech sucks, no more happy bonus, just a score bonus!?

Yep, the future era is pretty meh as is. Some new units, techs, wonders and buildings would be good for that era.

Another idea for a more realistic future unit to replace the GDR could be a unit based on the MULE robotic infantry support vehicle for a future mech infantry, or a similar robotic future modern armor unit. These are actually being developed. Here's a link - http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/future-weapons/weapons/zone2/mule/mule.html
I'd like to see a mod to slow research times. I like having nice, long games with lots of time between eras, and a consistent problem I have with Civ 5 is that my research times often match or beat my unit production times, so I'm literally creating new units at the same rate at which I'm rendering them obsolete.
The game length feature is a nice tweak, but it adjusts the production and everything else too, which actually exacerbates the problem.
I think something to increase research times X3 or X4 would be helpful.
unsure if its been said before, but the ability to control where tax money goes - science, gold, culture... and if you could add espionage in too, then tack that onto the list.

truthfully, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a ROM: AND mod to civ v :goodjob:
Like many have said before me now. Rise of Mankind for Civ5! There is soo much potential to work with in 5 now, but soo much work. :sad:
I would like a realism mod for CiV V. Maybe something that turns it into Total War type realism eh? All of the Countries of the time, and all of them in the right starting location. Possible scripts where countries are made (or changed) in the future. Idk, are there any mods like that for CiV IV that might move to V?
Legends of Revolution for Civ 5. I want this more than anything else. Going from playing Civ 4 with LoR the day before Civ 5 came out, and managing rebellions and restive overseas colonies to Civ 5 with its global happiness meter was... disheartening.

LoR more than doubled my Civ 4 play time, and that's saying something. I hung on every single update they published because each time they made the game much better.

Failing that: better AI. There were some great standalone "Improved AI" mods from 4, and I would kill to have them back.
Reduced Production Cost for most buildings mod.

I would love whoever made one for that.
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